Chapter 11

In the elven realm, the sun rose gently, casting a golden glow over the vast woodlands and the mystical habitats of the elves. The air was filled with the soft hum of nature awakening. Prince Elion stood in a grand hallway, his hands clasped behind his back, lost in thought. "I wish I was with you, Luna". He whispered softly to himself.

A quiet cough behind him broke his reverie. Elion turned to see his father, King Thalion, approaching with steady steps.

"Father". Elion greeted, forcing a smile.

"Elion". Thalion said warmly, placing a firm hand on his son’s shoulder. "Is everything alright?".

"By God's grace, yes". Elion replied, though his tone betrayed his unease.

"Still worried about Luna?". Thalion asked knowingly.

"A lot". Elion admitted. "She’s new to everything. She’s never stepped foot outside Luminara. She knows nothing of the world beyond".

King Thalion smiled gently. "My son’s in love".

Elion met his father’s eyes. "I can’t hide my feelings any longer. I can’t bear to stay away".

Thalion remained silent for a moment, his expression thoughtful. Then he spoke, his voice calm but firm. "Follow me, Elion. There’s something important I need to tell you". Without waiting for a reply, he turned and led the way down the corridor.


"The thing I'm about to tell you was conveyed to me by Angel Gabriel, who heard it from a fallen angel named Theodore".Thalion began gravely. "Luna’s father, Salvador Fireheart, was murdered".

Elion’s eyes widened in shock. "What? Murdered?".

Thalion nodded solemnly. "Yes, my son. He was killed for a deeper, darker cause—one that neither you nor I know. Theodore believed Luna was still in Luminara, so he told the guardian angel James, hoping he could inform her".

"What deeper and darker cause?". Elion pressed.

"I don't know".Thalion admitted. "But Gabriel and I suspect that Luna knows something about it".

"Luna?". Elion's thoughts raced. "She adored her father. Learning this would devastate her".

"I know". Thalion said quietly. "Salvador, despite being a fallen angel, fought against evil. He was hated by many, but he carried something valuable—a relic, a weapon, or perhaps crucial knowledge—which he passed on to Luna".

"What do we do now?". Elion asked, concern filling his voice.

"We have to protect her". Thalion said firmly. "The fallen angels believe she's still in Luminara, and it’s crucial they don’t find out otherwise. If they do, they’ll contact the demons, and those creatures can enter any realm they wish. They will track her down and harm her".

Elion stood up abruptly. "I have to find her".

Thalion regarded him thoughtfully. "Be careful with what you do".

Elion looked at his father, surprised. "You’re allowing me to go?".

Thalion gave a slow nod. "I know how much you care about her".

"Thank you, Your Majesty". Elion said, his voice filled with excitement. "I’ll prepare to leave".

Thalion gave another nod but added, "And one more thing".

Elion turned back to face him.

"Tell her that Salvador was pardoned before he died". Thalion said with quiet pride.


Luna sat on the rough bed in Martha's infirmary, her gaze fixed on her feet as she mulled over her thoughts. The quiet was suddenly interrupted by movement outside.

"Where is she?". A man's voice echoed through the thin walls.

"Inside".Martha replied before pushing the curtain aside.

Luna looked up and saw a sturdy man in his twenties step into the small space. His muscular frame and strong presence filled the small space, but it was his hazel eyes that caught her attention. They softened the moment they landed on her. "Oh my". He whispered, clearly in awe. "My lady, how do you feel now?". He asked with a respectful tone.

"I'm doing good". Luna replied, though confusion crept into her voice. She wasn’t sure who he was or why he cared.

"Any pain?". The man asked, concern etched into his features.

"Her angelic powers healed her wounds quite instantly". Martha chimed in.

"Oh, that's good". Noah, as she recalled his name from earlier, nodded with relief. His gaze returned to her, more serious now. "You're Salvador's daughter?".

Luna blinked in surprise. "Yes... how do you know?".

"I'll explain everything". Noah said gently, "But for now, let's get you to a more comfortable place". He moved toward her and extended his hand. "Allow me to help you".

"Sure". she agreed, still feeling a bit bewildered. She took his hand and stood up. Strangely, being around him felt safe, like a sense of home had returned after being lost.

"You'll need to wear this". Noah said, handing her a black cloak. "It’s best to stay concealed".

"Why?". Luna asked, tilting her head slightly.

"You'll attract too much attention. People will recognize you at once". He explained.

"Oh, right". Luna nodded, understanding now. She slipped the cloak over her shoulders, hiding her ethereal presence beneath the dark fabric.

"Follow me". Noah said as he led the way outside.


Outside, in the streets, children played together, their laughter echoing through the air. As soon as they spotted Noah, their faces lit up with excitement.

"Noah! Will you play with us?". They called out eagerly.

"I'm sorry, my boys. I'm a bit busy today. Maybe tomorrow". He replied kindly, though his pace didn’t slow.

"And what about the bread you promised?". They asked, following closely behind.

"I'll bring it soon. Don't worry". Noah said, ruffling the hair of one of the children before they reluctantly stopped trailing him.

Noah continued through the winding streets until they reached a quiet, secluded alley. He opened the door to a modest house and stepped aside. "Come on in, my lady. This is home". He said with a warm smile.

Leaving the door open for her, he waited until Luna entered, then closed it behind them. Inside, the space was small but cozy, with a lived-in comfort that made Luna feel at ease almost instantly. She removed the cloak and let out a relieved sigh. "Phew, it was hot outside".

Noah chuckled. "You know what they say?".

"What?". Luna asked curiously.

"When there's injustice and people are being treated poorly, God expresses his anger by changing the weather and depriving people of rain". Noah said thoughtfully.

Luna raised an eyebrow, puzzled. "What are you saying?".

Noah laughed softly. "Pardon. I tend to speak like that sometimes".

Luna smiled in return. "Thank you for saving me".

"Saving you?". Noah repeated, shaking his head slightly. "I did what I had to. Your father was a great man. I just returned the favor".

"Favor?". Luna’s brow furrowed in confusion.

Noah took a seat on a dusty couch across the room, his expression more serious now. "Yes. Salvador Fireheart was a dear friend of my father. He saved his life twice. When I saw your sword, The Defender, I knew immediately you were his daughter. I had to help you, no matter the cost".


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