Dishonored To Dominance: Marcus Rise

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Dishonored To Dominance: Marcus Rise

By: YATES Updated just nowUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 42 views: 30

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Marcus Reed, a once-proud Marine, was callously dishonored and discharged after being framed for the deaths of his comrades during a covert operation that spiraled into chaos. The military, which he had trusted with his life, turned its back on him, leaving him to bear the weight of betrayal and guilt. Stripped of his dignity and benefits, he fell into despair as his wife, unable to cope with their financial struggles and his tarnished reputation, filed for divorce. In a cruel twist, she revealed that their son, Harry, was not his, leaving Marcus shattered and alone, forsaken for a wealthy car dealer who could provide the life she desired. As a janitor, Marcus faced daily humiliation, cleaning up after others while grappling with his shattered identity. One fateful day, an accident that left him in a coma for months. When he finally regained consciousness, he discovered a mysterious system within him that granted him $1 billion to

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    great love the settings, ...but Marcus going through hell ...

    2024-09-21 06:10:36
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42 chapters
The cool morning air was filled with the scent of pine as Marcus Reed stood at the edge of the clearing, his sharp blue eyes scanning the horizon. The silence of the Texas woods had always brought him solace, but today, it offered little comfort. At six feet two inches, with broad shoulders and a muscular build, Marcus had the presence of a man who had seen the world's darkest corners and emerged stronger, but now there was a heaviness in his gaze—a burden that weighed down his once upright frame.As he stood there, the memories of his past played out in his mind like a haunting film reel, each scene more painful than the last. The discipline of the Marine Corps had been ingrained in him, from his close-cropped dark brown hair to the clean-shaven face that still bore the rugged handsomeness that had only deepened with age. Yet, the man who returned to these woods was not the same one who had left."Marcus," a soft voice called from behind, pulling him from his thoughts. He turned to
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Marcus Reed stood before the mirror, the bathroom light casting harsh shadows on his face. He was no longer the man he once was. The sharp, confident Marine who had faced the world's dangers with unwavering resolve had been replaced by a hollow shell. His reflection was a cruel reminder of the past of what he had lost.The once brilliant blue eyes that had seen countless battlefields were now dulled, burdened by memories that refused to fade. His square jaw, once a symbol of his rugged handsomeness, was now clenched tight as he fought the tidal wave of despair that threatened to drown him. The face staring back at him was that of a stranger, a man beaten down by life, with deep lines etched by pain and betrayal.Marcus's thoughts were interrupted by the distant sound of traffic outside. He turned away from the mirror, unable to bear the sight of himself any longer. With a heavy sigh, he pulled on his janitor's uniform a faded blue coverall that hung loosely on his once-muscular frame.
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Marcus Reed sat in the dimly lit room of his small apartment, the flicker of a single lamp casting long shadows on the walls. The smell of stale coffee filled the air as he hunched over his laptop, the screen displaying a series of complex encryption codes. The strain of the past few weeks weighed heavily on him. Since waking up in the hospital, he had been obsessively working to decrypt the map to the hidden weapons base, driven by the knowledge of the impending global threat.The task was arduous. His fingers flew over the keyboard, decoding layers of encryption with the precision honed during his military service. The password "Semper Fidelis" had unlocked the initial access, but beyond that lay an intricate web of codes and security measures. Each breakthrough brought him closer to the location of the weapons base, but the process was slow and fraught with tension.His phone buzzed on the table, and Marcus glanced at the screen. It was a message from Evelyn, the mysterious figure
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Marcus Reed's team moved cautiously through the dense forest surrounding the hidden weapons base. The early morning mist clung to the trees, adding an eerie quiet to their approach. The towering mountain range loomed in the distance, its jagged peaks casting long shadows over their path. The base was nestled deep within this remote terrain, a fortress hidden from the world."Everyone, stay sharp," Marcus whispered into his radio. "We're approaching the perimeter. Hendricks, how are we on the security systems?"Hendricks, crouched behind a tree with his sniper rifle at the ready, responded calmly. "I've got eyes on the exterior cameras. They're on a loop, but there's a new patrol pattern. We'll need to move quickly to avoid detection."Fidelity adjusted her equipment, her fingers dancing over the control panel of her portable hacking device. "I'm working on cracking the next security layer. We've got about ten minutes before they cycle the codes again."Maximo, studying the terrain wit
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Marcus Reed and his team reached the central chamber of the weapons base with palpable relief. The sleek, compact device they had sought lay in the middle of the room, its small size belying its destructive potential. The mission appeared to be on track for success. As Marcus and his team prepared to extract the device and head for the exit, a nagging sense of unease settled over him."Something doesn't feel right," Marcus muttered, scanning the room with a critical eye. "It's almost too easy."Fidelity, her face illuminated by the glow of her hacking equipment, nodded in agreement. "I'm picking up some strange activity on the security feeds. It looks like there's a lot more going on here."Before Marcus could respond, a sudden, loud clang echoed through the chamber. The sound was followed by the flicker of lights as an emergency alert flashed on the walls. The team's victory quickly turned to dread as they realized the enormity of the situation."What's happening?" Maximo shouted, hi
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Marcus Reed’s heart pounded as he and his team stood at the threshold of the control room, bracing for the confrontation that was about to unfold. The sound of approaching footsteps grew louder, and the once-dimly lit control room now seemed to pulse with a harsh, blinding light. The enemy was closing in, and the team’s efforts to stop the bioweapons’ deployment were under immense threat.Marcus took a deep breath, trying to steady his racing thoughts. He glanced at his team, their faces a mix of determination and fatigue. They had been working non stop to neutralize the global threat, and now, with armed guards closing in, the mission’s urgency had reached its peak.“Stay alert,” Marcus instructed, his voice low but firm. “We need to hold them off long enough to disable the remaining devices.”Hendricks, positioned near the door, readied his weapon and checked his surroundings with a practiced eye. “We’ll need to hold this position,” he said, his voice calm despite the tension. “They
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Marcus Reed and his team made their way through the dense forest surrounding the enemy base. The twilight gave the landscape an eerie, almost otherworldly feel, and the silence was punctuated only by the crunch of leaves beneath their boots and the occasional distant call of a night bird. The team was weary, their bodies aching from the intense firefight they had just survived, but the mission was far from over. The air was thick with tension, and each of them was acutely aware that danger still lurked around every corner.“We need to keep moving,” Marcus said, his voice barely above a whisper as they trudged forward. He led the way, his sharp eyes scanning the path ahead for any sign of movement. “The extraction point is still a few miles away, and we don’t know if Kane has sent reinforcements.”Hendricks, always the cautious one, tightened his grip on his rifle and glanced over his shoulder. “It’s too quiet,” he muttered. “I don’t like it. Feels like we’re walking into a trap.”Fide
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The forest was quiet, almost unnervingly so, as Marcus and his team settled down by the riverbank. The sound of the flowing water was soothing, a stark contrast to the chaos they had just left behind. But the silence also carried an undercurrent of tension, the unspoken fear that Kane's forces were still out there, hunting them.Marcus sat apart from the others, his mind restless despite the tranquility of the setting. He couldn’t shake the feeling that they were walking into another trap. They had survived the ambush, but Kane was relentless. The enemy had them on the run, and Marcus knew it was only a matter of time before they’d have to face him again.Evelyn approached quietly, her footsteps barely making a sound on the soft earth. She hesitated for a moment, watching Marcus as he stared into the distance, lost in thought. His face was a mask of concentration, the tension in his body evident even in his stillness."You look like you could use a break," Evelyn said softly as she sa
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around them quiet but charged with the intensity of the moment they had just shared. For the first time in a long while, Marcus allowed himself to relax, the constant weight of responsibility lifting, if only for a brief reprieve. But it was short-lived.The sudden crack of a branch snapped them back to reality. Marcus’s instincts flared. He jumped to his feet, pulling Evelyn up with him, his hand already reaching for his weapon. "Did you hear that?" Marcus asked, his voice low, scanning the darkened treeline.Evelyn’s heart pounded in her chest. "I did."Without another word, they moved, staying low and quiet. Marcus motioned to the rest of the team, who had also picked up on the sound. They were instantly alert, ready for whatever came next."Everyone, fan out," Marcus ordered in a hushed tone. "We don’t know how many there are, but we can’t afford to get caught off guard."The team spread out along the riverbank, eyes scanning the forest for any signs of movement. The tension was
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“Did you hear that?” Marcus whispered, his hand reaching for the gun at his side. His eyes scanned the darkening trees, every muscle in his body tense.Evelyn immediately straightened, her own senses going on high alert. “No. What is it?”“I don’t know yet. But something’s not right.”Evelyn followed his gaze, scanning the treeline. “Do you think they’ve found us?”Marcus clenched his jaw. “If they haven’t yet, they will soon. We need to move.”He stood, pulling Evelyn up with him. His team was scattered by the riverbank, a few of them trying to rest, but most were alert, their eyes scanning the perimeter just like Marcus had taught them. He moved quickly toward them, signaling for silence.“We’re not safe here,” Marcus said in a low, urgent voice. “I think Kane’s men are closing in.”Jason, his second-in-command, looked up from where he had been crouched by a rock, sharpening his knife. “You sure?”Marcus gave a sharp nod. “I’ve got a feeling. We need to get out of here before they h
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