Chapter 5: Ambrose Visit Ava Company

Ambrose scratched his head. "I've been looking all around, Ava. It's hard. Why don't you employ me in the company? I promise I'll work hard.”

"Go and ask for permission from Grandma, not me," Ava said. She opened her purse, took out a $50 note, and threw it at Ambrose. "This should be enough for you."

Ambrose sighed, bent down, and picked up the money. He looked Ava directly in the eye. "Thank you. I really appreciate it."


"Rascal," Ava muttered before turning around. She walked close to the Subaru Outback parked, opened the driver's door, and then sat down. Lucas and Lily also opened the back door and sat down.


Ambrose stood there, watching as Ava started the engine and drove off. 


Ambrose sighed deeply, staring at the spot where Ava's car had just been. "Why did I fall in love with such a beautiful but cold-hearted lady?" he asked himself quietly. "Will Ava ever love me?"

He rubbed his forehead in frustration. "I understand," he murmured. "She's a young lady with so many opportunities in life, but I've brought her so much humiliation and destroyed her life by marrying her."

He turned around and walked inside. He took only a few steps when he met his father-in-law, William, and Grandma Margaret, both looking like they were going out. 


"What are you doing?" Margaret asked sharply, staring at Ambrose. 


"Nothing, I'm just—"


"Go inside. I have dirty clothes, along with Lucas and Lily's. Wash them all by hand. We are going out, and before we return, I should see them on the line. Understood?"


"But there's a washing machine; why—”


"Shut up and do as instructed," Grandma Margaret yelled at him.


"Alright," Ambrose nodded, walking inside to start with the washing.


Soon, Elizabeth also left, so he was the only one in the house. After finishing, it was already around 11 a.m. His expression alone showed how tired he was.


"I do all the work around here, but what do I get in return? Just yelling and yelling and yelling," he sighed and then sat down.


Instantly, something seemed to occur to him. "I guess Ava might be hungry. Why don't I make a special dish and send it to her at the office? She might love it this time around," he said. So without wasting time, he walked back into the kitchen to prepare something.


Half an hour later, Ambrose had prepared the food and packaged it neatly in a bowl. He went to take his bath and then slipped on the same clothes before walking out.


He already had $50; a cab to Ava's office was going to cost $10 or $15, meaning there would still be change left. So, without wasting any time, he happily walked out.


Half an hour later, Ambrose arrived at Ava's workplace, the Ainsley Company. It was a construction and renovation company. Despite its modest size, it looked nice with a fair number of workers, most from unrelated family branches. 


As he stepped out of the cab, Ambrose noticed Ava's car parked in the lot. A wave of excitement washed over him as he walked towards the entrance, eager to surprise her with the meal he'd prepared.


Just as he reached for the door, a security guard stepped in his path. "Where are you going?" the guard asked, eyeing Ambrose suspiciously.


"I’m here to see Mrs. Ava Ainsley," Ambrose replied, holding up the food container.


The guard's expression hardened. "Do you have an appointment?"


"No, but—”

"Then you can't go in. Company policy," the guard interrupted, crossing his arms.

Ambrose felt a pang of frustration but tried to remain calm. "Please, it's important. I brought her lunch."

As Ambrose said, "I brought her lunch," the guard raised an eyebrow and asked, "Are you a delivery guy?"


"No, I'm not," Ambrose replied, trying to keep his voice steady.


The guard looked puzzled. "Sorry, how does this make sense? You want to bring her food for what? Go get an appointment."


"I don't need an appointment to meet her," Ambrose insisted.


"Why not?" the guard asked. 


"Because she's my wife," Ambrose replied firmly.


"Your wife?" the guard frowned.

Ambrose nodded and said, "Yes, you heard it."

The guard chuckled, looking Ambrose up and down. "Is everything alright with you?"

"Can you please let me in?" Ambrose said, trying to push past, but the guard blocked him.

"Don't annoy me, young man. I might go overboard," the guard warned.

"It seems you want to lose your job, right? You're preventing me from seeing my own wife?"


"Cut the crap. You think anyone can just waltz in and say he's her husband? Look at you and your clothes. Are you qualified? Then I'll also say Madam Ainsley is my sister.”


Ambrose sighed, knowing that reasoning with the guard was futile. He considered calling Ava, but he wanted to surprise her. "Ok, fine, I'll show you evidence," he said, pulling out his phone and going through his gallery. He found the pinned photo from their wedding a year ago and held it up to the guard's face. "Take a look here. Isn't that she and I, our wedding picture?”


The guard took the phone to examine the picture closely. His heart skipped a beat when he realized the wedding photo was genuine. Ambrose was indeed Ainsley's husband. Although there were rumors in Sandalwood City about the daughter of the Ainsleys marrying a loser, he had never seen Ambrose before.


"No wonder they said she married a loser. Look at his cheap clothes," the guard muttered to himself.


Ambrose took back his phone and said, "Can I go in now?”


The guard, still in shock, nodded and pushed the door open for Ambrose to walk in.


Meanwhile, in Ava's office, she was engrossed in an important conversation with a man named Chen, the business manager for the prominent Wei family. 


The Wei family was one of the wealthiest and most influential families in Sandalwood City, and securing their construction and renovation project was a coveted opportunity. 


The project, worth millions of dollars, had the potential to elevate the Ainsley family business to new heights, providing them with both financial profit and a significant reputation boost in the city.


Ava had been under immense pressure from her grandmother, Margaret, to secure this contract. Margaret believed that landing the Wei family's project was crucial for their company's future and had been urging Ava to do everything in her power to make it happen. 


After a month of relentless effort and meticulous planning, Ava had finally managed to arrange a meeting with Chen, a critical step towards securing the contract.


Ava looked across her desk at Chen, her expression full of respect. She carefully pushed the files toward him, her voice calm but eager.


"Mr. Chen, I truly appreciate you taking the time to meet with me today. The Ainsley Company is committed to excellence, and I believe our proposal reflects that. Securing this contract would mean the world to us," Ava said calmly. 


Wei glanced at the files briefly before leaning back in his chair. "Ava Ainsley," he began, a small smile playing at the corners of his mouth. "You know, this contract isn't actually what's most important here."


Ava's expression tightened slightly. "Mr. Chen, I assure you, we are more than prepared to take on this project. Our track record speaks for itself."



Ava's heart skipped a beat. "What do you mean, Mr. Wei?" she asked, trying to maintain her composure.


Chen shook his head lightly. "That's not what I mean. We both know what could truly elevate your family's status to the top," Chen continued. 


"The young master of the Wei family, as you're aware, is quite taken with you. Imagine if you accepted his proposal and became his girlfriend. You would have access to every deal from the Wei family, and your family would rise to the pinnacle of Sandalwood's business world.”


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