Chapter 9

Colt’s face paled as the blood drained from it. Hector had just claimed to be Mr. Henderson. His brows twitched, and the terror he had felt earlier only intensified. But still, he clung to the belief that it was just a coincidence.

There was no way Hector could know the vice president of the company. He wasn’t even qualified to breathe the same air as her, let alone be familiar with her.

Sheila held Hector’s gaze, and when he didn’t waver, a slight smile curved her lips. “Welcome. We can discuss more when we reach my office.”

Colt’s jaw dropped. Hector, the guy he had dismissed, was being invited to the vice president’s office—an area Colt himself had never even come close to.

“You must be mistaken!” Colt shouted, his voice breaking through the silence. “This isn’t the real Mr. Henderson! You’re making a mistake! Trust me, I know who he is—he’s nothing but a poor loser!”

Hector rubbed his ears, a smirk playing on his lips as he watched Colt cause a scene. “You’re too loud,” he said calmly before turning back to Sheila. “I didn’t know employees here made this much noise, Vice President.”

Sheila’s frown deepened at his words, but she remained composed.

“About heading to your office,” Hector continued before anyone could speak. “I decline.”

The tension in Sheila’s expression grew sharper, though she tried to hide her frustration. She had been specifically told to treat him with respect, no matter the circumstances.

“See!” Colt bellowed, sensing an opportunity. “If he were the real Mr. Henderson, why would he refuse your invitation? He’s afraid of being caught and exposed for the fraud he is!”

Sheila’s glare snapped to Colt, her patience thinning.

“May I ask why you rejected my offer?” she questioned Hector, her voice more controlled.

“Is there anything to ask?!” Colt cut in. “I already explained why he can’t go with you! He is just a mere delivery man claiming to be your guest. I can help you take care of him.”

Sheila’s patience snapped. “Who are you again?”

Colt straightened, a smug grin crossing his face. “Colt Lance, senior manager of the company.”

“Right,” Sheila said, her voice sharp. “I hope this is the last time you interrupt a discussion with Mr. Henderson. I received a direct call from the president to personally invite him. He’s an important guest, and I expect you to treat him with the respect he deserves.”

Colt flinched, the realization starting to hit that Hector might actually be the real Mr. Henderson.

“I declined your invitation,” Hector said smoothly, “because Colt here told me to leave. Said I was nothing but trash and a mere delivery man. So, I’m doing as he asked—I’m leaving. You can explain my departure to the president.”

Sheila’s brow twitched in fury as she turned back to Colt. “Did you ask him to leave?”

Colt stammered, the confidence draining from his face. “I... I...”

“You did, didn’t you?!” Sheila’s voice cut through him like a blade.

Terrified by the sheer intensity of the situation and Hector’s sudden importance, Colt scrambled after him. “Please come back, Mr. Henderson,” he begged, reaching out. “I didn’t mean what I said. I’ll make it up to you—how about dinner? I’ll take you to a nice restaurant. Please, just give me another chance.”

Hector didn’t even glance back, continuing toward the exit without a word.

“Mr. Henderson, wait!” Colt’s voice cracked in desperation. “I’m sorry, really! Just... just come back.”

Finally, Hector stopped. He turned slowly, his gaze cold and void of the earlier amusement. “Didn’t I say you’d beg me back?” His voice was calm, but the weight of it struck Colt like a hammer, sending chills down his spine.

Colt’s face went ghostly pale, his breath hitching as beads of sweat formed on his forehead. “Yes... you did,” he stammered. “I... I’m sorry, Mr. Henderson. I didn’t know who you were.”

Hector’s lips curled into a smile—one that sent a shiver of dread through Colt. Without another word, he turned again and strode toward the exit as if Colt’s pleas were nothing more than background noise.

A heavy silence filled the room. Sheila’s sharp gaze followed Hector’s retreating figure, her jaw clenched in frustration. She had been instructed to treat him with respect, and Colt’s behavior had almost ruined everything. She wasn’t about to let that slide.

“Enough,” Sheila said, her voice slicing through the tension. Colt froze, his eyes wide with desperation. “Your behavior today was disgraceful. You insulted an important guest—someone who holds far more value than you seem to comprehend.”

Colt swallowed hard, struggling to find his voice. “I... I didn’t mean to, Vice President! I swear, I didn’t know! Please, just one more chance.”

Sheila’s expression remained cold and unforgiving. She wasn’t known for being lenient, especially not for such grievous errors. Colt had crossed a line he couldn’t uncross. Her decision was already made.

“You’re fired,” she said coldly.

Colt’s world came crashing down. “Fired? No, please—Vice President, I’ve worked here for years! You can’t—”

“I can, and I will,” Sheila snapped, cutting him off. “I have no use for employees who cause trouble and disrespect our guests. You embarrassed this company today, and I won’t tolerate that. Pack your things and leave. Now.”

Colt’s mouth opened and closed, but no words came out. His legs gave way, and he stumbled. “Please... let me explain...”

“There’s nothing left to explain,” Sheila said, her tone final. “Leave before I have security escort you out.”

As Colt stood there, frozen in shock, Sheila turned back to Hector, her demeanor softening.

“Mr. Henderson, I deeply apologize for our former employee’s behavior. It doesn’t reflect our company’s values. Please, allow me to invite you to my office once more.”

Hector paused, letting the moment linger. Colt’s groveling had been pathetic, but Hector was no longer concerned with him. He had bigger things to focus on now.

With a faint smile, Hector nodded. “Alright, Vice President. I’ll accept your invitation this time.”

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