around them quiet but charged with the intensity of the moment they had just shared. For the first time in a long while, Marcus allowed himself to relax, the constant weight of responsibility lifting, if only for a brief reprieve.

But it was short-lived.

The sudden crack of a branch snapped them back to reality. Marcus’s instincts flared. He jumped to his feet, pulling Evelyn up with him, his hand already reaching for his weapon.

"Did you hear that?" Marcus asked, his voice low, scanning the darkened treeline.

Evelyn’s heart pounded in her chest. "I did."

Without another word, they moved, staying low and quiet. Marcus motioned to the rest of the team, who had also picked up on the sound. They were instantly alert, ready for whatever came next.

"Everyone, fan out," Marcus ordered in a hushed tone. "We don’t know how many there are, but we can’t afford to get caught off guard."

The team spread out along the riverbank, eyes scanning the forest for any signs of movement. The tension was palpable, the silence oppressive as they waited for the next sound.

Evelyn crouched beside Marcus, her grip tightening on her weapon. "Could it be Kane’s men?" she whispered, barely audible.

"It’s possible," Marcus replied, eyes fixed on the shadows. "We can’t rule anything out."

Suddenly, a rustling sound from the bushes drew their attention. Marcus raised his hand, signaling everyone to stay still. His pulse quickened, adrenaline coursing through his veins.

"Wait for my signal," Marcus muttered, watching the foliage intently.

The rustling grew louder, closer. Then, without warning, a figure burst through the bushes, stumbling into view.

"Hold fire!" Marcus shouted just in time, recognizing the man as one of their own—Private Harris, bloodied and exhausted.

"Harris!" Evelyn rushed to his side as he collapsed onto the ground. "What happened?"

"Kane… they're… coming…" Harris wheezed, struggling to catch his breath. His eyes were wide with fear. "They’re right behind me. We need to move. Now."

Marcus's jaw clenched. "How many?"

"Too many," Harris gasped, his face pale. "They’re coming with everything they’ve got."

Marcus shot to his feet. "Everyone, fall back! We need to move, now!"

The team scrambled to action, quickly gathering their gear and preparing for the imminent attack. Marcus grabbed Harris by the arm, pulling him to his feet.

"Can you walk?" Marcus asked, his voice firm but filled with concern.

"I’ll manage," Harris replied, though his legs wobbled beneath him.

"Stay close," Marcus instructed, turning to Evelyn. "We need to find higher ground. If they’ve got the numbers Harris says, we need to outmaneuver them, not face them head-on."

Evelyn nodded, already helping Harris stay upright. "Got it."

The team moved swiftly through the trees, their steps light and careful as they made their way up the hill. The sound of footsteps in the distance grew louder, confirming Harris’s warning.

"They’re getting closer," Evelyn muttered, glancing over her shoulder.

Marcus’s eyes darted around the terrain, searching for any advantage. "We need to split up. It’ll slow them down."

Evelyn hesitated. "Are you sure?"

"It’s our best shot," Marcus replied, urgency in his voice. "Take half the team and circle around. We’ll draw them in and hit them from both sides."

Evelyn’s jaw tightened, but she nodded, knowing there was no time to argue. "You better not get yourself killed, Marcus."

"Same to you," Marcus said, a faint smile flickering across his face despite the tension.

With a quick signal, the group split into two. Evelyn took her team to the left, moving swiftly through the underbrush, while Marcus led the others straight ahead, aiming to lead Kane’s forces into a trap.

The forest closed in around them, the air thick with anticipation. Every breath felt like it could be their last, every step calculated.

Suddenly, gunfire erupted from behind them.

"Down!" Marcus shouted, diving for cover as bullets ripped through the trees. His team followed suit, scattering into the nearest cover as the firefight began.

"They're here!" Evelyn’s voice crackled over the radio.

"Stay low!" Marcus yelled, returning fire in short bursts. "We’re almost in position!"

The sound of gunfire filled the air, the sharp cracks echoing through the forest. Kane’s forces were relentless, their numbers overwhelming, but Marcus and his team fought back with precision and skill, each shot carefully aimed to maximize damage.

"We’re running out of time!" Evelyn’s voice came over the radio again, her breathing labored. "They’ve flanked us!"

Marcus gritted his teeth, his mind racing. "Fall back to the ridge! We’ll hold them off from there!"

"Copy that!" Evelyn replied.

Marcus looked over at Harris, who was still struggling to keep up. "You need to keep moving," Marcus urged, firing another round into the shadows.

"I’m not leaving," Harris insisted, though his voice wavered with exhaustion. "Not this time."

"You’re no good to us dead!" Marcus snapped, ducking as a bullet whizzed past his head. "Get to safety and regroup with the others!"

Reluctantly, Harris nodded and limped away, disappearing into the trees.

"Alright," Marcus muttered to himself, reloading his weapon. "It’s just you and me now, Kane."

He could feel the enemy closing in, their presence like a dark cloud suffocating the forest. The familiar thrum of battle quickened his pulse. But Marcus wasn’t afraid. He had been in worse situations and survived.

"Here they come," one of his men murmured, pointing toward the trees where dark figures began to emerge.

Marcus’s eyes narrowed. "On my signal," he ordered, waiting as the enemy closed in.


The team unleashed a hail of bullets, the forest erupting into chaos as Marcus led the charge. They fought with everything they had, determination fueling their every move. But the numbers weren’t in their favor, and Marcus knew it.

As the battle raged on, Marcus’s radio crackled to life. "We’ve reached the ridge!" Evelyn’s voice came through, urgent but steady. "But we’re pinned down!"

"Hold your position!" Marcus shouted, firing another round. "We’re on our way!"

He motioned to his team, signaling them to move. "Let’s go! Fall back to the ridge!"

They moved quickly, retreating through the trees as bullets continued to fly around them. The ridge wasn’t far, but every step felt like a battle for survival.

Finally, they broke through the trees, reaching the ridge where Evelyn and her team were taking cover.

"You made it," Evelyn breathed, her face streaked with dirt and sweat.

"Not done yet," Marcus replied grimly. "They’re right behind us."

"Then let’s end this," Evelyn said, her eyes fierce with determination.

Together, they turned to face the oncoming enemy, their weapons raised. The final showdown had begun.

And this time, they weren’t running.

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