Chapter 08

Luna was awakened by the sound of birds chirping outside, in her balcony. She got up and rubbed her eyes. Just as she stood, the door opened after a gentle knock.

"You're awake, Miss Fireheart!". Daisy appeared from behind the door. "Good Morning".

"Good Morning, Daisy". Luna smiled and tried to comb her hair with her fingers.

"I wanted to let you know that the breakfast is ready, you should come and have it then we'll get you ready". She said.

"Okay, let me wash my face". Luna said.

"I'll be outside". Daisy responded with a grin and exited.


Daisy lead Luna to the meal room of the palace. She looked around, examining the walls and decor of the palace. An elf stood outside, mumbling something, looking up. As if he was casting a spell.

"What is he doing?". Luna asked.

"He is appointed to cast away any kind of evil that surrounds the palace and the realm". Daisy told.

"Wow, that's amazing". Luna commented and continued following Daisy.

In the meal room, Luna had her breakfast in silence. She looked back at Daisy who was standing near the window.

"Daisy? Won't The King and Prince Elion be joining us?". She asked.

"Your Majesty, has gone to Luminara and Prince Elion will meet you in the training grounds, He's waiting for you there". Daisy replied.

"Very well". Luna gave a nod.


Lirelle lead Luna towards the training grounds after she got ready. They made her wear a green silk shirt and a brown corset over it. The hairdresser combed her hair and tied them up in a fine bun. Her boots were big but comfortable. She had never seen such clothes before. The elves called it the Elven Uniform.

In the training grounds, Luna could hear the clashing sounds of swords, soldiers shouting and horses neighing.

As they entered, Luna was greeted by the charming smile of Elion who was waiting for her at the entrance, dressed in the uniform.

"Your Highness". Lirelle bowed.

"Thank you for bringing her here, Lirelle". Elion smiled.

Lirelle bowed again and left.

Elion looked at Luna. "The more I see you, the more I like you". He looked down at her dress. "You look phenomenal".

"Thank you, My Prince". Luna smiled at him.

"Are you ready to start your .. Journey?". Elion asked.

"Yes, I am". Luna answered.

"These training grounds were established a few hundred years ago. The soldiers on duty are to come here and spend sometime practicing so that they don't forget what they were taught in the military camp. When the Felgroths attacked, we were badly effected by it because we were weak. My great-grandfather took the initiative of establishing the military camp because we are under threat all the time". They started walking inside.

"I've heard of Felgroths.. who are they?". Luna asked.

"There's a bit of evil in all the goodness and a bit of goodness in all the evil, Luna. The Realms claim to be purely evil free but they're not. It's only Luminara where no evil exists. Other realms have some factors that are evil. For example, Eldoria has evil in the form of a Felgroth tribe living in the forests of Eldoria". He explained. "They under no circumstances, believe in peace or agree to it. They prefer killing. Felgroths were once an elf tribe but were cursed for scheming against their brethren and sent to the forests to live there for the rest of their lives". Elion explained. "Here, we have grounds for sword fighting, Archery and Horse Riding". He told her. "What do you want to learn first?".

"I can choose?". Luna asked excitingly.

"Indeed". He smiled gently.

"Archery!". She replied.

"Alright". Elion gave a nod. Out of a sudden, his eyes widened and he wrapped his arm around Luna's back, pulling her violently towards himself. "WATCH THE WAY YOU GO!". He shouted.

Luna turned her head to see a horse rider, whose horse was just about to knock into Luna.

"My Apologies, Your Highness". The horse rider said and moved away.

Elion glared at him as he left and when he looked down, Luna was staring at him in awe. Their eyes locked and they stared into each other's souls when a yelp from one of the soldiers brought them back to reality. Elion cleared his throat as Luna stepped away. "Thank you, Elion". She smiled.

He blushed and gave a nod. "My pleasure, Luna.. let's go". He took her hand and lead her inside.


In the heart of Eldoria, the training grounds for elf soldiers buzzed with activity. The sun cast a golden glow over the well-tended field, dotted with targets, practice dummies, and various training equipment. The air was filled with the sound of arrows striking targets and the hum of disciplined practice.

Luna and Elion stood on the archery range, side by side, surrounded by the hum of activity. The soldiers practiced diligently, but Luna and Elion were focused solely on each other. Elion was preparing to teach Luna the art of archery.

"First, you need to find your stance". Elion instructed, his voice low and calm. He moved behind Luna, placing his hands gently on her shoulders to guide her into position. "Feet shoulder-width apart, like this".

Luna's heart raced as she felt the warmth of his touch. She tried to focus on his instructions, but the closeness between them made it difficult to concentrate. "Like this?". she asked, adjusting her stance slightly.

"Perfect". Elion murmured, his breath brushing against her ear. He stepped closer, his chest nearly touching her back. "Now, grip the bow firmly, but not too tight".

Luna raised the bow, her hands trembling slightly. Elion's hands moved to cover hers, steadying her grip. The intimacy of the moment was almost overwhelming, and Luna could feel the heat rising in her cheeks.

"Draw the string back smoothly". Elion continued, his voice barely above a whisper. "Use your back muscles, not just your arms".

As Luna pulled the string back, Elion's hands guided her, his body pressed close against hers. She could feel his steady breathing and the strong, reassuring presence of him. The tension between them was palpable, an unspoken connection that neither could ignore.

"Focus on the target". Elion said softly, his lips dangerously close to her ear. "Let everything else fade away".

Luna took a deep breath, trying to steady her racing heart. She aimed at the target in the distance, but all she could think about was Elion's closeness, the warmth of his body, and the undeniable pull between them.

"Release". Elion instructed gently.

Luna let the arrow fly, and it soared through the air, hitting the target with a satisfying thud. She turned to Elion, a triumphant smile on her face, but the words she wanted to say caught in her throat. Their eyes locked, and the world around them seemed to disappear.

"You did it".Elion said, his voice thick with emotion. "You were amazing".

Luna's smile softened, and she took a step closer to him, her hand still resting on the bow. "I couldn't have done it without you". she replied, her voice trembling slightly.

Elion reached up, brushing a stray lock of hair from her face. His touch was tender, and Luna's breath hitched as their faces drew closer. The busy training ground seemed to hold its breath, as if the entire scene was waiting for the moment to unfold.

"Luna".Elion whispered, his eyes searching hers.

Before she could respond, he closed the distance between them, his lips capturing hers in a gentle, yet passionate kiss. The bow slipped from Luna's hand as she wrapped her arms around Elion, pulling him closer. Their kiss deepened, and for a moment, they were lost in each other, their feelings laid bare in the midst of the bustling training grounds of Eldoria.


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