Chapter 6: Arrival Of The Biggest Shots


At the front of the group stood a man with pure white hair that fell in a perfect coif, not a strand out of place. Though his hair was white, his eyes were the color of a vibrant summer sky, bright and shining.

"Greetings, my lady," he said, bowing slightly. "Happy birthday to you. I am Jace, the butler of the Archibald family, and I bring greetings from our patriarch."

His words hung in the air like a bomb about to explode. The other guests looked at each other in shock, unsure of how to react. 

"Jace, the great butler of the Archibald family?" one of the guests exclaimed.

 "The right-hand man of the patriarch?"

"Impossible!" another said, his voice trembling with disbelief. 

"What business would such an important person have here?"

"Who is he?" someone else asked, confusion evident in their voice. 

"Why are you all acting like he's a god?" Another added.

"He's not just any butler," another explained. "He's the right-hand man of the Archibald family patriarch, and he's worth more than any of us here. Just look at that..."

"Wow, he is that rich? Then why is he still a Butler?"

"How the hell will I know? Go ask your dad since he is from the same generation as the Butler I'm 28 years old only"

Such talks could be heard at different corners of the hall. Although the Walker family are well made but they're just a multimillionaire family while on the other hand, the Archibald family were one of the top ten richest families on Earth with over $4,590+ billion worth of stuff in possession.

Now you can know why granny is super excited. For a billionaire family to notice her isn't that a hint that her influence will increase?

Suddenly, the hall fell silent as a new voice rang out. "Man, this food is so good!"

All eyes turned to the source of the comment, and there stood Rex, swigging a glass of wine without a shred of decorum.

Granny's face grew red with anger. This boy was going to ruin her chance of forging an alliance with the Archibalds. How dare he behave so disgracefully at such an important event?

She was determined to put a stop to his antics, whatever it took.

Granny was eventually angered and felt like Rex would be the one to weaken her chance of making an alliance with Archibald's family.

"Rex!, You finally made me provoke and you shall face it. Guards take him out and hit this low life of a…"

"Watch your tongue, woman!" a deep voice cut through the silence, and everyone turned to see the source.

It was one of the men from the Archibald, a tall and imposing figure with a stern expression on his face.

"Don't you dare insult our young master!" he said, his voice like thunder.

Granny stood frozen, her mouth still open in shock, as the Archibalds strode past her and headed towards Rex.

"That guy's a goner," someone murmured, shaking their head, obviously they didn't hear the word the guard just said now. "What a fool, provoking the Archibalds."

But what the crowd expected didn't happen rather…


"Greetings, young master!" The whole guard and the butler knelt before Rex, their voices filled with respect.

"Uncle Jace, there's no need to kneel before me," Rex said, his voice gentle and warm. "You once took care of me, remember?" He stood up and helped the old man to his feet.

The old Butler chuckled. "You don't have to make me sound so old. I may be older, but these old bones are still stronger than you think."

"You always were a jokester, Uncle Jace," Rex said, his laughter echoing around the room.

"Hahaha, I know. Let me address these people first young master Rex." The butler said as he turned to face the crowds.


"Wh… wh… what's going on here?" Silvia asked no one in particular "Am I seeing something unique or is this truly happening?". 

"What's going on" the chubby man who volunteered to teach Rex a lesson suddenly got a bad feeling when he saw what was going on.

Seeing everyone's attention on him, the butler spoke in a solemn voice.

"You guys might have heard the Archibald's tradition of setting up different tests for their future heirs from a younger age. Just so you know, Rex might be the next heir of the family and next in control of the family's wealth since he had passed the first test."



Granny and others' voices resounded throughout the hall with shock. 

"What's going on here?!" Silvia with an uneasy feeling finally asked the question which has been in others' minds.

Everyone also wants to hear the full gist and perk up their ears.

Rex heard her question and turned around with a smirk on his face as he looked at her.

He then replies "Well oh well, seems like Miss Silvia is kinda interested in my story huh? Let me tell you a bit of my story. I served at the Federal Military Legion 101 at age 18 and left it around 20 when I married you. I then have to live the life of an orphan it has two uses, 1. It was a test given by my family and if I ever revealed my identity throughout the test then I failed the second reason is, that I wanted to test you and know if you truly love me."

Rex looked at her with a cold smile and continued "But you proved me wrong. I was wrong to believe that you're a virtuous woman or one who loves me for who I am but it looks like I was super wrong about your family being the kind type too." With a voice devoid of emotions, Rex added while looking at everyone's expression. Changing from shocked, awe, fear and others were clearly written on literally everyone's face.

"Rex, you lied to me…sob…sob, I'm your wife for crying out but you lied and hid your identity. We were supposed to be open, we promise never to hide anything from each other" Like a switch being flipped Silvia's character took a 180-degree turn as she put up a caring wife act with tears streaming down her face. She acted like the victim here.

Even Rex was left speechless at her shamelessness. With a chuckle, he said "Emotional blackmailing now are we? I don't expect you who slept with people to still have the guts to call me your husband."

"Wh… what're you saying? I'm your

wife for crying out loud! All those that happened were the work of the devil I can never cheat on you, I've always been loyal and wish for your success how can I cheat on you?"

"Yes indeed. What happened today is just a mere trick, I mean both Davis and Silvia were pranking you." Granny added, trying to save the situation.

Rex didn't even bother listening to their half-baked truth as he turned and nodded at the butler before saying. 

"Silvia, my patience is running down. Sign these divorce papers or face my family's wraith." Rex said coldly as he pulled out a second divorce paper and handed it to her.

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