Hidden Legacy

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Hidden Legacy

By: Aniovoh OngoingUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 35 views: 169

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Hunter Miller, is a bright young man with a humble background. Having grown up with only his mother in the picture, Hunter strives to succeed in life and give his mother the comfort she deserves. This seems possible when he is suddenly approached by Ava Paige, the daughter of a prominent businessman in the country. Hunter falls for Ava easily, and is thrilled when she tells him that she wishes to marry him. What he doesn't know is that Ava just wants to use him to get her shares and property from her late grandfather. After their marriage, things take a turn for the worse. Hunter is looked down on by the members of the Paige family, and his wife doesn't seem to stand up for him. Eventually, Hunter finds out that Ava has played him and is cheating on him. When he confronts her, she produces divorce papers and tells him to leave her. Hunter pleads with her to stay with him, but she refuses. Dejected, Hunter signs the divorce papers and leaves the Paige mansion. He manages to get a job as the secretary to the CEO of Lee Corps, the biggest business chain in the country. The CEO, takes a liking to Hunter and takes him under his wing, but there's just something about Hunter, that the CEO cannot fully grasp. What could it be? How does Hunter get past his divorce with Ava and does he strike back at the Paige family?

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  • Fredrick Ovoh


    I felt sad for Hunter, it is very difficult to live with a broken heart especially from someone you love and trust so much

    2024-08-08 04:38:16
  • Matilda Ovoh


    I loved Ava's boldness, expressing her feelings to Hunter ... .

    2024-08-07 14:08:40
Latest Chapter
35 chapters
Failed Marriage
Hunter sat in the lawyer’s office, staring down at the divorce papers in his hands. His heart felt heavy as he read through the details of the dissolution of his marriage. He couldn’t believe that just three months into their union, it was already coming to an end. He thought back to the day he first met Ava. She was beautiful, charming, and seemed to be everything he had ever wanted in a partner. They fell in love quickly, and before he knew it, they were exchanging vows in the court, despite her family’s disapproval. But now, everything seemed like a distant memory. The love that once burned brightly between them had fizzled out, leaving only ashes in its wake. And to make matters worse, Hunter had discovered that Ava had been cheating on him with a lover she claimed to have been with long before they met. As he signed the papers, Hunter couldn’t help but feel a sense of betrayal wash over him. He had put his trust in Ava, believed in the love they shared, only to have it s
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The Confrontation
Ava stormed into the small house, completely disregarding Hunter’s mother’s presence. Her eyes blazing with anger as she turned to face Hunter. Without a second thought, she launched into a tirade, screaming in his face that he had no right to divorce her without her consent. “Are you fucking serious, right now? A divorce? Just who do you think you are, Hunter, that you filed for a divorce over some minor argument?” Hunter, taken aback by her sudden outburst, tried to remain calm. “Ava, we’ve been over this. I cannot stay married to someone who constantly lies and manipulates me,” he said firmly. But Ava was not ready to back down. Instead of feeling remorseful, she was apprehensive. Today was the day she was supposed to sign the ownership papers for her share of inheritance. If her father found out about the impending divorce, he could revoke the transfer, leaving her with nothing. She couldn’t let that happen. She wouldn’t let her brothers take what belongs to her. Charl
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A New Opportunity
Over the next few days, Hunter settled back into his old routine. The familiarity of his childhood home brought a sense of peace, even as he grappled with the heartbreak. His mother’s unwavering support was a constant source of strength. One evening, as they sat on the porch watching the sunset, his mother spoke again. “Hunter, remember that life is full of unexpected turns. This might feel like an ending, but it’s also a beginning. You have the chance to start fresh, to find happiness on your own terms.” Hunter watched the sun dip below the horizon, the sky ablaze with colour. For the first time in weeks, he felt a glimmer of hope. His mother’s words resonated deeply, and he realized that despite the pain, he had the opportunity to rebuild his life. “You’re right, Mom,” he said softly. “This is just the beginning.” As the stars emerged in the night sky, Hunter felt a sense of calm settle over him. The road ahead was uncertain, but he was ready to face it, stronger and wis
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Chanced Encounter
When Hunter returned home, his entire gait screamed happiness. His step was lighter, his shoulders less burdened, and an unmistakable smile played on his lips. Charlotte, his mother, couldn’t be happier to see her son in such high spirits. The worry lines that had etched themselves on her face over the past Months began to fade, replaced by a hopeful glow. “Mom, I got a job!” Hunter exclaimed as soon as he stepped through the door. Charlotte’s eyes widened in joy. “That’s wonderful, Hunter! Tell me everything.” In her excitement, she immediately set about preparing a small but filling feast for them. The aroma of roasted chicken and freshly baked bread soon filled the modest kitchen, mingling with the warm light of the evening sun that streamed through the windows. As they sat down to their celebratory dinner, Charlotte couldn’t help but beam at her son. “So, where will you be working?” Hunter took a bite of his meal before answering. “It’s at Lee Corporations.” Char
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The Beginning (Flashback)
Just when Hunter thought that life was starting to look up for him, a ghost from his past reappeared, bringing with it a whirlwind of emotions. One crisp morning, while preparing for another busy day at Lee Corporations, Hunter spotted her—Ava. She was sitting in a client meeting with senior managers, her presence commanding the room. Her polished demeanor, the way she confidently interacted with the executives, it all felt surreal. Hunter’s heart sank as memories of their tumultuous relationship and pending divorce flooded back. He stumbled to his workspace, his thoughts in disarray. The office buzzed with the usual activity, but Hunter felt detached, as if he were watching everything through a foggy window. He tried to focus on his tasks, but his mind kept drifting back to how he met Ava and how everything unraveled. **Flashback** Hunter had just graduated from college and was recruited in a large company. He was fast becoming a recognised employee at the company and the CEO h
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Secret Romance... Or Not (Flashback)
Hunter and Ava decided to keep their relationship a secret from her family. They were aware that, despite the favour Hunter received from Mr. Paige, he would never approve of his daughter marrying someone from a lower class. They continued their romance discreetly, stealing moments together outside of work. One night, as they were having dinner at a small, quiet restaurant, Ava looked at Hunter with concern. “Do you ever worry about what might happen if my father finds out?” Hunter sighed, holding her hand. “Of course, I do. But I believe in us, Ava. We’ll find a way to make it work.” That night, Hunter couldn’t sleep. He found himself thinking about the future and the challenges they would face. He decided to seek his mother’s advice. “Mom, can we talk?” Hunter asked, sitting down at the kitchen table where Charlotte was reading. “Of course, Hunter. What’s on your mind?” Charlotte replied, looking up from her book. “It’s about Ava,” Hunter began, his voice hesitan
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Ghosts From The Past
Hunter's mother had always warned him to stay away from rich people. "They're a different breed, Hunter. They don't value the same things we do," she'd said. But when Ava walked into his life with her captivating smile and charming demeanor, he couldn't help but fall for her. Now, under six months into their marriage, he was divorced. He could still hear his mother's voice, a mix of concern and resignation, echoing in his mind. Sitting in his cubicle, Hunter tried to focus on his work, but his thoughts kept drifting back to the disaster of his marriage. The meeting had ended minutes ago, but he was still lost in his memories. He watched as Ava exited the conference room, clinging to one of the men there. It was an all-too-familiar sight, one that sent him spiraling back to the day he discovered her betrayal. **Flashback** It was one night, after another exhausting day of job hunting, Hunter trudged home, his mind heavy with the weight of his failures. As he approached the mansion,
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Seeds of Doubt
The bar was dimly lit, the air thick with the smell of stale beer and cigarette smoke. Jake sat across from Hunter, nursing his drink while listening attentively to Hunter’s ramblings. Hunter's words were slurred, and his eyes were bloodshot from a combination of alcohol and pent-up emotions. “You know, Jake,” Hunter began, his voice wavering, “sometimes I wonder how things got so messed up. My ex in-laws... they were a piece of work. Always meddling, always judging. But Ava... she was the worst of them all.” Jake nodded, his expression sympathetic. He had only known Hunter for a short while, and though he had never met Ava or her family, he had heard enough stories to form a clear picture. “Tell me about it,” Jake said, leaning in slightly. Hunter took a deep breath, trying to steady himself. “It’s not just one time. It was everything. They controlled every aspect of our lives. Her parents would criticize me for the smallest things, like the way I dressed or the job I couldn't se
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Mystery Solved?
Over the next few weeks, James Lee observed Hunter closely. He took note of certain physical qualities and mannerisms that seemed strikingly similar to his son Michael. Hunter had the same piercing onyx-coloured eyes, the same dimpled smile, and even the same habit of tapping his fingers when deep in thought. James found himself increasingly captivated by the young man, convinced that there was something more than mere coincidence at play. James was sure that Michael had only one son, Williams. Michael would have mentioned if there were another child. This strange resemblance gnawed at James’ mind, distracting him during meetings and luring his thoughts back to Hunter time and again. That evening, James returned home, the Grand Lee mansion standing imposingly against the twilight sky. The mansion, despite its size and grandeur, was eerily silent. It had been this way since Michael fell ill seven years ago. James walked past the ornately decorated rooms, each one a testament to t
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Confronting The Past
Despite hearing from both sides and having both stories sound identical, James couldn’t ignore the gnawing need to be absolutely sure that Hunter’s mother, Charlotte, was indeed the same Charlotte who had been a significant part of Michael’s past. The uncanny resemblance and the name weren’t enough to satisfy his doubt. He needed confirmation, and the only way to get it was to meet Charlotte in person, he decided. One afternoon, after ensuring Hunter was busy at work, James took Hunter’s address from the company’s records. The drive to the modest neighbourhood where Charlotte lived was filled with a mix of anticipation and anxiety. His sleek, expensive car felt out of place as he pulled up to the small, well-kept house with a vibrant front yard garden. Charlotte was tending to her flowers, her hands deftly working the soil. When she noticed the luxury car, a flicker of apprehension crossed her face. She straightened up, wiping her hands on her apron, and watched as James stepped
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