Chapter 6: A black card

A tall red-haired lady walked into the room. Her yellow dress complemented her pale skin, and she approached the sofa where Nathaniel sat with so much elegance.

"Master Martins," Thelma said and bowed deeply to her boss, Nathaniel's grandfather.

"Nathaniel meet Thelma. She has been the one in charge of my company," the old man said. Nathaniel's eyes widened in shock. He knew exactly who she was

"Wait! Thelma Kesley? The manager of MSC?" Nathaniel was bewildered.

"Yes, Thelma Kesley, fortunately, you already know my name," she said with a sweet smile on her face before she extended her hand for a handshake

"Nice to meet you," she said and shook hands with Nathaniel while Nathaniel just smiled sheepishly.

Martins cleared his throat and said, "Thelma, you're standing in front of my grandson, Nathaniel Mickelson, the heir to MSC and other landed properties that I have."

The smile on Thelma's face expanded. She bowed deeply in front of Nathaniel and muttered, "Young master, I'm honored to be at your service." She sounded smooth and melodic. Nathaniel was overwhelmed. Not in his wildest dream did he think that Thelma Kesley would bow before him.

Unsure of what to say, Nathaniel turned to his grandfather, who flashed a smile at him and stood to his feet. "While I am away, Thelma will be at your service. She'll teach you all you need to know about the company," Martins said and gestured for them to follow him. They climbed up the stairs and walked towards the west wing of the mansion.

"This is your room, Nathaniel," Martins said and handed a key to him. He opened the room and the sight of it was breathtaking

From the light emperador marble tiles to the chandelier in his room. He was stunned by the sight of it. Not in his wildest imagination did he imagine a room to be like this. In the left corner of the room, there was a mini fridge and, just beside the mini fridge, he had a small bar counter.

Nathaniel gulped down the saliva in his mouth, he was satisfied with the interior of the room. He shifted his gaze to the right side of the room and his eyes fell on the big vanity. Five feet away from the vanity were two sofas and a table in front of the sofa.

"This is stunning," Nathaniel said and stepped into the room. All this while, he just stood and fed his eyes with the sight of the room

The bed in the middle of the room was enormous, the bedsheet was white and Nathaniel was in awe of the luxury.

"I'll soon be leaving. Thelma knows her way around this house so she can show you around," Martin informed causing Nathaniel to nod his head.

Nathaniel quickly turned to Thelma and asked, "Are we going to MSC tomorrow?" He asked.

"Yes, anytime you wish, young master," Thelma said.

"How about 9 am tomorrow morning?" He asked. A small smile formed on Martin's face. He loved the seriousness his grandson was showing. It reminded him of Nathaniel's father, his son.

"9 am is perfect, sir," she said.

Martin turned to Thelma and asked, "Did you get the card ready?"

"Yes sir, I have it here in my purse," Thelma muttered as she gazed down at her black purse that was hanging just above her waist. She opened it and took out a black card that had a silver lining at the end. Martin took the card from her and turned to Nathaniel

"Son, this card is for you," He said sternly. Nathaniel took the card from Martins and gazed at it in awe. "Nathaniel Mickelson," He muttered after seeing his name encrypted on the card. Nathaniel had not seen anything like it before, he raised his head and arched his brows before opening his mouth to ask, "What card is this?"

Thelma found his question funny. She chuckled softly and took it upon herself to explain to him. "This is a very rare card, sir, it was made especially for you and only a few persons in this country have it," She started by telling him its worth before progressing, "The card you now possess has an unlimited amount of money in it, over 10 billion dollars" She paused and waited to get a reaction from him before continuing, "I can't just call a certain figure for you sir because I might just end up downgrading its value"

"Downgrading its value?" Nathaniel asked in shock. "Wait, you mean to say that the money in this card is over 10 billion dollars and probably even more?" he said

Earlier, when Martin told him that he now owns all of this, he immediately knew that it was time to wave poverty goodbye, but he didn't imagine his net worth to be over one billion dollars.

"If I'm having a net worth of over 10 billion dollars, that means you're so damn rich," He said as he turned to his grandfather. Martin chuckled softly and said, "MSC's net worth is over 15 billion dollars. This is just excluding all of my other businesses"

"Wow," Nathaniel gasped.

Nathaniel's stomach made a rumbling sound. He nervously took his hand to his stomach before saying, "Em, I haven't had anything since morning. I'm feeling hungry now. "

Thelma turned to gaze at Martin before turning to face Nathaniel, "Do you want the chef to prepare something for you, or do you want us to go to a restaurant to have lunch?" Thelma asked.

"I'd love to have dinner outside. There's plenty of time to taste the chef’s food," He said and chuckled softly

As they turned to face the stairs, Martins immediately stopped Nathaniel and asked, "What about your wife?" Martin asked, causing Nathaniel to pause for a second before he asked

"We had a divorce today," he said unknowingly to him that Martin was already aware of all these things. Before anyone could utter a single word, Nathaniel's phone started ringing. He took the phone out of his pocket to check who was calling

"Speak of the devil," He said after seeing that it was Lindsey, he wondered why she was calling him.

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