The Greywing Chronicles
The Greywing Chronicles
Author: AyeshaM
Chapter O1

Lifeland, the only universe with life comprising of Eight realms.. it was a home to Angels, Elves, Humans, Animals, Demons, Wizards and werewolves, each living in between their respective boundaries and sharing a history. When the Angels fell, a new realm was found, The Realm of Fallen Angels.

Apart from Lifeland, two other universes, Darkland and Mistland existed too.

Darkland was the universe of pure evil and sin. It was governed by The Dark King who was neither living nor dead and Mistland was the universe of the dead from Lifeland.

Angelic Realm of Luminara had very good relations with all the other realms except The Fallen Angels Realm of Abyssia and Demonic Realm of Infernia. The Elven realm was friends with every realm and was closest to Luminara. It was called Eldoria.

The seven realms hated the Fallen Angels and none of them ever entered Abyssia.

The Fallen Angels were allowed to enter Darkland because, somehow, they were a part of it. They were sinful and disloyal.

Once, years ago, an angel Salvador Fireheart, who was a fan of learning and researching accidentally used the wrong ways to learn; the ways which were a taboo in Luminara. This made his white hair and Wings turn black and he was kicked out of Luminara. The Fallen Angels of Abyssia welcomed him and made him a part of them.

A female angel, Celestia Dawning always loved him and even when he became a fallen angel, she didn't stopped loving him and they had a daughter, Luna Fireheart. Celestia died but Salvador was still alive now that their daughter had grown up.

Luna possessed an ethereal beauty that seemed to echo the duality of her lineage. Her hair was a cascade of silvery-gray, shimmering like moonlight, falling in soft waves down to the middle of her back. It framed a face of striking symmetry, with high cheekbones, a straight, delicate nose, and full lips that often curved into a thoughtful smile.

Her eyes were her most captivating feature – large and expressive, the color of a stormy sky, hinting at the turmoil of her heritage. They held a depth and intensity that seemed to see beyond the mundane, reflecting both the light of her angelic lineage and the shadows of her fallen heritage.

Unlike the pure white wings of her angelic counterparts, Luna’s wings were a unique blend of light and shadow. Each feather was a gradient of grays, starting as a soft dove at the base and darkening to a charcoal at the tips – a visible manifestation of her mixed ancestry.

Her figure was slender and graceful, moving with a poise that was both commanding and gentle. She often wore simple yet elegant attire, favoring flowing fabrics that complimented the soft gray tones of her wings and hair.

Luna was hated by all the angels because her father was a fallen angel. On the other hand, The Fallen Angels of Abyssia loved her and always tried to persuade her to come to Abyssia and live with them but she always denied and told them off. She was off the view that she's the part of Luminara and that is her actual home. Luna was called 'The Greywing' and she was famous by that name in all realms.

That day, she was walking in the white streets of Luminara when the horn blew, signaling someone from another realm just entered. She looked back at the Quanta Passage that connected Luminara to the Elven Realm of Eldoria.

"The King of Eldoria, Thalion Starwind is here, make way, Everyone!". The guards shouted as a few horses from Quanta Passage entered. A middle aged man who was dressed in a green colored, royal-looking attire was leading them. His head was held high and he looked at the angels in the streets with a smile. Behind him were a few Elf guards and there was this one guy who resembled Thalion, The King and was dressed like royalty too.

Luna smiled as she saw him. He was Elion, the Crown Prince of Eldoria, son of Thalion Starwind.

He exuded an otherworldly grace that seemed to harmonize with the very essence of nature. His features were finely chiseled, with almond-shaped eyes that gleamed in a shade of emerald green, mirroring the lush canopies of an ancient forest. Long, pointed ears peeked through silken locks of golden hair, cascading down his shoulders like strands of sunlight filtering through leaves.

His attire, not only royal but also a reflection of elegance of elven craftsmanship – garments adorned with intricate leaf patterns and delicate embroidery, woven from fabrics that shimmered like moonlit dew on spiderwebs.

Elion's eyes sparkled with a wisdom that seemed to transcend centuries, and a kindness that spoke of a deep empathy for all living things.

Adorning his slender fingers were rings made from enchanted materials, each carrying a tale of elven lore and history. Around his neck, a pendant fashioned from a leaf-shaped gem dangled, resonating with the inherent magic that coursed through Elion's veins.

He looked at Luna and narrowed his gaze, like he was scrutinizing her. She became sad at the way he looked at her. Everyone looked at her the same way but she always thought that Prince Elion was different.

Elion's attention was moved to the angels greeting them happily and the moment he looked back, Luna was gone. His eyes had a hint of disappoinment but it waved off soon.

The King and Prince were welcomed by Angel Gabriel, the governor of Luminara at the entrance of the white castle. Alongside him, stood Angel Azrael, Raphael and Micheal who were his partners in governing under the laws of God.

"Welcome, Thalion, my friend". He said, spreading his arms as they dismounted from the horses.

"Thank you, Gabriel". Thalion replied. "I see Luminara is like always".

"All thanks to God, Thalion". Gabriel said.

Thalion climbed the few stairs of White Castle and shook hands with Gabriel and others.

"Prince Elion, it's always a pleasure to meet you". Gabriel greeted the Crown Prince. "Please come on inside".

The Angels escorted them inside and their horses were taken away.


Luna was walking in the city, looking around, smiling at the people who were working and passing by. They glared at her and some mumbled as she smiled.

It was hurtful for her but she never said a word about it and accepted it as her fate.

She drowned in thoughts and didn't realized that she had reached the Quanta Passage to Abyssia. A voice pulled her out of her thoughts.

"Luna?". It said.

Luna turned around to locate the person. Her eyes then stopped on the Passage. A black angel was looking at her with a smile.

"Theodore?". Luna turned angry. "How many times am I supposed to tell you, DON'T COME HERE!".

"Luna, your father wants to meet you.. he misses you! Please come to us". Theodore pleaded.

"Your master, Lucifer.. he persuaded those two human beings to eat the forbidden fruit. I am not a fool that I'll fall for your tricks".

"Lucifer is not our master.. he's a demon". Theodore frowned.

"Whatever it is, it's the last time I'm telling you to go away. Next time, I'll make sure to tell Angel Micheal about you". She warned him.

"Huh? Those Angels are gonna listen to you? I don't think so". Theodore chuckled sarcastically.

"Go away, Theo". Luna said.

"Luna, you don't understand! You don't belong in Luminara.. they treat you like shit". Theodore replied.

"I am gonna report to Micheal who'll take this to Gabriel. He's busy with the King of Eldoria right now but I'll tell him". Luna told.

"WHAT HAVE WE GOT HERE?". An angel, probably the one on duty, moved towards Luna, a frown on his face.

Luna turned around and Theodore, as soon as he heard the voice, left.

"James?". Luna panicked. It wasn't the first time James caught her talking to a fallen angel.

"I warned you". James moved at her with long strides. He grabbed her by her arm, making her flinch.

"James, listen to me, please". Luna tried to stop him as he pulled her with him towards the White Castle.

"Shut up". He responded and kept on walking.

She knew he was taking her to Gabriel and he already hated her.


"It was hard to keep everyone in control and console them that everything will be okay but it was quite a blow and we're worried". Gabriel talked to Thalion and Elion who were sitting in the big, white, meeting room of the White Castle with him.

"Assurance is not enough.. we HAVE to get it back from The Dark King". Elion replied.

"We're trying to find a way". Gabriel gave a thoughtful nod.

A sudden commotion drove their attention towards the entrance of the meeting room.

The doors opened and James stepped inside dragging Luna ruthlessly with him.

"Argh!". Luna groaned as she tried to get up and walk.

"Gabriel". James politely bowed and literally threw Luna in front of his feet.

"James? What's this about? Can't you see we're in middle of something?". Gabriel frowned.

"Pardon, but this is important. Luna was talking to her lover at the Quanta Passage again". James told.

"For God's sake! Theodore is not my lover!". Luna cried.

"Yeah, like we're gonna believe it". James rolled his eyes. "She conveys everything that happens in Luminara to her father".

"I DON'T!". Luna replied.

Thalion and Elion were watching them intently. Elion clenched his fists as he saw how they were treating Luna.

"You do! I heard it myself, Gabriel.. she was telling him about King Of Eldoria's arrival". James told.

"I was telling him that Gabriel is busy with The King. When he'll be free, I'll tell him that Theodore annoys me and comes to the Passage even though it's closed". Luna sobbed.

"Oh, really?". Gabriel lifted his eyebrow with a smirk. "Yes! I'm not lying and I didn't told him anything about Luminara's affairs". Luna gave a desperate nod. "Please, Gabriel, I don't deserve to be treated this way.. I didn't do anything wrong".

Gabriel took a deep breath and thought for a while. "I don't believe you..".

"What?". Luna was surprised at his reply.

"I gave you one last chance to stop yourself from seeing ANY fallen angel if you want to stay in Luminara and you didn't listened.. what should be your punishment?". Gabriel asked.

"Cut her wings". James advised.

"NO!". Luna looked back at him frighteningly.

Elion tried to get up to stop them but Thalion grabbed his arm and gestured him to sit down. Meanwhile, Micheal, Raphael and Azrael entered too.

"Hmm". Gabriel gave a nod. He liked the idea.

"No, please!". Luna trembled in fear as she thought of it. "I'm innocent and I'm loyal, trust me".

"Loyal and Innocent?". Gabriel chuckled sarcastically. "I cannot believe you".

"I will do anything to make you believe". Luna said. Tears didn't seemed to stop from her eyes.

"There's nothing you can do to make me believe". Gabriel shook his head. "You have annoyed me a lot, Luna.. now's the time you choose, either I exile you to Arcania or Cut your wings".

Luna dunked her head down and cried. "I am innocent". She then stopped crying abruptly and looked up at Gabriel. She wiped her tears. "If I- If I get the stolen Celestium Prism back from Darkland will you believe me?".

Gabriel and the others stared at her dumbfounded.

"It's Dangerous, Luna.. are you insane?". Raphael grew concerned. He was the only one who believed in her and cared.

"It's the only way I can prove myself". Luna replied, looking at him.

"Don't!". Raphael glared at her.

"If you do it.. I'll honor you". Gabriel responded.

"What? Gabriel!". Raphael protested.

"Quiet, Raphael.. she chose it herself". He said. "Get up and leave, Luna. You've caused enough disturbance".

Luna got up quietly and looked at Gabriel with determination. "Being a daughter of a fallen angel is gonna help me enter Darkland.. that's something a mighty angel like you isn't capable of". She said and rolled her eyes, turning around. Her eyes met Elion's. He was looking at her with fright and admiration.

She looked away angrily and pushed James out of the way.

"Gabriel!". Raphael spoke again. "If you want her to die, just say it, Don't let her do it".

"That's my last decision.. she seems determined. I'll give her a chance". Gabriel replied.

"You're using her stupidness to get what was stolen from us.. don't do this". Raphael pleaded.

"I will lock you up of you protested". Gabriel glared at him.

Raphael stomped his foot on the ground and left.

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