Chapter 09

Elion had trained Luna to be a formidable fighter, and in just an elven month—equivalent to two lunar months—she had learned a great deal. Now, the time had come for her to continue her journey. As she meticulously packed her belongings, she tucked her sword and scroll under her robe. Just then, King Thalion entered the chamber, his hands clasped behind his back. Luna turned, surprised to see him.

"Your Majesty, is everything alright?". She asked.

"I came to bid you farewell on your journey". He replied with a warm smile. "There is a great responsibility on your shoulders, and I wish you the best of luck in fulfilling it".

"Thank you so much, Your Majesty". Luna responded with a polite smile. "And thank you for being so hospitable and taking such good care of me during my stay".

"It is our duty and our pleasure, my dear". King Thalion said kindly. "I'll leave you now to finish your packing".

"Thank you". Luna nodded. With that, King Thalion turned and left the chamber, allowing Luna to complete her preparations for the journey ahead.


Elion stood near the stables outside, gazing into the distance, lost in thought. Around him, elven soldiers moved about, performing their duties and chatting amongst themselves.

"Is something the matter?". Thalion cleared his throat, bringing Elion back to reality.

Elion turned around. "Father". He greeted with a gentle smile. "I was just thinking".

"Thinking of what?"

"Not letting her go". Elion's voice cracked as he looked down, trying to hold back tears.

"But she has to, Elion".

"Father... it's dangerous. She could die". Elion looked up at his father, his eyes filled with concern.

"What do you want me to do?". Thalion asked.

"Stop her. Tell her to forget about it".

"She won't listen". Thalion replied. "You have to let her go. And if she's meant to be in your destiny, you'll meet again".

Elion sighed deeply. "These days with her have been the best of my life. I wish I could relive them".

Thalion smiled, recognizing his son's love for Luna. "If she's your destiny, she'll come back to you". He said slowly.

"Can I go with her?". Elion asked.

"No".Thalion shook his head. "You can't. You have duties. But if you want, you can help her cross the Forest so no Felgroth attack her".

Elion nodded. "Thank you, Your Majesty".

"I expect you to take her safely to the borders". Thalion said, giving Elion a pat on the back before leaving.


Luna and Elion left the palace and embarked on their journey towards the border, traveling on foot since they didn't have horses. After half a day of walking, they reached the Eastern Forest and decided to take a break under a large tree.

Sitting down, Elion peeled a peach. "You mentioned the Eastern Forest has Felgroths, but I don't see any". Luna remarked.

Elion looked at her affectionately. "Why are you so innocent?". He chuckled. "Felgroths prefer to stay underground".

"How was I supposed to know that?". Luna replied.

"Well, I assumed you might have guessed since we didn't bring horses". Elion said with a smile.

Luna pondered for a moment. "Oh, is that why?".

Elion chuckled again as he took a bite of his peach. "Exactly. Horses' footsteps would alert the Felgroths. Some of them might still be roaming around, but you're safe with me. Don't worry". He assured her with a wink.

"Thank you, Your Highness". Luna said gratefully, returning his smile.


After resting for a while, they exited the forest and stopped, facing the passage that was still a few kilometers away.

"Terrania starts from there". He pointed at the passage. He took her hand. "Luna..". He looked into her eyes sadly as his other hand moved to caress her cheek. "I really want to go with you but my duties don't let me".

She smiled and touched his hand, that was on her cheek. "It's ok, Elion. You don't have to neglect your duties and your people for me. It's my quest and I'll go myself".

Elion smiled sadly. "Be safe, Luna. Keep that necklace I gave you, close".

"Sure, don't worry". She nodded and kissed him on his lips. Elion was reluctant to let go, he pulled her towards him tightly and kissed her deeply. "I will kiss you and I will wait for you".

"See you soon, Elion". Luna stepped away.

"See you.. soon". Elion swallowed a lump in his throat as he suppressed the tears to fall from his eyes.

Luna turned around and walked away, she looked back occasionally to Elion who was still standing there.

"Goodbye, Luna". He whispered, turned around and ran into the forest because he found it difficult to watch her walk away.


Luna was desperate ti take a break abd have some water so she stopped. The passage was still a kilometer away. Slowly, it was getting dark but she could still see clearly. The sun setting in the Elven Realm was something she enjoyed the most. She decided to stop and watch it for the last time but out of a sudden, an arrow came out of nowhere an landed in front of her foot.

She looked around to see where it came from. She knew it was the Felgroths and that scared her. Carefully retrieving her sword, she looked around. "Who is it? Show yourself!". She yelled.

A pair of Felgroths came out of nowhere from her left and a pair from left.

"You trespassed our territory, Greywing". The Felgroth said.

"Angel Gabriel threw you out of Luminara? Lost your way? Fell in love with the Elven Prince but he couldn't keep you?". The other said.

"I'm moving to Terrania, the King gave me full permission".

"The King of Eldoria has no rule over our land! He nothing but a mere elf". He roared.

"Surrender and come with us, Greywing. We promise your death will be an easy one". One of them said.

They moved closer to her.

"Don't come near me". She pointed her sword at them.

"You want to fight?". He chuckled.

"I will fight". Luna replied.

"Okay". He shrugged.

One of the Felgroths marched toward Luna. She took charge, swinging Defender in a swift arc, but the Felgroth was quick, dodging her attack. Luna recalled everything she had learned from Elion and fought fearlessly, evading each of her enemy’s strikes. The Felgroth suddenly pushed her to the ground, looming over her with his sword raised. Thinking quickly, Luna grabbed his leg, pulling him down with a forceful tug. As he hit the ground, his sword clattered just out of reach. Luna didn't hesitate—she drove Defender into his chest, piercing his heart and setting him free from his cursed existence.

The remaining two Felgroths attacked together, one from the front and the other from behind. Luna fought them bravely, the clash of swords and her fierce screams echoing through the clearing. While she was locked in combat with the one in front, the Felgroth behind her seized the moment and thrust his sword into her back. Luna groaned in pain but swiftly elbowed him in the nose. At that moment, the Felgroth in front hurled his dagger at her, which pierced into her right shoulder. She couldn't hold back her scream and let it out with a roar of defiance. With a powerful swing, she decapitated the Felgroth in front.

The one behind was still reeling from the blow to his face when Luna, wincing in pain, pulled the dagger from her shoulder. With a quick twirl, she slashed his throat with the blood-stained blade. The Felgroth collapsed, lifeless.

Luna was left bleeding, her strength fading fast. She fell to her knees, gasping for air as she looked toward the passage ahead. "Good Lord". She whispered, her voice trembling. "Help me, please". She reached out with a shaky hand, her vision blurring, and then collapsed into unconsciousness.


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