Chapter 10

Luna stayed there, unconscious and the dead bodies of the Felgroths lied around her. A horse rider, who had seen her fight the Felgroth from a distance, came out of the shadows. He was dressed in a black cape clock, his face was hidden. One can only see his blue eyes. He looked around and ran his horse towards Luna.

Dismounting, he shoved the dead bodies of the Felgroths away with his foot and made his way towards Luna. He took a detailed look at her beautiful, blood stained face. He looked at her gray clothes and hair and the sword that lied a few inches away. His eyes popped out when he realized that wasn't an ordinary sword. "Defender?". He said in his husky voice. Running to grab it, he was flabbergasted to know why she was gray. "Salvador Fireheart.. my name's Salvador Fireheart, son of Alastor Fireheart". He recalled someone's words. "You have to be her daughter, lady. I'm helping you for that sake". He said and lifted Luna up.


The rider carefully placed her on the horse and sat behind her, supporting her back. "Let's go, in the name of God". He murmured before kicking his horse into motion. It neighed and bolted forward, galloping swiftly toward the passage ahead.

As they entered the passage, the rider found himself emerging at the edge of a bustling marketplace. The scent of fresh fruits and vegetables filled the air, tickling his nose. It was early morning, and people were moving about, haggling and purchasing their goods. No one seemed to notice his arrival. Opting for the less crowded route, he navigated through the market quietly. This was Terrania, the human realm.

"What are you up to, Graves? And who is this?". An old man with a thick neck and sharp eyes addressed the rider as he stopped to fetch some water from a nearby stall.

"The Felgroth attacked her just beyond the passage in Eldoria. She needs an infirmary. I thought I’d help". Graves replied, his voice low and calm.

Luna was wrapped tightly in his cloak, her face hidden from view, so the stall keeper could barely see her.

"Is she an elf?". The man inquired.

"An angel, I think". He answered.

"An angel?". The man’s curiosity piqued as he straightened. "Mind if I take a look?".

"No!". He snapped, then softened his tone. "I mean, yes, but there's no time. I need to get her to Martha’s infirmary. She’s lost a lot of blood. Don't tell anybody about her, please".

"Alright, young man, I won't". The stall keeper handed him the clay cup of water and stepped aside.

"Thanks for the water". He muttered before urging his horse forward again, speeding away from the bustling marketplace.


The rider halted in front of a humble shed in the most impoverished part of the city. This was the infirmary for the poor. Gently, he lifted Luna from the horse and carried her inside.

Shoving aside the tattered, timeworn curtain, he raised his voice. "Martha, I need your assistance!". He carefully laid Luna on the nearest bed.

An older woman, Martha, approached, her hands rough from years of healing. "Who is she?". She asked hurriedly, moving to Luna’s side.

"She’s an angel". Noah replied.

"An angel?" Martha’s brow furrowed. "She’s grey, Noah".

"I know... daughter of an angel". He clarified with a shrug

"What happened to her?".

"Felgroth". Noah said grimly.

"Good God, those vile creatures". Martha shook her head. "I’ll do what I can to help her recover, my dear".

"Thank you, Martha". Noah said, his voice softening. "I’ll return later. And please, don’t tell anyone about her".

"Don’t worry". She assured him, moving quickly to put water on to boil in her old-fashioned stove.


Elion arrived at the palace, he looked weary. As he was about to enter the palace, Gabriel came out with King Thalion. "Your Highness!". He said with a grin.

"Angel Gabriel". Elion gave a nod.

Gabriel looked at him from head to toe. "My Prince, you need some rest".

"I don't..". He looked at his father and back to him. "Is everything alright? Why did you come here at this time?".

"I wanted to discuss something with your father". Gabriel replied. "How is she?".

Elion stared into his eyes, knowing who he was referring to. "As beautiful and determined as always".

Gabriel smiled. "May God help her with her task. It's good that she's gone before this news spread in these two realms".

Thalion and Gabriel shared a strange look.

"What news?". Elion asked, his brows furrowed.

"Your Majesty will let you know.. allow me to leave. I have to go back to Luminara". Gabriel said.

"Sure, Gabriel". Thalion gave a nod.

"Thank you, Your Majesty..". He said politely. His wings spread out, he flew up in the sky and in a few minutes, there was no sign of him.

"What was he talking about?". Elion asked.

Thalion sighed. "You should rest, we will talk about it in the morning".

Elion was curious but he was tired so he gave a nod and went inside.


It was now afternoon in the human realm of Terrania. Martha was tending the little children diagnosed with flu and fever.

Luna laid on the hard, rough bed. A thick curtain separated her from the rest of infirmary. The cries of the babies waiting for getting checked woke her up. She slowly opened her eyes, coughing the dust entering her nostrils from the surroundings. She frowned as she realized that moving was out of question. Every single inch of her body ached with pain.

"Is anyone there?". Luna called out.

The women talking at the other side fell silent as they heard her voice. After a while, Martha poked her head from one side of the curtain. "Welcome, my dear". She said lovingly.

Luna looked at her with marrow eyes. "Who are you? Where am I?".

Martha moved towards her and checked if she had a fever. "You're in Terrania and My name's Martha. Noah brought you with him. How do you feel?".

"Fine". Luna replied. She thought for a while and her eyes widened. "Where's my stuff? My sword and my-".

"It's with Noah. He said he'll come visit you soon. I will send someone to call him. You should rest till then". Martha interrupted her.

"Okay. But I don't know who this Noah is".

"He found you injured. Felgroth attacked you". She smiled affectionately.

"Oh right". Luna said.

Martha turned around and left.


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