Almighty Nathaniel Mickelson Rise To Power

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Almighty Nathaniel Mickelson Rise To Power

By: Pseudonym omoye Updated just nowUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 13 views: 60

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Nathaniel Mickelson's quest to find happiness ended the moment his wife betrayed him. On the day he most cherished, he caught her in the arms of another man, leaving him disheartened ...... "Sign these papers!" Nathaniel said and threw the papers to Lindsey's face "Gladly! You've been a burden anyway," Lindsey said. Her mother has always wanted her to divorce Nathaniel. but she remained with him out of pity .... Nathaniel found himself stranded in the streets, but he valued his honor so much that he chose to divorce his cheating wife rather than stay with her. Nathaniel went back to his parents' old and dirty house, it reeked of wet soil and the place was covered in dust. Just as he was about to end his life, he stumbled upon a box, in the box was a golden ring, one that would change his life forever what happens when Nathaniel gains so much power and his ex-wife wants him back? what happens when he becomes one of the richest and most respected men in the town? Read Almighty Nathaniel Mickelson's Rise to Power to learn about Nathaniel's story

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13 chapters
Chapter 1: Worst day
“Be fast, I have somewhere important to be!” Nathaniel’s voice rang through the room. He was waiting outside the Manager’s office and was growing impatient by how slowly the cleaner swept the office. It was a small pizza store, and he worked there as a delivery man. “Will you stop shouting? I wasn’t going to sleep here!” A tanned-skinned girl walked out of the Manager’s office. “Get lost, Maggie!” Nathaniel said before walking away from where she stood. Maggie works here as a cleaner and for the past 30 minutes, she has been cleaning the Manager’s office, so he had to wait outside for her to finish before he could go in. He walked into the Manager’s office and stood just beside the desk. “Good....” “Take it and get out! I’m busy” He caught Nathaniel off. His dirty blonde hair fell on his face and he didn’t fail to show how irritated he was by Nathaniel’s presence. Nathaniel stretched his hand and picked the dollar notes from the table. As he counted it, a small frown appea
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Chapter 2: The divorce
"Em... Em..." She opened her mouth to speak when suddenly she felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned to look beside her. It was James Kesley, the blonde-haired man that she was dancing with. "Baby, you seem scared of him. Why don't you just tell him the truth and what you intend to do?" James said while staring into Nathaniel's eyes. Nathaniel looked away from him and turned to face his wife before asking, "What truth? What do you intend to do?" Lindsey inhaled deeply. Without answering him, she turned to the stairs and walked upstairs to her room Beside her bedside table was a brown envelope and a stack of papers just on top of the envelope. She took them downstairs, but she was hesitant. She pitied him and wondered where he would go if she threw him out of her house. Her father would not be happy with her in his grave, but this was what everyone wanted. Her mother, James, and even her friends. She walked downstairs and looked into Nathaniel's dull eyes with boldness "I want u
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Chapter 3: The Mysterious Gold Ring
Nathaniel sneered as he remembered Lindsey's last words before he left the house. There was no way he was going back to beg her. As he walked toward his parents' old house, the rain began to fall. He didn't bother to find somewhere to hide. As he walked under the rain, looking frustrated, some boys hurried to where he stood, pushed him to the ground, and began to punch him on his face and the rest part of his body. At first, he was confused until he heard one of them say, "Hit him hard! He deserves it! Next time, he wouldn't have the guts to lay his hand on James Kesley." They didn't give him a break, they kept on punching him everywhere. In anger, Nathaniel held the hand of one of the men and tightened his grip on his hand causing the guy to struggle to get away from him, as the bad guy struggled to move back, Nathaniel let go of the guy's hand causing him to immediately fall to the ground. The guys that had their hands in the air ready to punch Nathaniel instantly paused as they
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Chapter 4: Where he truly belongs
Nathaniel was dumbfounded as the men kept their gaze on the ground. He opened his mouth to speak but no word escaped his lips. Suddenly, the door of the black Porsche car in the middle opened and a tall broad-shoulder man who was also putting on a black suit stepped out of the car. Nathaniel immediately shifted his gaze to the tall, olive-skinned man who looked like their leader. The man walked towards Nathaniel without blinking his eyelashes. Nathaniel's heart sank. The man's aura was intimidating but surprisingly, as he got to where Nathaniel stood, he Instantly went down on one knee like the rest of them "What... What the hell is all of this?" Nathaniel finally found his missing words. "Young Master! We are glad you finally found the ring. Please come with us to where you truly belong," the olive-skin-type man uttered "Where you truly belong?" The word rang a bell in Nathaniel's head. He was skeptical and bewildered by their words "I think you're making a mistake somew
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Chapter 5: Wealthy life
Nathaniel opened his mouth to speak, but not a single word escaped his lips. Millions of thoughts and questions ran through his mind, questions he needed answers to. "Yes, my grandchild! Please sit down. I'm here for you now," the old man said with a commanding tone. Nathaniel sat on the sofa while his grandfather sat opposite him "I'm confused" Nathaniel finally said before looking away from him, "How can you have so much wealth and let your son suffer before he died, my father loved you, he randomly spoke about you," Nathaniel said, his voice shaky in pain. The memory of when his parents were suffering, trying to make ends meet, flooded his mind, and the only feeling he felt now was pain and anger The old man sighed and waved his hand, dismissing the men in the room. He stood to his feet and walked closer to where Nathaniel sat before pouring wine into the glass cup in front of him. He didn't utter a word, although Nathaniel was expecting him to explain The men exited the room,
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Chapter 6: A black card
A tall red-haired lady walked into the room. Her yellow dress complemented her pale skin, and she approached the sofa where Nathaniel sat with so much elegance. "Master Martins," Thelma said and bowed deeply to her boss, Nathaniel's grandfather. "Nathaniel meet Thelma. She has been the one in charge of my company," the old man said. Nathaniel's eyes widened in shock. He knew exactly who she was "Wait! Thelma Kesley? The manager of MSC?" Nathaniel was bewildered. "Yes, Thelma Kesley, fortunately, you already know my name," she said with a sweet smile on her face before she extended her hand for a handshake "Nice to meet you," she said and shook hands with Nathaniel while Nathaniel just smiled sheepishly. Martins cleared his throat and said, "Thelma, you're standing in front of my grandson, Nathaniel Mickelson, the heir to MSC and other landed properties that I have." The smile on Thelma's face expanded. She bowed deeply in front of Nathaniel and muttered, "Young master, I'm ho
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Chapter 7: Lindsey best friend
Nathaniel narrowed his eyes before answering the call abruptly. "Hello.""You ungrateful hypocrite! You had the guts to beat up James’s men?" she yelled, causing a frown to appear on Nathaniel's face"They attacked me, you fool! Do you expect me to leave them? Huh? I defended myself," He said in rage. He didn't know how he lived with Lindsey for so long without seeing this part of her"You deserve to be beaten up! You're in big trouble now. Not only did you beat James up, but you also beat his men up. Those men will definitely want their revenge," she said in angerNathaniel sneered, "Get lost Lindsey" He hung up the call. He just couldn't stand her voice anymore. Each second on the phone with her reminds him of the moments when he was deeply in love with her and wanted to do anything to please herHe shoved his phone back into his pocket and flashed a smile at Thelma. "Let's go, I'm famished," He said. Martin didn't bother to ask him any other thing about the divorce.Martin cleared
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Chapter 8: Transaction successful
"Huh? No! With your reputation, you should not defend someone like him. He's a poor church rat that doesn't deserve to be here," Danielle said. She turned to Nathaniel with a frown on her face."What are you still doing here, you hypocrite!" Danielle said and Thelma opened her mouth to speak but Nathaniel stopped her"You're a poor church rat that doesn't deserve to be here and I must make sure I treat you the way you should be treated," she said, filled with so much hate. By this time, everyone was already staring at them."Since you claim that you came here to eat, why don't you take out 50 dollar bill out of your pocket," She paused and chuckled softly before continuing, "I mean that's the lowest I can think of, a bottle of water here cost more than that" Danielle took a step backward and turned to Thelma. "Just watch and see who you're defending," Danielle said and grinned. Thelma scoffed at her words. She just watched as the entire scene unfolded in front of her. Nathaniel has a
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Chapter 9: Little bet
Danielle eyes widened in shock, but as she opened her mouth to speak, Thelma stopped her. "I think it's enough for you Madam! Leave this restaurant or I'll have the security man throw you out!" Thelma said in a rage. "But... But..." Danielle stuttered. "Take her out!" Thelma turned to the security man and instructed. The man immediately pulled her hand abruptly and started dragging her towards the door"Hold on, I'm not done yet," Nathaniel uttered with a smirk on his face"You heard our master. Hold on," Thelma said, causing the man to let go of Danielle's hand. Danielle straightened her dress in anger. "What lie did you tell them, huh? Why are they calling you young master when you're just a...""Hey! That's enough, Danielle!" Nathaniel stopped her from completing her sentence."I didn't ask him to let go of you to insult me. Like I said, I have a question!" Danielle was feeling uncomfortable. She didn't want to let her guard down in front of Nathaniel so she cleared her throat an
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Chapter 10: An encounter with James
"Do I really need bodyguards?" Nathaniel asked."Yes sir, you do. Great wealth comes with many enemies," Thelma responded, causing Nathaniel to nod his head. They got into the car while the other two bodyguards got into another car, a black Porsche. Soon, they arrived at the company, and Nathaniel stepped out from the car. As they walked towards the entrance of the building, Nathaniel noticed the eyes on them. Unlike yesterday, when he was wearing torn clothes, today he wore a fine black suit. "Damn it! I forgot some files in the car, sir," Thelma said. "Okay, you can go and get them. I'll be waiting for you inside the building," Nathaniel informed, causing Thelma to nod her head before walking back to the car. "You both should go with the lady," Nathaniel instructed. In hesitation, the bodyguards left his side and followed Thelma. Thelma opened her mouth to protest, but she ended up keeping her mouth shutNathaniel walked through the big entrance door. It was a really busy morni
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