Chapter 07

The streets were overflowing with elves grinning from ear to ear as they prepared for the celebration.

"The fragrance you smell is from a flower named Luminebloom. It blooms once a year and holds significance both medically and socially. My great-great-grandfather was healed from a fatal Felgroth bite by drinking its extract. We celebrate its blooming every year by decorating the streets and having a feast at night". Prince Elion explained to Luna.

"That's fascinating". Luna nodded as they strolled through the vibrant streets. "I'm honored to be a part of it".

"Did you tell your father before coming here?". Elion inquired.

"No". Luna shook her head, concealing the fact about the scroll and her father's directive to run away.

"Wouldn't he be curious?". Elion pressed gently.

"I couldn't risk him revealing my quest. No matter how kind he is, he's still a fallen angel". Luna confessed.

"You're loyal".Elion remarked with a smile.

"At least someone believes me". She replied.

"Of course, I do". He said.

"Thank you". Luna said gratefully as they were greeted by people along the way.

"Do you have siblings?". She asked.

"I have a brother. He's training in the military camp to become a warrior. We're grooming him to take over as chief of the elven army when I ascend to the throne". Elion explained.

"Good". Luna nodded as they continued their walk.


Salvador was immersed in his library, absorbed in the pages of a book, when suddenly, the doors burst open, and Raum barged in.

"Enough is enough!". Raum's voice boomed with fury.

Startled, Salvador rose to his feet. "Back again, Raum?".

"Hand over the scroll". Raum demanded, his eyes burning with determination.

"I've told you countless times, I won't give it to you. It's my legacy, and I refuse to let you misuse it for your dark agenda". Salvador retorted firmly.

"If the Celestium prism is unleashed, we could control all realms. Why can't you see the potential?". Raum's frustration was palpable.

"I won't aid you, Raum. Despite my fallen status, I won't betray our kind". Salvador replied resolutely.

"So, you're willing to sacrifice your daughter, Luna?". Raum's threat hung heavy in the air.

"She's safe in Luminara. I won't let you harm her". Salvador declared.

Raum's expression twisted with rage. "You gave her the scroll, didn't you?".

"Yes, to protect it from you and your dark ambitions," Salvador confessed. "Luminara is the safest place for the scroll".

"Salvador!". Raum's anger surged as he advanced menacingly. "You'll regret this".

With a wicked expression, Raum summoned shadows to swirl around him, enveloping the room in darkness. Salvador, realizing his peril, frantically reached for defensive spells, but Raum's dark energy overwhelmed his defenses, hurling him across the library.

Struggling to rise, Salvador knew he was outmatched. Raum's eyes glinted with malice as he closed in, his powers surging with deadly intent. With a swift motion, Raum conjured dark tendrils, wrapping them around Salvador's throat, choking the life out of him.

Gasping for air, Salvador's vision blurred as Raum's grip tightened. In a final act of desperation, Salvador reached for a sword hidden within his robes, a last-ditch effort to repel the darkness.

But Raum was too quick, snatching the sword from Salvador's grasp and shattering it with a cruel laugh. As the pieces of the sword fell to the ground, Salvador's hope faded, his strength draining away with each passing moment.

With a triumphant sneer, Raum delivered the fatal blow, his dark energy consuming Salvador's fading light. As the soul started leaving his body, his hair and wings turned white like that of an angel.

"God has forgiven you and returned you the status of an angel, for you have proved to be loyal. Move to Mistland, oh Loyal servant and live there in peace". A voice echoed and Salvador smiled at Raum who stood there surprised. Soon, Salvador was gone, leaving behind only a scent of jasmine flowers.


As night fell, the feast began in the elven realm, the culmination of a day filled with preparations for the celebration. King Thalion addressed the gathered people, officially commencing the festivities. Luna marveled at the abundance of food laid out before her, a sight unlike any she had seen before.

"We harvest spices here, known as the best in Lifeland". Elion explained to Luna, seated beside her at the table. "And tonight, rich or poor, all come together to dine, emphasizing equality for all".

Luna nodded in appreciation. "The Kingdom of Eldoria is truly remarkable".

"It is". Elion agreed with a smile. "Tomorrow, we'll begin your sword training, if that suits you".

"Of course". Luna replied. "And I already have a sword, given to me by Gabriel. It belonged to my grandfather, Alastor Fireheart".

"Alastor Fireheart's sword?". Elion's eyes widened in surprise. "The legendary Defender?".

"Yes". Luna confirmed.

Elion chuckled. "Seems Gabriel isn't as bad as I thought".

"He's not bad at all, just cautious". Luna said with a shrug.

"Luna, are you enjoying the feast?". King Thalion's interruption brought their conversation to a pause.

"Yes, Your Majesty. It's delightful, and the food is exquisite". Luna replied with a smile.

Thalion expressed relief at her enjoyment before turning to converse with other guests.

"Embarking on this task gives you a unique opportunity to explore the realms". Elion remarked, taking a sip of fruit juice.

"Indeed. How many realms have you visited?". Luna inquired.

"I've seen them all, except Abyssia, of course". Elion replied. "What is it like there?".

"The Sky's stormy all the time and it's strangely quiet in the streets". Luna described. "But most of the fallen angels were kind and softhearted".

"My father believes most of them repent for their sins". Elion explained. "That makes them kind and softhearted".

"Why do we hate them then?". Luna asked.

"Our nature blinds us to their redemption". Elion said

"You possess wisdom". Luna remarked, impressed.

"And you possess beauty". Elion teased, causing Luna to blush.

"Did you instruct your people not to refer to me as Greywing?". Luna changed the subject.

"Yes, because it distresses you". Elion confirmed.

"I will turn that name into a symbol of loyalty, proving that children shouldn't be punished for their fathers' sins". Luna declared with determination.

Elion placed his hand reassuringly on hers, sharing a supportive smile.


Luna was escorted to her chamber in the palace by a servant after the feast concluded. As she prepared to retire for the night, a gentle knock sounded at her door.

"Come in, it's unlocked". Luna called out.

The door creaked open, revealing Elion, dressed in a simple white woolen shirt and pants, devoid of his usual jewelry.

"I hope I'm not intruding". Elion said softly as he entered.

"Not at all". Luna assured him. "Is everything alright?"

Elion shook his head. "I wanted to give you this". He produced a silver necklace from his pocket, its pendant shaped like a delicate leaf. In the dim light of the lantern, Luna noticed a faint magical glow emanating from the pendant, casting a gentle radiance around the room.

"Elion, this isn't necessary". Luna protested.

"It's a gift from me to you". Elion insisted with a smile.

Luna accepted the necklace, her fingers tracing its intricate design. "It's truly beautiful".

"I had it specially made for you". Elion explained. "While it's not a realmwalker, it will aid in your healing and alleviate pain whenever you walk between realms. I witnessed your suffering, and I don't wish for you to endure that again".

"Thank you". Luna murmured gratefully. "I'll cherish it always".

"You must be tired. Rest well tonight; tomorrow holds important tasks, and you should be well-rested". Elion advised gently.

"Yes, thank you again". Luna replied.

"It's our duty to care for one another. After all, we share a common origin". Elion said with a small smile.

"Indeed, Your Highness". Luna agreed, returning his smile. "Goodnight, Elion".

"Goodnight, Luna". Elion replied, offering one last smile before exiting the room and softly closing the door behind him.


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