Chapter 04

The next morning, Luna woke up by some noise from outside in the street. She got up and realized that it was the most comfortable sleep she had in years. The bed was very cozy and it felt like home. She smiled at the realization and got up to see what's going on outside. She threw the curtains open and saw all the fallen angels, working on the streets. They had decorated the streets in the most elegant and unique way possible.

Theodore was roaming on the streets throwing orders. The carriages and carts delivered food and other stuff to the angels working in a distance.

A gentle knock pulled Luna out of her thoughts. She turned around. "Come in". She permitted.

The door opened, revealing her father's smiling face. "Good Morning".

"Good Morning". Luna smiled back.

Salvador entered the room. "You might be wondering what is all this hustle in the city...".

"Yeah". She nodded.

"Well, The Governor permitted to hold a feast to celebrate your arrival". He told.

Luna looked back in the street. "Oh, you didn't had to do it".

"They know very well how much I waited for you. They just want to see me happy". Salvador replied. "And trust me, I have never been so happy in my life ever".

Luna grinned. "I'm here now".

Salvador nodded and pulled her into a hug. "I had the taylor sew some clothes for you last night. He'll be here in a few minutes. Are you hungry?".

"Yeah". She nodded.

"Okay then.. we should go make some breakfast together". Salvador said.

"Yes, after you". Luna smiled and then, she followed her father outside.


Luna made breakfast with her father and chatted with him happily. Smile didn't seemed to have leaving her beautiful face. She was having the best day of her life. Salvador was treating her with all the affection and kindness he knew.

"What is it?". He asked when he saw Luna staring at him as he had breakfast.

Luna shrugged. "Nothing, you make me feel special and I've never been treated this way".

Salvador chuckled softly. "I'm your father, Luna and every father treats their children the same way".

"Yeah, I'm just not used to it". She said.

Salvador smiled. "Well, get used to it now".

Luna thought for a while and looked up at him again. "You mentioned the books about Darkland.. I've always been curious to learn about it, can you lend me some books?".

"Ofcourse! That library is my property, you can take any book you like and read". He permitted. "But, before that, let us celebrate your arrival tonight".

"Sure". Luna nodded.


At night, the ethereal flames danced in celebration as Luna was honored. The sky, a canvas of dark hues, was illuminated by flickering infernos casting a warm glow upon the revelers. Eerie melodies wove through the air, sung by voices that echoed with both angelic and shadowed tones. Salvador, his wings unfurled in pride, stood at Luna's side, guiding her through the jubilant throng. As Luna's presence ignited hope among the fallen, they raised their voices in exaltation, honoring her lineage and the union of light and darkness within her.

She watched the fallen angels laughing and enjoying, something she never saw in Luminara or if there was a celebration, she wasn't invited.

Luna felt so happy by watching them and soon, she became the part of it. She danced around with her father and then with Theodore who expressed his respect and happiness again and again.


It had been a few days and Luna had successfully made everyone believe that she was now staying here forever. She spent time with her father, learning about his past life and her mother.

She found a spring near the big, dark mountains that spread far towards the east. It was a very relaxing place, with the sounds of the water splashing and black leaves of the trees rustling. The only birds she saw there were crows and the only animals were bats.

Salvador had given her some books to read but her only interest were in the books of Darkland. Soon, she learned everything she had to about Darkland; the weaknesses of the Dark King and the ways to defeat him.

Luna felt a new type of courage and determination within her. When she left Luminara, she was still a bit doubtful but now, her trust in herself was awaken and she was ready to plunge into the mouth of the death.


One day, Luna was reading a book in the library when she heard a sudden commotion coming from Salvador's office.

Theodore, who was arranging the books nearby, looked at Luna as she looked up at him. They both shared a glance. Luna's was curious while Theo's was calm.

"What's that?". She asked. "Father had a meeting with someone, right? What's with the raised voices?".

Theodore swallowed and looked at the black door. "The Governor's secretary is a nasty man. He hates Master Salvador's guts".

"Should we intervene?". Luna got up.

"No! Wait-". Theodore was about to move towards the door but the doors opened themselves, revealing a furious a Raum, who was the Governor's secretary.


Luna looked back at him.

Salvador followed him outside. "I am the rightful owner of it, I won't let anyone lay an eye on it. Does the Governor know what you're doing?".

Raum stopped and looked back at him. "YOU WOULDN'T DARE TELL THE GOVERNOR OR ELSE-".

"Or else?". Theodore intervened.

Raum looked at him. "I'll kill his daughter". He said in a low voice, eyes fixed on Theodore. He marched away, not looking back.

Luna and Theodore turned to Salvador.

"Master? Are you okay?". Theodore moved at Salvador.

He took a deep, tired breath. "Luna? I want to tell you something".


Salvador was gone inside a hidden room in his office which Luna didn't knew existed.

He came back after a long time, taking slow steps towards her daughter who was sitting on his chair waiting for him.

"What did Raum want?". Luna asked.

Salvador sighed and retrieved a scroll he was holding in his hand. "This".

Luna eyed it curiously. "A scroll? What's in it?".

"Ancient spells that only our kin knew". Salvador lowered his voice. "My father passed it to me before he moved to Mistland. Not even the witches and wizards of Arcania know these spells".

"So, why's Raum desperate for it?". Luna asked.

Salvador sat in front if her. "You might have heard about the stolen Prism".

"The Celestium Prism, yes". Luna nodded. She grew more interested in the scroll.

"This scroll contains a spell that can activate the Celestium Prism. Raum works with The Dark King and he wants this scroll to pass it to The Dark King who, in turn, will use it to activate the Celestium Prism and fulfill his dark desires".

"But the Celestium Prism only activates in the hands of the Angels".

"That's true.. but when another species wants to activate it, he would need to use this spell. I don't know how Raum came to know about it but I know that it's not safe anymore. To stop The Dark King, we will have to hide it". Salvador told her.

"You're not with The Dark King?".

"I was never with him". Salvador took a deep breath. "Listen to me, I want you to take this scroll with you and go to Luminara. It'll be safe there".

"What? I'm exiled, Father! I can't go back". Luna replied.

"Luna! You heard what Raum said. If I didn't gave him the scroll, he will kill you and that's the last thing I want". Salvador said.

"But the angels won't let me-". Luna stopped as she realized that she can escape Abyssia and carry on with her journey without breaking Salvador's heart. She thought she can go to Eldoria and Salvador would think that she went back to Abyssia.

"No Fallen Angel or evil power can enter Luminara. It is the safest place for this scroll". Salvador continued.

Luna looked at him with determination. "When do I leave?".

"Tomorrow morning.. before Dawn". Salvador replied.


The night had fallen, and Luna found herself in her room, gazing out at the empty sky devoid of any moon or stars. In the realm of the fallen angels, it was a perpetual void. Her heart weighed heavy with sadness. After countless years, she had finally found the love of her father, Salvador. Yet now, she faced the inevitable departure from him. Though she had grown to cherish his affection, duty called her away. She knew she had to fulfill her responsibility, guarding her father's trust and continuing her journey. Reluctantly, she accepted that there was no other option but to bid farewell to Salvador and press on.


Salvador helped Luna pack her belongings, his expression heavy with sorrow. "I can't accompany you to the passage. It reminds me too much of Celestia. It's better if you go alone". He said, his eyes filled with sadness.

Luna silently nodded, understanding his pain. With the sky still cloaked in darkness, she concealed the scroll and the sword entrusted to her by Angel Raphael, ensuring its safety.

As Luna made her way to the main door, Salvador followed, his eyes brimming with tears. "Father, I'm going to miss you". Luna whispered, embracing him tightly.

Salvador returned the embrace, his touch gentle as he stroked her hair. "I'll miss you too". He murmured softly, his own tears falling freely.

After a moment of shared sorrow, Salvador spoke. "That scroll is our legacy, protect it with your life, my dear".

"Don't worry, It will be safe". Luna reassured him.

With a forced smile, Salvador bid her farewell, his heart heavy with longing. "Goodbye, my dear". He said, his voice tinged with emotion.

As Luna prepared to leave, she hesitated, longing for reassurance. "When will I see you again?". She asked, her voice barely audible.

Salvador responded. "Once I deal with Raum, I'll send you a message". He offered her a glimmer of hope amid their separation. With a heavy heart, Luna turned toward the door and was about to stop again. "Don't turn around, Luna... or I won't let you leave". He said, his words piercing her soul.

With tears streaming down her cheeks, Luna fought the urge to look back, knowing it would only deepen their pain. She opened the door and departed, leaving Salvador alone in the darkness of their empty house.

As he watched her silhouette fade into the night, Salvador wiped away his tears, resigned to his solitude once more.

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