Chapter 03

The next day, James dragged Luna recklessly towards the White Castle, drawing the attention of everyone around him.

"You traitor, this time you're not gonna get away". He gritted his teeth in anger.

"What did she do now?". The Angels talked to each other, spectating.

"Lemme go!". Luna protested but James' grip was so tight that it won't budge.

At the commotion, the four angels came out of the Castle and stood on the top of the stairs.

"Why are you shouting, James?". Gabriel asked.

A large crowd of Angels was gathered now around James and Luna.

"I saw her coming back from Abyssia with my own eyes even though we told her not to yesterday". James told.

People gasped in surprise.

"LUNA? IS THAT TRUE?". Gabriel thundered.

"Gabriel, I can explain it all". Luna cried.

"No, not this time, Luna.. we gave you a hundred chances but you're just as stubborn as your father". He shook his head and came down. Gabriel gripped Luna's neck tightly. She yelped in pain.

"YOU. ARE. EXILED". He announced.

Luna's eyes widened. "NO! PLEASE DON'T EXILE ME".

"I am fed up of you.. Luminara was the world of peace but with you in it, it's just a new drama everyday". He spoke. "You can go and live with your beloved father".

"I don't love my father!". Luna replied and looked at Raphael. "Please, do something, Raphael".

"I'm sorry, Luna.. you dug your own grave". Raphael said.

"James, throw her out of Luminara.. I don't wanna see her face anymore". Gabriel ordered.

James nodded and dragged her away, making way through the crowd. People looked at Luna hatefully and mumbled something.

Luna sobbed until James arrived the Quanta Passage.

"There". James turned to her. "Go".

"Do you think people would've believed?". She asked.

"Yes.. I'm pretty sure they're convinced". James nodded.

"Alright.. thanks for your help". Luna smiled.

"Lemme push you, Theodore will be waiting on the other side like always, we want some witness who saw this happen to you". James whispered.


"Gabriel's orders, you traitor.. go and live with the ones of your own kind". James replied and pushed her through the passage.

Like he said, Theodore was standing at the other side and he had heard everything.

"Luna!". He ran at her as she fell on the ground and sobbed. "Are you okay? What happened?".

"I told you not to come to see me or talk to me but you never listened.. Gabriel threw me out of Luminara!". She cried.

"What?". Theodore was surprised. He thought for a while and then nodded to himself. "Come on, lemme take you to the city".

Theodore helped her stand up and lead her towards the city. It was then, when Luna realized how different Abyssia was from Luminara.

Luminara was all white and it felt so chaste there while Abyssia was all dark and black. It was still day time but the dark clouds had gathered together. It was cold and dark. She had been there for the first time.

"Well, I'm glad you're here". Theodore chuckled.

"Stop". Luna rolled her eyes.


After a while of walking, Theodore lead her into the heart of the city.

"EVERYONE! THE GREYWING IS HERE!". He shouted in excitement.

The Fallen Angels who were wandering in the streets,stopped and gathered around them.

"Is she Salvador's daughter?". One asked.

"Yes! She has been exiled from Luminara". Theodore replied.

"Salvador will be happy to see her! He longs for her". Another said in happiness.

"Welcome, Luna". A fallen angel stepped towards her with a grin. His hair, eyes and wings black like all others.

"Hi". Luna gave a nod.

"Luna, this is Amon". Theodore introduced. "He's our Governor".

"Okay". She shrugged. "What am I supposed to do now?".

"Lemme take you to your father". Theodore took her hand and moved towards a big, dark, building.

"Everything here screams SIN". She said.

Theodore sighed. "The mistakes we did were the only ones we don't commit sins, Luna".

"Well, I guess you should, because it doesn't matter anymore". Luna replied. "And if I'm not wrong, you go to Darkland so, you ARE sinful".

"I was never able to convince you, I won't succeed this time too". Theodore smiled and took her inside an old, dark building. The biggest in all others.

"What is this place?". Luna looked around as she walked side by side with Theodore. Her shoes clicked on the floor,and the sound echoed in all four corners. It was like a library.

"It's where you will find your father..". Theodore said. "He knows everything in the world now and every single book here in this building is written by him. You haven't seen him before, right?".

"No". Luna shook her head.

"Well, you will now!". Theodore started taking longer strides and climbed the staircase to the most top floor.

By the time they reached the top, it was already night outside.

"I can't believe we walked the whole evening". Luna took a deep breath.

Theodore didn't replied and started walking down the corridor. Luna followed him slowly. He then stopped near two big, black, metallic doors and gently knocked on it. "Theodore here". He said loudly.

The door knob turned automatically and the big doors opened.

"Greetings, Salvador". He entered, beckoning Luna to come with him.

"Come on in, Theodore". A heavy, smoky voice echoed in the empty room behind the door.

Luna was surprised to see the gigantic room whose one wall was completely a ceiling to floor window, overseeing the whole realm of Abyssia. She looked around. There was a huge pile of books on a corner and a black, desk sat on the other, behind which was a seat on which a man was sitting, engrossed in his work. The desk was spread with dozens of books too.

The man didn't saw Luna entering as he was busy reading a book.

"What are you doing?". Theodore asked.

"Just studying the werewolf realm of Mystoria". He replied. The man was middle aged, black haired_ like all the fallen angels_and exceptionally handsome.

Theodore gave a silent nod and then looked at Luna with a smile. "I want you to meet someone". He told him, eyes fixed on Luna. "Salvador? I want you to meet your Luna".

Salvador looked up, hearing the name. His eyes fell on Luna and his expressions softened. "Luna?". He slowly stood up, taking in her figure.

Luna stared at him, dumbfounded. She didn't moved a bit.

"It's my Luna!". Salvador pushed the books away and rushed towards her. "Oh My!".

Luna's shoulders slumped as she saw the tears in his eyes.

"I've longed for you!". Salvador was reluctant to touch her because she wasn't moving herself. "Can I.. can I hug you?".

Luna glanced at Theodore and then to Salvador. "Sure". She permitted. Salvador rushed at her and hugged her.

As Luna embraced her father for the first time, conflicting emotions surged within her, intertwining like threads of light and shadow. At first, she hesitated, her heart heavy with the weight of years of uncertainty and longing. The image of her father, once distant and shrouded in mystery, now stood before her, tangible and vulnerable.

As his arms enveloped her, Luna felt a wave of conflicting emotions wash over her – disbelief, fear, longing, and an unexpected flicker of hope. She could feel the warmth of his embrace seeping into her, melting away the barriers she had erected around her heart.

With a trembling breath, Luna surrendered to the embrace, allowing herself to be enveloped in the arms of the man who had once been a distant figure, now revealed as her father. In that moment, she felt a strange sense of connection, as if a missing piece of her soul had been found.

Tears pricked at the corners of Luna's eyes as she buried her face in her father's chest, clinging to him as if afraid he might vanish into thin air. The warmth of his embrace enveloped her, chasing away the shadows of doubt and fear that had clouded her heart for so long.

In that embrace, Luna found a sense of belonging she had never known before – a bond that transcended the boundaries of blood and time. It was a moment of reconciliation, of healing, and of newfound hope for the future.

As she pulled back from the embrace, Luna looked into her father's eyes, seeing in them a reflection of her own inner turmoil and longing. She looked around.

"Say it". Salvador gave a nod.

"Father". Luna said in a shaky voice as tears dropped on her rosy cheeks.

"I was always told that you're very beautiful.. just like my Celestia". He held her hands with a smile. Salvador carefully caressed her cheeks.

"And not like you?". Luna asked.

"I'm a fallen angel". He shook his head.

"The most beautiful angel I've seen in my whole life". Luna replied. "I moulded my heart before coming here. I decided that I won't talk to you or embrace you but.. I can't help it, Father. I've longed to call someone that".

Salvador smiled. "I'm glad that you're here".

"She's been exiled, Salvador". Theodore interrupted.

"I know". Salvador nodded. "Her eyes tell me everything". He took her hand in his and smiled. "We have to talk about literally everything.. let's go home".

"Do you want me to arrange a celebration for her arrival?". Theodore asked.

"Sure, tomorrow morning, If Amon permits". Salvador replied, eyes fixed on his daughter.

Theodore nodded and left the room. Luna watched him go and turned to her father. "My house is not far from here. It is cozy and warm, let's go".


Luna sat beside her father on the floor, in front of the fireplace. The room was dark and quiet.

Luna retrieved the ring from her finger and looked at him. "You gave this to Mother".

Salvador eyed it and sat properly, taking the ring from her hand. "I went to Arcania and asked a renowned witch to craft it for me. Celestia truly loved me..". He then fell silent, as if he was reminiscing about the past.

Luna took a deep breath. "I've been treated really badly in Luminara.. why did you fell for Devil's tricks?".

Salvador shook his head. "I never listened to the Devil. I loved to read about other realms and universes. It was a rule in Luminara to not gather any kind of information from Abyssian books or angels. I was on an expedition to Mystoria and I met a fallen angel on the way who saved me from the wild felgroth of Eldoria. I told him about my thirst for knowledge and he then started to share his knowledge which was especially about Darkland. I realized that the only way to learn about Darkland was to befriend a fallen angel. He gave me books to study from Abyssian Libraries. I read them and after a few months, my wings started turning black. Gabriel came to know about it and I was arrested. An angel cannot tell a lie so, I told them the truth. They exiled me to Abyssia and I've been living here since. I'm sorry you had to bare all the hatred which I deserved". He said.

"It's okay". Luna nodded. "I'm here now.. It's all that matters".

"It sure does". Salvador smiled. "You should take some rest now, we'll talk in the morning".

"Okay". Luna nodded.

Salvador stood up and gestured her to follow him. As she did, he lead her to a room and opened the door. The room was elegantly decorated and it wasn't dark at all. Luna looked around. "Wow!". She exclaimed surprisingly.

"I decorated this room years ago. I knew you will come to me some day and I thought I should prepare for that day". Salvador told.

Luna's eyes filled with tears. "Thank you, Father".

"Oh, it's nothing". Salvador shook his head. "Now, take some rest, dear".

Luna gave a silent nod and entered the room. "See you tomorrow".

"See you tomorrow, dear". Salvador smiled. She walked inside and Salvador closed the door behind her.


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