Chapter 02

The Celestium Prism was a sacred artifact of immense spiritual significance to the angels. It was said to contain a fragment of the very essence of Luminara, embodying the purest form of light and goodness. This prism was not only a symbol of angelic power and purity but also played a crucial role in various angelic rituals and ceremonies. It was believed to enhance the connection between angels and the heaven, allowing them to channel greater divine power and wisdom.

For the dark forces of Darkland, the Celestium Prism held a different allure. The prism, with its concentrated purity and light, was a potent source of energy that could be corrupted for dark purposes. In the hands of the dark forces, the prism's light could be inverted, transforming it into a tool for weakening the barriers between realms, enhancing dark magic, or even corrupting the essence of light-based beings. Its potential for creating powerful dark artifacts or spells made it a highly coveted object in Darkland and an angel betrayed Luminara, stole it and took it to Darkland with him. It was a very difficult task to retrieve the prism from Darkland and only a clever and intelligent person could do it risking their everything.

The Dark Forces were not allowed in Luminara, they couldn't enter and The Angels couldn't enter neither Abyssia nor Darkland but Luna, because of the dual nature of her existence was the only person who could do it. She could enter both realms and the Darkland too.

As soon as she left the Castle, Luna started thinking what to do. She knew it was a difficult task to perform but it was the only way to prove herself. For the Dark King to believe in her, she had to go to Abyssia and spread a rumor that she was now a part of them... That was the first step.


Gabriel walked The King and The Prince out of the White Castle.

"The thing which we came to discuss is resolved now". Thalion said. "If we had used all the power of the world, we still wouldn't have been able to enter Darkland. Especially the angels, they would die there!".

"I didn't thought of Luna for even a moment". Gabriel chuckled.

"That's because you treat her like a nobody". Elion replied curtly.

Gabriel and Thalion turned to him. "Yes, She was useless till now". He nodded.

"Then I suggest you to change your attitude and stop treating people like shit". Elion rolled her eyes.

Gabriel gave a nod, feeling embarrassed.

"Let's go, Father". Elion said and turned around. He mounted on his horse, eye fixed on Gabriel. "Treating people goodly is a duty of the Angels.. God created you on the principles of goodness but what I saw has left a very bad impression of Luminara on me and I am the future King of Eldoria, keep that in your mind".

Gabriel was surprised at what he said. He just stared at him speechless.

Elion eyed him hatefully again and turned his horse around.


Later that day, Luna walked into Angel Gabriel's chamber.

"I wanted to talk". She said.

"Yes, Luna? Do you have a plan?". He asked as he wore his jacket.

"First of all, we should make sure no one except you four angels, The King and Crown Prince of Eldoria and James know about it so that the Fallen Angels don't get a wind of it. If they did, they'll let The Dark King know. Next, I want you to HUMILIATE me one last time in front of everyone and exile me to Abyssia". Luna told.

"Why would I do that?". Gabriel asked.

"To let the Dark King know that I'm an Abyssian now. He'll believe me that way". Luna responded.

Gabriel smiled. He was impressed. "Nice plan, Luna.. your grandfather was great in planning too. When do you plan to set out?".

"Whenever you prepare to act". Luna replied.

Gabriel nodded. "I'll let James and The Angels know".

Luna bowed politely and left the room. As soon as she went away, Raphael and Michael entered the chamber.

"YOU ARE SENDING HER TO DEATH". Raphael thundered.

"You know, you have no right to speak harshly in front of me". Gabriel acted normal.

Raphael stepped towards him, clenching his fists. "I know, Angel Gabriel but God directed the good ones to speak against evil in front of the most cruel".

"And I'm being cruel and evil now!". Gabriel exclaimed surprisingly. "She chose it herself".


Micheal stepped towards him. "Raphael, keep calm".

"I can't! She was entrusted to me by her Mother before she moved to Mistland and yet I let you people humiliate her. For God's sake, she's still a HALF ANGEL!". Raphael responded angrily.

"I don't hate her, I hate the fallen angels". Gabriel said.

"The revenge of the father cannot be taken on the children, you've forgotten everything". Raphael responded.

Gabriel sighed in defeat. "What do you want me to do?".

"Don't send her there.. she'll die". Raphael pleaded. "She doesn't even have a Realmwalker".

"I don't think she'll listen to us now". Michael took a deep breath.

"Go to her and.. try to persuade her if you succeed, it's good and if you don't, at least give her the sword of her grandfather before she leaves". Gabriel's expression softened.

Raphael looked at Michael. "Come with me". He took his hand and hurriedly walked out.


Luna sat inside her little cottage, twisting a ring within her fingers. She sang a melodic song, lost in thoughts as she stared at the ring. Her wings were spread out, resting on her either sides and her hair were tied in a rough bun.

A gentle knock on the door startled her and she hid the ring.

"Angel Raphael, coming inside". The voice came from outside and then the door opened, revealing Raphael and Michael.

"Raphael? What are you doing here?". Luna asked.

"What are YOU doing, my dear?". He smiled at her.

"I was packing my stuff". She responded.

"Packing? Your wings tell a different story? Isn't it difficult to walk around in this small cottage with your wings wide open?". Micheal chuckled.

"I was-". Luna looked down and then revealed the ring, showing it to Raphael. "Looking at this".

Raphael took the ring. "Salvador, your father gave this ring to your Mother, Celestia".

"Yes". Luna nodded. "I know it's just a ring but I feel a connection and something pulls me to it".

Raphael took the ring and smiled. "It came from the Wizarding Realm of Arcania. Oh, that place!".

"Is it cursed? Or evil?". Michael asked.

"You never wore it, right?". Raphael ignored Michael's question.

"No". She shook her head.

"It's not cursed.. It was made for the sole of purpose of making your Mother believe that your father loves her every single moment and it helped her through his departure to Abyssia and your birth afterwards. The force now makes YOU believe that your father loves YOU. And he does! He's a father after all". Raphael explained.

"So, it's not cursed?". Michael questioned again.

"Cursed things don't exist in Luminara, you know that". He rolled his eyes. "Luna". Raphael cleared his throat and stepped towards her. "I don't want you to go.. that path is dangerous and you'll die in Darkland. Goodness cannot exist in that world of Evil".

"I will prove it wrong. Even a little bit of Goodness can rip the shadows of evil apart". Luna replied.

"You're just saying it, it's not possible".

"Angels are to believe firmly in God, right? Just you believe in him like I do and we'll be okay. I'll come out of this alright". She said.

Raphael sighed in frustration. "You don't have a Realmwalker, you cannot walk across the realms without it". He said.

Luna gave a reluctant nod. "Yeah, that's up for debate".

"You'll lose all your energy walking around with no Realmwalker". Michael said. "Gabriel isn't thinking straight".

"No one is". Luna replied. She held the ring. "I'll be fine".

Raphael exhaled. "Your Mother was like a sister to me and when she moved to Mistland, she entrusted you to me. I promised I'll keep you safe so I can't allow you".

"I'm not asking for your permission". Luna arched her eyebrow. She moved at him and gently held his hand. "Look, it's the only way people will stop hating me".

"You don't have to go to such a limit just to make the people love you. Who cares? God loves you!". Michael responded.

Luna chuckled sarcastically. "Does he?".

"He loves every single living being he created. And I bet he loves you the most". Michael smiled.

"There's no power bigger than him, right?".

Raphael and Michael gave a nod.

Luna smiled. "Then if he's on my side, I'll win".

"Luna!". Raphael exclaimed worriedly. "Drop it!".

"I won't.. there SHOULD be someone who goes and get the Prism from The Dark King. If ignored, The Dark King will invade Lifeland and we'll be a slave to evil. Perhaps God created me this way to fulfill this task". Luna sighed.

Raphael gave a nod after standing idle for a moment. "If that's what you want". He said and extended his hand towards Michael who in reply, took his left hand out of his white clock and presented the sword to him.

Raphael retrieved it from it's cover, revealing a double edged sword. "The sword of Alastor Fireheart, your grandfather".

Luna's eyes widened as she saw the sword. "I've been longing to see it".

"It's yours now". Raphael smiled and gave the sword to her. "When you go to Eldoria, ask the Elves to teach you sword fighting. You'll be an expert in a few days".

"Thank you". Luna took the sword excitingly.

"Alastor Fireheart defeated the dark spirits with this sword of his. He was desperately in the need of one when he was surrounded by the shadows. He prayed and God sent this majestic sword for his help. When you reach Darkland, kill the shadows with it when required and keep it safe till then. Don't let the Fallen Angels of Abyssia know about it. Not even your Father". Michael said.

"Got it, thanks". Luna nodded.

"Now, tomorrow, We will stage an act and get you to Abyssia, alright?". Raphael said.

"Yes". She smiled, giving a nod.

"May God grant you victory". His eyes filled with tears.

"What about the Realmwalker?". Michael asked.

Luna was a half-angel and a half- fallen angel. Every realm had it's own Realmwalker. It's a necklace which helps cross the realms without having any effect on the body and soul of the crosser. If someone who didn't had a Realmwalker, crosses the Realms, they are badly affected and even die. Because Luna was a Half-angel, she didn't had a Realmwalker and that was the main obstacle in crossing the realms. Fallen Angels were not allowed to cross the realms so they didn't had a Realmwalker.

"I'll deal with it". Luna replied.

"You CAN'T". Michael became worried. "Raphael? There might be an alternative".

"Nothing". Raphael shook his head.

"I still have God!". Luna shrugged.

Raphael smiled at him. "I love how strong your faith is".

Luna nodded childishly and hugged Raphael tightly. "I won't come without the prism".

"I know". He stroked her back and hen pulled away. "I'll be waiting for you, Luna".

"Please do". She said.

Raphael took a deep breath and then turned to go. "I'll leave you to pack".

"Sure, thanks". She responded.

Michael smiled at Luna and followed Raphael outside.


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