The Astonishing Rise Of Hector Henderson

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The Astonishing Rise Of Hector Henderson

By: R. AUSTINNITE Updated just nowUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 11 views: 11

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“You need to raise your standards and stop settling for garbage like him! If I have the chance, I'll toss him out of the family.” “If only you hadn't married a useless man like Hector, my real son-in-law would have actually done something.” Those were the words of his mother-in-law. She had always treated him like trash and threatened to throw him out of the house once she got the chance. Everyone belittled him, and even his wife was disappointed in him. Little did they know he was the son of a wealthy family. The moment he regained his power, his mother-in-law knelt in front of him. “Don’t leave my daughter, please. I was wrong.”

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11 chapters
Chapter 1
Hector was hunched over the laundry basket, quietly scrubbing clothes in the sink when his mother-in-law stormed in. Without a word, she tossed a pair of dirty socks onto his face, her eyes filled with contempt.“Not only have you been washing that for the past forty minutes, but you also forgot to pick up all the dirty stuff. Who made you think that anyone here would be your slave? Trash like you should know your place and make sure this doesn’t happen again!”Just then, his wife, Madison, walked into the laundry room and stood in front of her mother, Abigail, trying to stop her from saying anything more.“Mom, stop!” she said, feeling terrible that Hector was being treated like that, knowing he had dignity too.Hector glanced at them. After all, he was just the useless son-in-law of the Edmund family, one who could only do house chores.“Don’t try to stop me!” Abigail snarled, clearly furious. “Isn’t he someone worth talking to like that?! Not only is he useless to the family, but n
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Chapter 2
As soon as Mr. Edmund, Madison’s grandfather, walked into the room, the conversation ceased. Once he sat down, his gaze shifted toward the women in the family. There were six of them, including Madison.“Has it been decided?” Mr. Edmund asked. “Who will marry Jack Jayden?”The women exchanged uneasy glances.“I can’t marry Jack,” Julia, Madison's cousin, said, twirling her hair to flaunt the sparkling ring on her finger. “I’m already engaged, and my fiancé is a wealthy man who could help the family in the future.”The others nodded, knowing who her fiancé was.“Sarah is engaged too,” Julia added, gesturing toward another cousin. “Both of our fiancés are rich and will be valuable to the family. The other women here are also dating potential men who could help in the future. Madison is the only one suitable to marry Jack.”Abigail’s face reddened with anger at the suggestion of her daughter marrying Jack. “Madison is already married,” she said firmly.“We’re all aware of that,” Julia re
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Chapter 3
Hearing Hector yell that he didn’t agree made everyone even more surprised than they had been. The room fell silent, as if a golden goose had just passed by, before a cackle of laughter filled the place.In a few seconds, everyone including Abigail burst into laughter.“You don’t agree?” they mocked.“You don’t even have the qualification to participate in the family meeting.”“Who the hell do you think you are, voicing your opinion like that?”Each of them glared at him, resentment and amusement written all over their faces. They couldn’t help but question what he had actually disagreed with.“Are you saying you refuse to collect the one million dollars that she asked for your sake, or you refuse to let her get married to someone else?” Julia questioned, grinning at Hector.Taking a deep breath, Hector glanced at Julia. “Both,” he replied, a serious look on his face. “I am not going to let her get married to a man like Jack.”Madison’s head snapped to Hector’s direction. Not only had
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Chapter 4
"I can save the business! I'm being for real," Hector said. "Just give me some time."Madison's eyes watered in frustration. She had been expecting someone to come save her like a hero, but they were nowhere in sight.Her so-called husband was even making matters worse by acting like a clown.'Did he think the meeting was a place where he could make jokes?’ she thought, her fist tightening, knuckles turning white."I'm not joking!" Hector yelled, but it only increased the snickers.Glaring at him, she pointed to the door. "You should leave, Hector," she stated. "There is no need for you to be here anymore."Hesitating, Hector wanted to protect her. However, seeing the painful look on her face, his heart sank. She hadn’t believed him, and he had spoken as if she was going to."Just leave," she added. "I won’t repeat myself."His lips opened and closed immediately; he had never expected things to go that way. His brain was totally blank, and he had no idea how to feel about all of it. T
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Chapter 5
Hector was shocked. How could this be happening? How was it possible? He ran his hand through his hair, several thoughts racing through his head.He wondered if the housekeeper was joking with him, but then he remembered the housekeeper was not someone to joke about something like that.The event from three years ago was still fresh in his mind. It was the day his grandfather was poisoned and became unconscious. Hector was framed, but there was no proof that he was the one who had poisoned his grandfather.Instead of killing him, they kicked him out of the family. They didn’t believe him when he said he wasn’t the one who had poisoned his grandfather. How could he have poisoned the very man who cared about him the most in the family?Despite his efforts to find the real culprit, it was fruitless. He was painted as the villain, and all the suspicion led to him.They cast him aside like a bug that wasn’t needed anymore. Ever since then, he had become the useless son-in-law of the Edmund
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Chapter 6
Watching his wife and mother-in-law leave, Hector clenched his fist in desperation. They didn’t believe in him and had misunderstood him, but that wouldn’t be for long. He knew how to solve the problem.Since he was now rich, he could invest in his wife's company so she wouldn’t have to marry anyone else. That’s right! That’s all he had to do. She had mentioned it herself.Remembering he had been on a call before his mother-in-law showed up, he glanced at his phone only to see the call had already ended. The housekeeper must have ended it when he heard his mother-in-law’s voice.He called the housekeeper back, and the phone was answered on the first ring.“Hello, young master. I hung up when I heard voices in the background,” the housekeeper said.“Okay. I’m calling to ask where the nearest company of my family is.”“Do you need me to send the address to you now?”“Yes.”“Is it that important for you to go there now?” he asked.“Yes.”“I’ll arrange the rest for you,” the housekeeper s
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Chapter 7
Hearing their words, Hector glared at them, his blood boiling with fury. When he glanced back to see Colt, he had been happy to meet his old classmate after such a long time.However, discovering that Colt only wanted to mock him enraged him. He wanted to retaliate and wipe the cocky grin off Colt’s face but stopped, thinking twice.They weren’t worth his time, and he had something more important to take care of. He needed to take over the company and invest in his wife's family business, or she would have to marry Jack. Ignoring Colt, he hurried away.Stunned, Colt called out to him, but Hector paid no attention.“Hector! How dare you walk away from me?!”“We aren’t done talking yet!”“Come back here!”Entering the company, Hector walked straight to the reception with no issues. There, he was met by a red-haired woman who glanced at him as he approached. She arched her brows and tilted her head slightly.“Welcome. What’s your reason for being here? Is there anything I can help you wi
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Chapter 8
Instead of defending himself, Hector sneered. He glanced at the door and resisted the urge to remind them that the vice president was supposed to come pick him up.“I can leave, but don’t beg me to come back,” Hector said, his expression serious. “Sending me away might make you regret it.”Colt burst into laughter, his voice echoing around the room. “Regret it? Me? Have you ever made me regret anything in my life? Why would I ask you to come back? Do you think you are that special that I would beg for you to return to where you aren’t even wanted?”Hector’s frown deepened but he clenched his fist and kept quiet instead. After all, he had nothing to say to Colt. When Colt was tired of speaking, he would be quiet.“You’re too foolish to think I’d ever ask you to return after getting kicked out. It’s laughable that you believe that’s even possible.”The receptionist felt a pang of awkwardness for Hector. She couldn’t understand why he remained there, seemingly unfazed by the treatment he
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Chapter 9
Colt’s face paled as the blood drained from it. Hector had just claimed to be Mr. Henderson. His brows twitched, and the terror he had felt earlier only intensified. But still, he clung to the belief that it was just a coincidence.There was no way Hector could know the vice president of the company. He wasn’t even qualified to breathe the same air as her, let alone be familiar with her.Sheila held Hector’s gaze, and when he didn’t waver, a slight smile curved her lips. “Welcome. We can discuss more when we reach my office.”Colt’s jaw dropped. Hector, the guy he had dismissed, was being invited to the vice president’s office—an area Colt himself had never even come close to.“You must be mistaken!” Colt shouted, his voice breaking through the silence. “This isn’t the real Mr. Henderson! You’re making a mistake! Trust me, I know who he is—he’s nothing but a poor loser!”Hector rubbed his ears, a smirk playing on his lips as he watched Colt cause a scene. “You’re too loud,” he said ca
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Chapter 10
“I will lead the way then, follow me.”“Alright.” Sheila smiled at him and began to lead him towards the direction of her office. Seeing that Hector was leaving, Colt threw himself to Hector’s feet.“I am so sorry! I am truly, deeply sorry!” Colt bawled, tears streaming down his face. “I’m begging you, Hector. Please give me another chance! I’ve put my heart and soul into this job for years. It’s everything to me. I can’t lose it—please, I’m on my knees begging you!”Hector glanced down at him, his eyes betraying a flicker of emotion.“Please, remember our past,” Colt continued, his voice breaking. “Think about the times we shared. For the sake of what we once had, help me. Help me get my job back. I’ll do anything. Just give me one more chance. I swear I’ll make it right.”Hector sneered, shaking his head. Now that his identity has been revealed, Colt was trying to make up for all he had said for the past years. “Friends? Were we really friends? I don’t remember us being friends.”N
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