Chapter 5: Wealthy life

Nathaniel opened his mouth to speak, but not a single word escaped his lips. Millions of thoughts and questions ran through his mind, questions he needed answers to.

"Yes, my grandchild! Please sit down. I'm here for you now," the old man said with a commanding tone. Nathaniel sat on the sofa while his grandfather sat opposite him

"I'm confused" Nathaniel finally said before looking away from him, "How can you have so much wealth and let your son suffer before he died, my father loved you, he randomly spoke about you," Nathaniel said, his voice shaky in pain. The memory of when his parents were suffering, trying to make ends meet, flooded his mind, and the only feeling he felt now was pain and anger

The old man sighed and waved his hand, dismissing the men in the room. He stood to his feet and walked closer to where Nathaniel sat before pouring wine into the glass cup in front of him. He didn't utter a word, although Nathaniel was expecting him to explain

The men exited the room, leaving Nathaniel and his grandfather alone in the room. The old man raised his hand to rest it on Nathaniel's shoulder, but Nathaniel moved away from him. He was still angry, and he needed an explanation

"Your father chose to leave, he left with the gold ring that you found, it is something that is passed down from father to son, only the heir of the family possesses the ring," He said and gestured for Nathaniel to drink from the wine he poured

"No, I'm fine." He refused the drink, causing his grandfather to let out a long sigh

"Your father ran away from his home. I spent years looking for him," He paused and turned to gaze with a sly smile, "Didn't you wonder how I found you?"

"Yes! I did, but all of this overwhelmed me that I forgot to ask!" Nathaniel said and furrowed his brows

"In that gold ring that you now possess, there's a tracking device, and it only works when you put it on," He explained. It was all starting to make sense to him

"But how did they get there so fast?" He asked

“Like I said before, I've sent my men to search for you, so fortunately they were close by when you found the ring," he said, causing Nathaniel to nod his head.

Nathaniel looked down at the glass cup in front of him and chose to sip from the wine. After gulping the alcoholic liquid down his throat, he sneered, "You should have sent your men earlier. Maybe my father would still be alive now if you sent those men to look for me when he left! You abandoned him, you abandoned us and you have no valid reason for doing that"

The old man sighed and flashed a reassuring smile at him and said, “I’m here for you now. I know that you went through humiliation. As soon as we found you, my men conducted a background check and discovered that you were humiliated...”

"You don't have to pity me if you were there for me and my dad, then I'm sure they wouldn't have looked down on me," Nathaniel sneered, cutting him off

"You don't understand Nathaniel. I never chased your father. In fact, I love him, but he left!" He said sternly in a deep voice, causing Nathaniel to feel slightly afraid. He gulped down the saliva in his mouth before asking, "Why did my father run? why did he leave?" The old man immediately fell silent the moment he was asked that question. He didn't want to recall what happened that day, so he stood up abruptly and sighed

"My grandfather passed the ring to my father and then my father passed the ring to me, then I passed it to your father. The business is growing stronger each year. Your father never wanted to live a wealthy life, so he left," the old man said. He wasn't telling the whole story, but that was all he had to say

"Now that you are here, all of this also belongs to you. This estate and my very many businesses in the state," He informed causing Nathaniel's eyes to widen in shock

"Wait! What? You mean you own this estate?" Nathaniel asked in disbelief

"You own it now Nathaniel and my many businesses," the old man said, causing Nathaniel to stand to his feet in shock. Nathaniel has heard rumors that the owner of this particular estate is unknown.

Many people said that he was a businessman. Some assumed he must be into illegal practices because of the money. All this while, Nathaniel stared at this place from the outside each time he passed this area. He hoped to one day have the kind of money the man had, unknowingly that his grandfather owned this place

There was a calm knock on the door. Before anyone could answer, the door opened slightly, revealing the olive-skinned man who looked like the leader of all the bodyguards.

"Sir, it's time," He informed Nathaniel's grandfather. Nathaniel arched his brows, wondering what he was talking about.

"Dickson, is the helicopter is ready to take off?" The old man asked

"Yes, sir," Dickson responded sternly

"Okay, inform the pilot that I'm in the middle of something important, they'll have to wait!" He said in a deep and commanding tone

"Okay, sir." He exited the room, leaving Nathaniel and his grandfather alone

"Are you leaving?" Nathaniel asked before his grandfather could say anything

"Yes, I'm going to be away and I'm leaving the company to you," He said, causing Nathaniel to arch his brows before asking

"How am I supposed to do that? When I have zero experience of running a company," He said, causing his grandfather to chuckle softly.

Without responding to Nathaniel, he unlocked his phone and dialed someone's number. "Come in!" He said as soon as the person answered the call and before the person could reply, he ended the call.

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