Hidden Legacy
Hidden Legacy
Author: Aniovoh
Failed Marriage

Hunter sat in the lawyer’s office, staring down at the divorce papers in his hands. His heart felt heavy as he read through the details of the dissolution of his marriage. He couldn’t believe that just three months into their union, it was already coming to an end.

He thought back to the day he first met Ava. She was beautiful, charming, and seemed to be everything he had ever wanted in a partner. They fell in love quickly, and before he knew it, they were exchanging vows in the court, despite her family’s disapproval.

But now, everything seemed like a distant memory. The love that once burned brightly between them had fizzled out, leaving only ashes in its wake. And to make matters worse, Hunter had discovered that Ava had been cheating on him with a lover she claimed to have been with long before they met.

As he signed the papers, Hunter couldn’t help but feel a sense of betrayal wash over him. He had put his trust in Ava, believed in the love they shared, only to have it shattered into a million pieces.

With a heavy heart, Hunter packed his bag and made his way out of the lawyer’s office. He couldn’t bear to stay in the mansion they had once shared, a symbol of their failed marriage and broken promises.

As Hunter drove away from the mansion, his thoughts drifted back to his mother’s warnings about getting involved with people of wealth. She had always told him that money could corrupt even the purest of hearts, that the rich were not to be trusted.

At the time, he had brushed off her concerns, believing that love could conquer all. But now, as he looked at the divorce papers in his hands, he couldn’t help but wonder if his mother had been right all along.

He remembered the ways in which Ava’s family had treated him, the subtle jabs and condescending remarks that had made him feel like an outsider in their home. They had never fully accepted him into their world, always making him feel inadequate and inferior.

And now, as he drove away from the mansion, Hunter couldn’t help but feel a sense of relief wash over him. He was done with the scrutiny, the judgment, and the ill treatment that came with being a part of Ava’s world.

He was determined to start anew, to leave behind the pain and heartache of his failed marriage. He would no longer allow himself to be played with, to be toyed with like a puppet on a string.

He thought back to the conversation he tried to have with his now ex wife, two days ago.


Hunter paced the room, his mind a whirlwind of doubt and suspicion. The clock ticked ominously as the night wore on, each passing minute deepening his anxiety. Finally, the room door creaked open, and Ava stepped inside, her designer heels clicking on the marble floor. She wore a nonchalant expression, seemingly oblivious to the tension in the air.

“Ava, we need to talk,” Hunter said, his voice tight with restraint.

Ava raised an eyebrow, feigning innocence. “About what, Hunter?”

“About us. The whispers whenever you’re on the phone, the nonchalant attitude you have in our marriage. I know you’re cheating on me.” Hunter replied, his eyes searching her face for any hint of remorse or guilt.

Ava sighed dramatically, rolling her eyes. “Oh, Hunter. You can’t seriously be doing this right now.”

Hunter remained unmoved, his gaze unwavering. “I need the truth, Ava. Did you cheat on me?”

Ava’s demeanour shifted, and she tried to placate him with soothing words. “Hunter, darling, you know I love you. Who is feeding you with these lies? They are just people trying to tear us apart.”

But Hunter wasn’t convinced. He could see through her facade. “Ava, stop. I need the truth.”

Seeing that her usual charm wasn’t working, Ava’s expression hardened. “Honestly, You should be grateful you’re even married to someone from a rich family like mine. Do you think you would have this lifestyle without me?”

Hunter’s eyes narrowed. “So, it’s true then? You’re cheating on me and throwing my background in my face? Why? You won’t even let me— your husband, touch you, yet you’re out with someone else?”

Ava’s face flushed with anger and something else—fear. She realized Hunter was beginning to see through her actions. He couldn’t realize it now, she still hadn’t gotten the inheritance. In a desperate attempt to regain control, she started to scream and cry.

“How dare you accuse me of such things!” Ava’s voice echoed through the house. “You’re just jealous and insecure!”

Her outburst quickly drew the attention of her family. They rushed into the room, their faces etched with concern. Ava turned to them, her tears flowing freely.

“Hunter is blaming me for cheating,” she sobbed, her voice trembling. “He doesn’t trust me at all.”

Her family glared at Hunter, their loyalty to Ava unwavering. Hunter tried to speak, but they cut him off, consoling Ava and casting accusatory glances in his direction.

**Flashback Ends**

Hunter sighed. He would think about all that later. Now he was headed back home. The place he had grown up in. The place that proved to be a testament if his mother’s struggle and hustles. How could he have let her down like this?

He didn’t even have a job anymore. As he pulled up to his childhood home, the weight of the past few days pressed heavily on him. His mother, seeing him arrive unannounced, rushed to the door, her face etched with concern.

“Hunter, what on earth are you doing here? Is everything alright?” she asked, ushering him inside.

Hunter sighed, setting his suitcase down. “Mom, it’s a long story. Ava and I... we’re getting a divorce.”

His mother’s eyes widened in shock. “What happened?”

Over the next hour, Hunter recounted the painful details of Ava’s accusations, her family’s intervention, and the finality of signing the divorce papers. His mother listened, her anger simmering beneath the surface.

“That girl and her family have some nerve!” she exclaimed. “I should go over there and give them a piece of my mind!”

But Hunter shook his head, placing a calming hand on her arm. “Mom, please. It’s over. I just want to move on.”

Charlotte sighed, pulling her son close and offering silent comfort. They say like that for a while, before they separated.

With heavy footsteps, Hunter carried his belongings to his small room. The familiar surroundings greeted him, a stark contrast to the opulence of the Paige mansion. As he stood in the doorway, memories of his younger days flooded back. The room was a sanctuary of simpler times, filled with the echoes of laughter and the dreams of a hopeful youth.

He sank onto the bed, the weight of the recent events pressing down on him. He had genuinely loved Ava, believing they would build a future together. But now, he realized how naive he had been, blinded by love and the allure of a lifestyle he never truly cared for.

His mother’s voice broke through his reverie. “Hunter, I’ve made some tea. Come out and have a cup.”

He nodded, grateful for the small comfort. As they sat in the kitchen, the warm tea steaming between them, his mother spoke gently.

“Hunter, I know this is hard, but you’ll get through it. You’re strong, and you have a good heart. Don’t let Ava’s actions define you or your future.”

Just then, there was a knock on the door and hunter got up to open it. There he found Ava, red in the face and breathing heavily. He knew it would come to this, but he was so tired of it all.

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