Chapter 6: Ambrose Destroys Deal

Ava knew that Jin Wei, the young master of the Wei family, was interested in her. She had encountered him several times, and he had made his intentions clear. However, that wasn't her priority.

Despite her frequent agreement with her grandmother about divorcing Ambrose, it was mostly to irritate him. Deep down, even with her resentment toward Ambrose, she wasn't ready to divorce him or get involved with another man just yet.

Ava's eyes widened slightly, but she quickly recovered. "I see," she replied, choosing her words carefully. "I didn't realize the proposal was part of this negotiation."

Chen leaned forward, his tone more insistent. "I came here for an answer, Ava. Just say yes, and this deal is yours.”

Ava felt a surge of conflicting emotions. She had worked tirelessly to secure this meeting, and now it came down to a personal decision that could change everything. She took a deep breath, not knowing what to say.

Chen glanced at his watch, tapping it lightly as if to remind Ava of the ticking clock. "I'm waiting for your answer, Ava. Just say yes, and the business will be directed to you."

Ava sighed, her frustration barely contained. "Mr. Chen, please, can we separate personal relationships from business? Can we secure this deal based on our company's merits and discuss any personal matters later? I believe this should be a conversation between Jin and me, not a condition for securing a contract.”

Chen's eyes narrowed slightly, "Ava, I'm here as a representative of the Wei family, and I'm presenting an opportunity. Jin Wei's interest in you is genuine, and combining our families' strengths would be mutually beneficial."

Ava took a deep breath, her resolve firm. "I understand the advantages, Mr. Chen, but I must insist that our professional and personal lives remain separate. Our company is more than capable of handling this project, and I hope you can see that as well."

Ava's heart raced as she felt cornered. "Mr. Chen, I..."

Chen cut her off, leaning forward with a stern look. "Ava, you're left with no choice here. Either you agree to Jin's terms, or this contract slips through your fingers. Your family needs this, isn't it?"

Ava felt a lump in her throat and was unable to find the words to respond. The pressure from Chen's ultimatum weighed heavily on her, leaving her feeling trapped and voiceless.

Chen sighed, sensing her hesitation. "Think about it, Ava. This is more than just a business decision; it's about securing your family's future. I'll give you a little more time to reconsider, but don't take too long."

Ava's eyes widened in desperation, but no words came out. Chen's imposing presence made it clear that her options were limited.


Bang!” Ava couldn't say more than two words when the door was forcefully opened.

As the door was forcefully pushed open, both Ava and Chen turned their heads in surprise. Ava's eyes widened in shock when she saw Ambrose standing there, his presence unexpected and unsettling.

"Ambrose? What are you doing here?" She asked, her voice tinged with confusion.

Ambrose didn't utter a word in response. Instead, his gaze hardened as he locked eyes with Chen, who looked equally taken aback by Ambrose's sudden appearance. Without a word, Ambrose strode forward and placed the bowl of food he had brought on the table.

Then, with a sudden burst of anger, Ambrose grabbed Chen's suit jacket, his grip tight and unyielding. "How dare you force her with your useless terms?" he spat out, his voice laced with contempt and fury.

Ambrose had already been behind the door, listening to the whole conversation.

Chen's expression morphed from shock to anger. "How dare you! Who do you think you are?" he retorted.

Ignoring Chen's question, Ambrose delivered a swift kick to Chen's leg, causing him to recoil in pain. "I'm Ava's husband," Ambrose declared firmly, his words ringing out in the tense atmosphere of the office.

Ignoring Chen's question, Ambrose delivered a swift kick to Chen's leg, causing him to recoil in pain. "I'm Ava's husband," Ambrose declared firmly, his words ringing out in the tense atmosphere of the office.

Ava's face flushed with a mixture of anger and embarrassment as she watched the scene unfold before her. "Ambrose, stop it! What are you doing?" she yelled, her voice filled with frustration and shame.

But Ambrose's rage seemed uncontainable as he continued his assault on Chen.

Feeling overwhelmed by the chaotic scene unfolding before her, Ava reached out and grabbed hold of Ambrose's shirt, her grip firm as she tried to pull him away from Chen. With a surge of frustration, she delivered a resounding slap to Ambrose's face.

“Stop the nonsense.” She yelled at him.

The force of the slap stunned Ambrose, his movements coming to an abrupt halt as he staggered backward, his hand instinctively rising to touch his cheek. Shock and hurt flashed across his eyes.

"What were you thinking, Ambrose? How dare you barge in here like this and create a scene?" Despite her harsh words, she reached out to help Chen.

“Mr. Chen, I'm so sorry for everything that has happened. I'm really sorry; I didn't expect this.” She apologized

Chen, however, refused Ava's apology. "So, this is the useless husband of yours that everyone speaks of?" He sneered. "You collaborate with this lowly idiot to humiliate me?”

Ava tried to intervene, attempting to explain the misunderstanding, but Chen's anger only intensified.

"Ainsley," he spat, "I'll spare you and your family this time. But don't ever dream of getting this project from us." With those final words, he stormed out of the office.

Ava slumped heavily into her chair. "God, I'm dead," she whispered.

She buried her face in her hands, her mind swirling. "I've worked so hard for this," she murmured, her voice muffled by her palms. "Countless late nights, endless negotiations... all for nothing." She shook her head, feeling the sting of tears threatening to spill over. "How could it all fall apart like this?"

"I've put my heart and soul into this project," she continued, her voice trembling with frustration. "I thought we had a chance... I thought I had a chance, but now... it's all gone. Just like that." She let out a frustrated sigh.

"What am I going to tell Grandma?" She wondered aloud, her voice barely above a whisper. "How can I face my family after this?"

Ambrose approached Ava cautiously, his heart heavy with concern for her. "Ava, please," he said gently, using the term "wife" in an attempt to calm her down. But her anger seemed to boil over.

Before Ambrose could react, Ava's hand flew through the air once more, poised to strike him with another slap. But this time, he was ready. With swift reflexes, he caught her hand mid-air, his grip firm but gentle.

"What happened, Ava?" he asked.

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