Chapter 06

Luna was now in the medical wing of the palace. The doctor came out after checking her and bowed politely in front of the King and Elion.

"Your Majesty". He said.

"What happened to her?". Thalion asked.

The doctor looked up. "Our guest passed out because of the impact of passing the passage".

Elion frowned. "How's that possible? We do that all the time".

"We do it without any problems because we have Realmwalkers, your highness. Luna Fireheart is a half-fallen angel. She does not possess a Realmwalker". The doctor told.

"What!?". Elion was surprised. "I didn't knew that! Why is that so?".

"Fallen Angels, when they turn away from God, are deprived off their Realmwalkers which they had as angels so they can't leave Abyssia. She's the daughter of a fallen angel so she is not given a Realmwalker by God". The doctor explained.

"That's absurd!". Elion shook his head.

"We can't question God's rules". The doctor replied. "The Quanta Passages destroy a person who tires to trespass it without a Realmwalker. He or She dies. But for Miss Fireheart, there's just an exception. She doesn't die when passing because she's still a half-angel".

"That's an exception? Instant death is better than dying slowly!". Elion replied angrily.

"Elion". Thalion gestured him to calm down. "When will she wake up?".

"It'll take some time.. the impact was quite a blow for her. I suggest she takes as much rest as possible". The doctor responded.

Thalion nodded. "Very well.. thank you".

The doctor bowed and left. Elion turned to his father. "Your Majesty, If I may?".

Thalion gave a nod.

"I suggest you tell Angel Gabriel to call her back". Elion said.


"What do you mean why? She will die even before reaching Infernia! She won't make it".

"She chose this path for herself, no one asked her to, Elion".

"No one asked her.. everyone FORCED her".

Thalion smiled. "I've seen the way you worry about her".

Elion was at the loss of words. "I..". He looked away. "I care for her because she deserves to be treated the way others are treated, Father".

"We can't do anything for her". Thalion replied.

Elion took a deep breath. "I'll go to Rolf, The Jeweler to ask him if he has a solution".

"Go ahead". Thalion permitted.


Elion made his way to a big tree, whose trunk had a wide door. He knocked and entered inside. "Elion is here". He said.

Inside, there were huge wooden racks carved which were loaded with jewelry and precious stones.

An elf sat behind the table who stood up as soon as Elion entered.

"Greetings, Prince Elion". He bowed.

"Greetings, Rolf". Elion replied.

"How can I help you?".

Elion kept quiet for a while and then moved towards the table, sitting on it's edge. "You might have heard about Luna Fireheart".

"The Greywing-".

"DON'T CALL HER THAT!". Elion roared in anger.

Rolf fell silent. "My apologies, your highness.. yes, I heard about her".

"She passed out because she didn't had a Realmwalker while passing the Passage". Elion told.

Rolf nodded. "She's the daughter of a fallen angel.. she can't have a Realmwalker".

"But her mother was an Angel!". He replied.

"Realmwalkers are given by God based on the species of the Father. For example, if the father is an Elf and Mother is a human, the child will always have the Realmwalker of Eldoria".

"I've come to you to make her one". Elion said.

"I can't, your Highness". Rolf shook his head. "Realmwalkers are divine, just like blood and flesh. I can only upgrade the Realmwalkers, I can't make them".

Elion sighed. "Can I give her mine?".

"I'm afraid no.. if one wears someone else's Realmwalker, they die". He told.

Elion gave a sad nod. "Alright, thanks for your time".


Luna opened her eyes in an unfamiliar room. The room was brightly lit by the sunlight entering the room through the elegant balcony which was surrounded by vines of plants and flowers bloomed over them.

She tried to sit up and looked around when a voice snapped her.

"You're up". Luna looked at her right and found Elion smiling at her. His piercing green eyes staring into her soul. His hair were elegantly tied back and pointy ears surrounded by the lose strands of his blond hair.

"Your Highness". She said politely, lowering her gaze in respect.

"Call me Elion". His husky voice had a hint of excitement. "I'm your friend".

Luna smiled. "Elion... What am I doing here?".

"You fainted". He replied, leaning back on the chair he was sitting on. "Yesterday".

"What do you mean, yesterday?". Luna asked confusingly.

"Our doctor used his expertise to make you sleep for a whole day". He said. "You scared me, Luna".

"I.. I was feeling so weak and painful".

"You didn't have a Realmwalker so it hurt when you crossed the passage. I gotta say, that was pretty brave of you".

"I had to do it one way or another". Luna shrugged.

As they were talking, a sudden aroma struck Luna's nose. It was so strong and beautiful, she felt attracted to it.

"What is this smell?". She asked.

"It's the flower festival.. everyone's preparing for it. Do you want to go out?".

"Yes!". She nodded childishly.

"I'll take you". Elion smiled and got up. "Give me a moment, please".

He left the room and after a while, a few she-elves entered the room. They had some exquisite dresses in their hands.

"Greetings, Miss Fireheart". They said.

"Miss Fireheart? What happened to Greywing?". Luna chuckled.

"Prince Elion has strictly ordered everyone not to call you by that name". She replied. "My name's Daisy".

"Nice to meet you, Daisy". Luna smiled.

"We've got these clothes for you, Prince Elion ordered us to dress you up". She told.

Luna glanced at the dresses. They were all light and dark shades of green, reflecting their Elven origin. They were hand knitted clothes and had gold embroidery all over them. Luna chose the light colored dress and smiled at it. "I think I'll wear this".

"Nice choice! That's our favorite.. It costs three thousand elven coins which a common man can only dream of". Daisy told.

"Oh". Luna gave a nod.

"First, I'll take you to the bathroom..". Daisy took her hand and lead her to the bathroom. It was brightly lit by the sun rays entering it's windows. In the middle was a bathtub, surrounded by vines of flowers.

"The water in the palace bathrooms is from the sacred springs of Elslen Mountains of Eldoria. Any sick person who bathes with this water becomes healthy in a minute. It'll help you relax your nerves".

She then helped her gather the bathing stuff. "Once you're done, call me, we'll get you dressed up".

"Okay". Luna gave a nod.


After she had taken a bath, Luna covered herself in the fluffy green towels and opened the door.

The servants stopped talking as she entered. Daisy and the others admired her beauty silently for a while before moving towards her.

"Bring the dress". Daisy said. She smiled at Luna. "I've never seen someone more beautiful than you".

"That explains Prince Elion's obsession with her". The other said.

"Hey! Shh". Daisy silenced her. She turned to Luna who had her cheeks flushing. "Ignore her, Miss Fireheart.. lemme help you put on the dress".


After a while, Luna was fully dressed. She admired herself in the mirror.

"You look so beautiful!". Daisy squealed in delight.

"Thank you for helping me out, Daisy".

"Oh, I get paid for it, no worries". She chuckled.

Luna nodded at her. "Can I go out now?".

"I'll inform Prince Elion". The other one said and exited the room.


Elion entered the room after a while. He looked up and stopped in his tracks. "Good God!". His eyes widened in surprise. "Are you for real?". Elion was taken aback by her beauty.

"How do I look?". Luna asked shyly.

"Divine!". He walked towards her with a grin. "Grey suits you, but Green doesn't look bad too".

"Thank you". She looked away, blushing.

Elion took her hand in his. He looked deep into her eyes. "Let's go". His voice was a mere whisper.

Luna gave a nod. "Lead the way".

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