The System's Mafia Ascension

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The System's Mafia Ascension

By: Legacy Sage Updated just nowUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 10 views: 17

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Betrayed by his wife for a wealthier man, he was cast aside as nothing more than a worthless son-in-law. But this is no ordinary tale of revenge. He didn't bother with petty humiliation—he's set his sights on something far greater. Now, he's risen from the ashes to become a powerful mafia lord, building an empire in the shadows, his name whispered in fear. But that’s not all. Beneath the criminal underworld lies an even darker truth: supernatural beings—demons, ghosts, and ancient races—lurking within human society. His true mission, given by a god, is to hunt them down and stop their silent invasion. And anyone who dares cross him? They'll learn the hard way what happens when you mess with a man destined for power, both in this world and beyond.

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10 chapters
Chapter 1: Typical Urban Son-in-law?
3:34 PMLois Angelis City, Luxurious Hotel~With an envelope in his hand, Rex who just stepped out of the taxi couldn't help but appreciate the ten-story building with the enormous sign hung on top which had the word 'Luxurious Hotel' written on it.The entire construction was made of glass from the outside with guards enclosing it even though it has CCTV cameras around it. Without squandering time he headed inside after passing the security door.Walking towards the counter with a lady reclining behind it.Before he could speak she beat him to it."Welcome to the luxurious hotel sir, how may I be of help to you?" The lady dressed in the hotel uniform which was a white shirt and a black skirt smiled warmly and said."I'm here to convey a message to Sir Joe. Kindly let him know that Rex, the son-in-law of Walker's family is here to deliver a letter to him.""Sure, hold on a minute" saying so the lady sitting behind the counter picked up her phone after getting Sir Joe's information fr
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Chapter 2: No Time For Face slapping, Sign those documents
"Come on Rex, put your hands on the floor too. Dogs don't use two limbs only right?" Silvia giggled evilly as she said while running her slim finger on Sir Davis's chest.Rex shut his eyes as soon as he saw it and put his hand down then with his teeth gritting so hard that you would think they would break, he said, "I'm deeply sorry Sir David." Seeing how humiliated Rex was, Davis smiled in satisfaction and said aloofly. "Now scram to wherever you were supposed to be and don't bother us couples engaging in our love session."*****30 minutes later.Under the shade of a tree beside the main road, Rex stood with a lifeless look in his eyes as he stared at the cars moving up and down while thinking back to what happened which made him want to smash Davis to pup but whenever he remembered that Silvia joined in humiliating him too he suddenly felt weak. Right now, he still can't believe that the girl who stood for him through thick and thin will suddenly change. What changed her? Was s
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Chapter 3: 'Dog'? You dare?!
Rex said while leaning on the door. He threw the papers across the room and it landed at Silvia's face which she subconsciously caught.She was shocked to the bone, with her eyes wide open, Silvia stared at Rex, who stood with his muscular arms folded across his chest, one leg propped up against the wall behind him. His expression was calm, almost bored as if he had seen it all before. "And if I don't?'' Silvia said with a vexed look as she stared at Rex.Rex's pink lip curls up forming a smirk. He turned his head gently and looked at Silvia blue kristel's eyes. His dark green eyes brighten with a dangerous gleam that sends shivers down Silvia's spine, she even regretted saying those words and subconsciously lowered her head thereby avoiding direct eye contact with Rex."Good girl. Now do me a favor and sign it okay?" Rex said with a gentle smile on his face. But to Silvia who just saw a hint of his dangerous side. That smile was like a warning to her!"Re… Rex, can we talk this out?
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Chapter 4: Rex not smiling.
Silvia panicked and wanted to come up with a lie when the door was pushed open which drew both the grandma and Silvia's attention.Standing at the door was a chubby girl about Silvia's height with short hair and dark brown eyes. Although her skin was fresh, compared to Silvia it was mediocre at best. She is Silvia's cousin's sister Jane. Jane has been outside since and heard everything Silvia and Granny said.Finding an opportunity she immediately entered the scene and said "Lies. Granny Silvia has been going clubbing and hotels with Davis.""How dare you slander me!" Silvia was furious and yelled at Jane"Humph, do you think I didn't know you were having sex with him? How shameful for a lady who is married to be out there having fun while her husband is at home. You are a shame to this family Silvia.""Shame? You are the shame, Jane. A disgusting fat pig like you being born into this family is an utter insult to the honorable us!"Being body shame made Jane tremble in rage. With rage
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Chapter 5: After A While, It's Time for me to feel arrogant
"Granny, accept this 79-year-old ginseng which I bought from an auction worth 11.3 million dollars as a gift to you from me." A chubby man walked forward proudly and said with a loud voice as he dropped a gift wrapped with some designer clothes."Granny, accept this ancient Dante sword. It is said to hold over 3 thousand years of history. I purchased it for the sum of 20 million dollars only" another one said, adding the word 'only' just to belittle the first one which successfully worked, the first one's cheek turned red from shame."Granny, accept my…""Granny, this gift is for…""It's only 56 million dollars…"As time went by more and more bigshots came forward with their gifts and each gift was greater than the previous one. Making Granny grin ear to ear from happiness.She couldn't help but give an emotional talk."Thank you all. I never knew I was special, you people even though we don't know each other or rather we are just business partners but you made my birthday worth it. S
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Chapter 6: Arrival Of The Biggest Shots
6At the front of the group stood a man with pure white hair that fell in a perfect coif, not a strand out of place. Though his hair was white, his eyes were the color of a vibrant summer sky, bright and shining."Greetings, my lady," he said, bowing slightly. "Happy birthday to you. I am Jace, the butler of the Archibald family, and I bring greetings from our patriarch."His words hung in the air like a bomb about to explode. The other guests looked at each other in shock, unsure of how to react. "Jace, the great butler of the Archibald family?" one of the guests exclaimed. "The right-hand man of the patriarch?""Impossible!" another said, his voice trembling with disbelief. "What business would such an important person have here?""Who is he?" someone else asked, confusion evident in their voice. "Why are you all acting like he's a god?" Another added."He's not just any butler," another explained. "He's the right-hand man of the Archibald family patriarch, and he's worth more t
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Chapter 7: A God
Silvia knew she couldn't stand such force and it would destroy her family. Looking at Granny for help only to see Granny giving her a weak smile, showing that the situation has gone beyond her control.Silvia, left with no choice, only sign it with pain and regret, wailing in her heart.Following that, Rex took the papers, looked at everyone coldly, then nodded at the butler and followed them out. From that moment, his name will spread across the country and from then, he is sure no one will dare mess with him.Even after he left, the party didn't continue as everyone left one by one leaving the grandmother and her granddaughter in shame.*****10 minutes later~30 black expensive cars with their headlights on speed out of the Walker family in straight lines and head towards the road which will take them to the airport.Sitting inside one of the cars which was a limousine, was Rex and the butler."Let me get this straight - Grandpa wants me to build a secret army, disguised as a mafi
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Chapter 8: A Chat With A Divine Being
"A place I have created outside of space and time, where I may converse with those I have chosen," the voice explained. "Oh...okay," Rex said, still feeling a little confused. "But why did you bring me here?" The voice was silent for a moment, as if contemplating on how to say it, after some while, he finally said, "Do you know thousands, if not, over a million people that you consider to be ordinary on earth are not? There exist martial combaters capable of doing the extraordinary, witches, people with abilities and even demons, ghosts and a lot more evil beings on earth. Whenever they tend to fight, they always make sure never to leave behind any evidence, which is why literally little to no ordinary citizens know about them." Rex's lackadaisical expression changed instantly as he asked, even though his voice didn't sound, but it was like the being could hear it. "This... This can't be true, right? How can you say the earth is filled with such extraordinary stuff and the
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Chapter 9: Battle In The Train
The door leading to the VIP section was blown apart as 5 people with masks covering their faces rushed in."Everyone! On the floor and don't try anything funny, or you will definitely have your blood spray here, and I ain't kidding!" The muscular one among them said in a threatening tone."Oh shit come on, you gotta be kidding me. Why now of all times?" Rex said with a squeezed smile which made his face look more like someone crying."Oh shit come on, you gotta be kidding me. Why now of all times?" Rex said with a smile which made his face look more like someone crying.[Please just rob who-so-ever you wanna rob and go away, it's not like I am a hero.] Rex thought as he lay on the floor flat with his face hidden. He sneakily took a peak at the butler and also saw him on the floor and right at that moment the butler also turned and looked at him.Rex shot him a look like he was trying to say 'I told you let's take a car, but you said otherwise and now see what mess we in'"Give me the
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Chapter 10: Inner Might
10"Em…e…embrace…it" Rex muttered, and suddenly his eyes brightened, shining differently from his usual dark green as now it shone completely green!.Bam!No one, not even Rex, knew where he got the power from, but he was able to stop the punch as he grasped hold of the fist tightly. No matter how the man tried to pull away he still couldn't."Im…impossible!" The man yells with disbelief."Are you shocked? Are you surprised? This is just the beginning," Rex said as he threw a punch of his which carried both his frustration and anger towards the man.Bang!What happened shocked both his sister, who was hiding and watching it with the other 4 passengers.The brute's neck got snapped into two as he dropped on the floor lifelessly.Rex didn't rest as he saw the butler who looked seriously injured and might be stabbed any moment from now. He stood up and ran towards them within seconds he reached there, surprising both the butler and the other two thieves.Rex threw a straight punch withou
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