Tell The World, Ambrose Li Has Returned

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Tell The World, Ambrose Li Has Returned

By: Dragon Sly Updated just nowUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 150 views: 17.0K

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Ambrose Li, a young 23-year-old, was known as the live-in son-in-law of the prestigious Ainsley family. His daily life was marred by disrespect, insults, and relentless maltreatment. "You must divorce Ambrose! He has brought you nothing but shame, Ava,” they insisted. When everything was going badly. A car pulled over and said, " Ambrose, the man you helped years ago is back to repay you. $10 Million is yours as a bonus, you're going to inherit the Gemstar Platinum. Overwhelmed, Ambrose Fell On his knees and screamed. "Tell The World, Ambrose Li Has Returned."

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  • One-Love


    Already been added to the library. Great book so far. I so much love Ambrose's personality.

    2024-09-16 16:10:55


    Extraordinary author ......

    2024-08-01 01:42:26
  • ImM0rTAL


    Nice work author keep it up ......

    2024-07-12 15:11:04
  • Aisha Abdulrahmon


    the story is mind blowing

    2024-07-06 23:39:21
  • Precious Adeniyi


    superb this book is sooo good ...️...️

    2024-07-06 19:20:44
  • adedoyin Yemi


    I love this story already. Ambrose hope ur plan is good it's now time u enjoy wealth and make people pay for their bad deed to u

    2024-07-06 19:12:43
  • Shen Izak Zakia


    best book ever, i read all the chapters and its great

    2024-07-06 17:52:49
  • Arhierhi


    I love this book and can’t seem to get enough of it

    2024-07-06 01:18:18
  • Marc Clemente Lagmay


    Another great story different from system activation stories thank you author for this another wonderful story the first story that made me cry was the rise of the student billionaire when I thought that Benjamin would die thankfully he recovered.

    2024-06-29 16:44:19
  • Dragon Sly


    Hello dear readers. This is my new book and as usual, would give you something extraordinary and nice ... keep reading

    2024-06-17 19:07:53
  • Enchantingphayvou


    Am enjoying this book.Dragon sly keep it up.

    2024-06-10 22:24:47
  • Juju Pen


    Another 10/10 project, kudos!...

    2024-06-07 01:09:43
  • adedoyin Yemi


    I really enjoy this story much love Authoress

    2024-07-12 15:34:25
Latest Chapter
150 chapters
Chapter 1: Ambrose Returns At Night
It was around 9 p.m. at the Ainsley manor when a young man around the age of 23 opened the main gate and entered. He was Ambrose Li, the live-in son-in-law of the Ainsley family. Walking into the main hall, Ambrose's expression looked tired as he took his seat on the sofa in his normal clothes. He poured himself a glass of water and drank it instantly. He got up and locked the door before taking his seat again. "Everyone must be asleep by now," he said with a sigh. "I hope she's asleep too; otherwise, I might receive an angry sermon," he muttered, and he got up, walking towards another room door. Reaching the door, Ambrose knocked twice but received no reply. Without thinking much, he opened the door and entered, then closed it behind him. Gulp!" He swallowed instantly after closing the door and turning around. On the bed was a very beautiful young lady in a blue and white skirt, lying on her stomach, busy pressing her phone with earbuds in her ears. This lady was Ava Ainsl
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Chapter 2: Ambrose Enters Shower 🚿
Ambrose sighed deeply and silently muttered to himself, "Why me, God? Why Ambrose? There are young men like me out there owning millions—young men born into rich families, young men with Porsche cars. Why is mine different?"With a heavy heart, he forced himself onto the mat, squeezing himself into a comfortable position as best he could.The next morning, Ava woke up early and looked at the clock; it was around 5 AM, not even yet 6. She glanced down and saw Ambrose asleep on the mat, and she hissed lightly."He sleeps comfortably because he has nothing to do," she murmured to herself. "After all, the family business is the one that would feed him. Such a loser to call himself my husband, always bringing shame to me in front of everyone. Everyone keeps mentioning how Ava married a loser."Still muttering, she got down from the bed and walked straight into the shower room to take her bath.Getting into the shower, Ava took off her clothes, revealing her flawless skin. Her thighs were s
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Chapter 3: Ambrose Cooks
Elizabeth, not wanting to argue again, looked at Ambrose and held his hand then began to lead him out of the room. Ambrose followed quietly, casting a worried glance back at Ava as he left.Margaret turned her attention to Williams, her son, with a look of disappointment. "As my son, you watch your wife disrespect your mom even in your presence? Look at how you people have ruined my granddaughter's life because of that idiot. Who in this city doesn't know of that good-for-nothing guy?”Williams sighed, feeling torn between his loyalty to his wife and his mother. "Mom, you know she's Ava's mom. I value you both, but rest assured, Ava will divorce him soon and marry someone better," he replied. Margaret looked at Lucas and Lily and said, "You two go and get ready for school."She then turned to Ava and asked, "Ava, are you trying your best to secure the contract for our company? You know if we get it, it might be a life-changing opportunity for us."Ava bit her lip and replied, "Grandm
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Chapter 4: Ambrose Makes Tangyuan
Margaret's eyes flashed with irritation. "Ambrose isn't qualified to sit with us," she retorted sharply. "He's here to help, not to dine with the family. How many times do I have to say it?”Elizabeth's expression hardened. "He's family too, Mother. He deserves to eat with us. He's not a servant.”Margaret slammed her hand on the table, rattling the dishes. "He may be your son-in-law, but in this house, he follows my rules! If I say he's not sitting with us, then he's not sitting with us!”Ambrose stood silently, not daring to utter a word. Elizabeth squared her shoulders, refusing to back down. "This is wrong, Mother. Treating him like this is wrong, and you know it.”Margaret's face twisted in anger. "Don't lecture me about right and wrong, Elizabeth. I know what's best for this family, and that boy will never be part of it. He doesn't belong here.”Elizabeth opened her mouth to respond, but Ambrose stepped forward. "It's okay, Mom," he said quietly. "I'll be fine; I'll eat in the
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Chapter 5: Ambrose Visit Ava Company
Ambrose scratched his head. "I've been looking all around, Ava. It's hard. Why don't you employ me in the company? I promise I'll work hard.”"Go and ask for permission from Grandma, not me," Ava said. She opened her purse, took out a $50 note, and threw it at Ambrose. "This should be enough for you."Ambrose sighed, bent down, and picked up the money. He looked Ava directly in the eye. "Thank you. I really appreciate it.""Rascal," Ava muttered before turning around. She walked close to the Subaru Outback parked, opened the driver's door, and then sat down. Lucas and Lily also opened the back door and sat down.Ambrose stood there, watching as Ava started the engine and drove off. Ambrose sighed deeply, staring at the spot where Ava's car had just been. "Why did I fall in love with such a beautiful but cold-hearted lady?" he asked himself quietly. "Will Ava ever love me?"He rubbed his forehead in frustration. "I understand," he murmured. "She's a young lady with so many opportuniti
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Chapter 6: Ambrose Destroys Deal
Ava knew that Jin Wei, the young master of the Wei family, was interested in her. She had encountered him several times, and he had made his intentions clear. However, that wasn't her priority. Despite her frequent agreement with her grandmother about divorcing Ambrose, it was mostly to irritate him. Deep down, even with her resentment toward Ambrose, she wasn't ready to divorce him or get involved with another man just yet. Ava's eyes widened slightly, but she quickly recovered. "I see," she replied, choosing her words carefully. "I didn't realize the proposal was part of this negotiation." Chen leaned forward, his tone more insistent. "I came here for an answer, Ava. Just say yes, and this deal is yours.” Ava felt a surge of conflicting emotions. She had worked tirelessly to secure this meeting, and now it came down to a personal decision that could change everything. She took a deep breath, not knowing what to say. Chen glanced at his watch, tapping it lightly as if to r
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Chapter 7: Ava Yells and Blames Ambrose
Ava's eyes flashed with fury as she struggled against his hold, expressing her frustration and disappointment. "You happened, Ambrose!" she spat. "You and your useless antics!" Her words were like daggers, each one aimed at his heart. "You've ruined everything, just like you always do!" "I'm sorry, I didn't like how..." Ambrose began, his voice trailing off as Ava's furious gaze bore into him. "Who the hell are you to decide what you like and what you dislike?" Ava's words were sharp, cutting through Ambross like a knife. "Ambrose, who the hell are you?" she demanded. Ambrose stood there in silence, unable to find the right words to defend himself against Ava's accusations. He could feel the weight of her anger pressing down on him, suffocating him with guilt and shame. "S-speak," Ava insisted, her voice trembling as she pushed him to respond. "I'm sorry, Ava," Ambrose finally managed to stammer out, his head bowed in shame. "I didn't mean for things to turn out this way. I
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Chapter 8: Ava Calls Jonathan, Anna Meets Ambrose
Anna looked at Ambrose and said, "By the way, Mr. Li, can you come with us? You'll get the explanation you want.""Go with you? To where? I'm not going anywhere," Ambrose replied."Do not be afraid, Mr. Li. You won't be harmed."Ambrose shook his head again, more firmly this time. "No, you all leave. I'm not going with anyone, especially strangers.”Anna smiled gently. "Mr. Ambrose, don't you want to put an end to your sufferings? Don't you want the world to hear your name? Don't you want to enjoy luxury, spend as much as you want, and control millions?"Ambrose swallowed hard. Who didn't dream of such opportunities? Of course, he did. "What if I do? What about that?" he asked, looking intently at Anna.Anna nodded respectfully. "Trust me, Mr. Li, following us can be the solution to your problems. Look around; there's no one here. If we really wanted to harm you, we would have done that without anyone noticing.”Ambrose was stunned by her logic. She was right; harming him here would b
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Chapter 9: Ambrose Meets Old Master Jun
Ava took a deep breath, trying to steady her voice. "Jonathan, I need your help. I'm in a bit of a bind with the Wei family. I was supposed to secure a major deal, but things fell apart at the last minute."Jonathan chuckled softly, though his tone was curious. "The Wei family, huh? That's a tough break. But why come to me, Ava? You've always kept me at arm's length.”"I know," Ava admitted, her voice quieter. "And I regret that now. But your father has connections with the Wei family, right? I was hoping you might be able to pull some strings and help me salvage this deal. It would mean a lot to my family and me."Jonathan paused for a moment, considering. "Ava, I'm flattered you thought of me. And you're right, my dad does have some influence. But what's in it for me? Why should I help you after all the times you've brushed me off?”Ava's heart sank a little, but she pressed on. "Jonathan, I'm asking for your help as a last resort. I know I haven't been fair to you, but this deal is
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Chapter 10: Chairman+$10M
"What?" Ambrose opened his mouth in shock. "Wh... wha... what do you mean by "I'll inherit your wealth?" He turned to look at Anna, his eyes wide with disbelief. Jun looked at Anna and said, "Explain things to him." Anna nodded and stepped forward. "Master Li, what the old master means is that you're going to be his heir. All the properties he has amassed and all his wealth will now be yours. You'll become the Chairman of Gemstar Platinum Group of Companies.” "Puff!" Ambrose stood up with such force that his legs weakened, and he fell back down, his eyes wide with shock. Anna quickly rushed to his side, helping him up and into a chair. "Is anything wrong, Master Li?" she asked, concerned. "Water, please give me water," Ambrose said hurriedly. Anna quickly brought him a bottle of water. He opened it and drank deeply. "Is there anything wrong, my grandson?" Jun asked, worry etched on his face. "You said I'll become a Chairman?" Ambrose repeated, his voice shaking. Jun nodded. "O
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