Chapter 7: Lindsey best friend

Nathaniel narrowed his eyes before answering the call abruptly. "Hello."

"You ungrateful hypocrite! You had the guts to beat up James’s men?" she yelled, causing a frown to appear on Nathaniel's face

"They attacked me, you fool! Do you expect me to leave them? Huh? I defended myself," He said in rage. He didn't know how he lived with Lindsey for so long without seeing this part of her

"You deserve to be beaten up! You're in big trouble now. Not only did you beat James up, but you also beat his men up. Those men will definitely want their revenge," she said in anger

Nathaniel sneered, "Get lost Lindsey" He hung up the call. He just couldn't stand her voice anymore. Each second on the phone with her reminds him of the moments when he was deeply in love with her and wanted to do anything to please her

He shoved his phone back into his pocket and flashed a smile at Thelma. "Let's go, I'm famished," He said. Martin didn't bother to ask him any other thing about the divorce.

Martin cleared his throat and said, "I might be gone by the time you come back home"

"Okay," Nathaniel nonchalantly replied. Thelma took him to the underground garage in the house and Nathaniel's eyes widened in shock. There were over 20 expensive cars in the garage, and one of them cost a fortune.

"Which of them would you like us to ride with, sir?" Thelma asked.

"Wait, so my father owns all of this?" He asked, unable to believe it

"Not just these cars sir, he has over a hundred cars, just like this garage, each garage of every mansion he owns is filled with cars just like this," she informed Nathaniel who was trying to remain composed.

"Let's go on that one," Nathaniel said, pointing at the blue BMW car.

"Okay sir," Thelma said and turned to the entrance of the underground garage. A tall, dark-skinned man was standing by the door. She immediately beckoned for him to come and without wasting time, he hastened his steps to where they stood

"Nathaniel, this is Peter, he is your personal driver," Thelma said.

Peter bowed his head deeply "I'm pleased to always be at your service sir," He said.

Unsure of how to act, Nathaniel just nods his head in acknowledgment. "I'm going to have dinner with Miss Thelma and I want us to go on the blue BMW," Nathaniel informed, causing Peter to nod his head.

A few minutes later, they all got into the car while Peter drove towards the estate gates. Thelma and Nathaniel sat in the back seat.

In no time, they arrived at the best native American restaurant. Nathaniel got out of the car and gawked at the exterior design of the restaurant. Just by the entrance, he caught sight of two men in blue suits. The moment he was just five feet away from them, they bowed their heads and greeted "Welcome sir" Nathaniel nodded his head his acknowledgment. He turned to Thelma and asked, "My grandfather owns this place, too?"

"Yes sir, you own it too," she informed causing Nathaniel to chuckle softly. “Your photo has been sent to all the staff in this place so they can recognize their boss even from a distance,” she informed.

Nathaniel grinned. He observed the way the customers stared at him, but he didn’t let it bother him. He was wearing torn jeans and a blue worn-out shirt, so he didn't blame them for gazing at him with a frown on their face, "Who let this low poor thing into this place" He heard someone whisper,

"Sir, let's sit and order something to eat," Thelma said, but before they moved an inch, someone yelled from behind them, "Nathaniel!" The woman's voice was so loud that it caught everyone's attention

Nathaniel immediately turned to see that it was Danielle, Lindsey's best friend, the same girl who threw shades at him in front of everyone a few hours ago at Lindsey's birthday party.

Nathaniel narrowed his eyes and sighed before asking, "Danielle, what are you doing here"

"I should ask you the same question," she sneered

"I'm here to get food," He responded, causing Danielle to scoff, "Food? From here? You know that there's no food less than 100 USD here." Nathaniel didn't respond to her. Instead, he narrowed his eyes. Danielle wasn't done with him yet. She turned to the waiter and asked, "Is he here to get a job? I'm sure that's the case. You are not even qualified to get a cleaner job here!"

Nathaniel sneered, "Better get your food and stop fooling around."

Danielle immediately got angry at his words. She gritted her teeth and said, "You know what I hated the most about you? It's the fact that you've always been a dreamer. You thought my friend could settle for someone like you even when they're other rich men," Danielle paused and raised her voice so that everyone in the room could hear her, "James Adams, the CEO of Adams group under MSC is way better than you! You're no match for that man, you should have seen what he got for your wife... Oh my bad, she divorced you!" Danielle stretched the last part of her sentence, making sure that everyone heard her clearly.

The customers started whispering to themselves. They gawked at Nathaniel with eyes filled with irritation and disgust. "Look around you. You don't belong here, so leave! Before I call the security to drag you out!" she said with a sly smile on her face. Danielle gingerly folded her hands in front of her and waited for him to leave the restaurant with his head bowed in shame

"Leave?" Thelma finally intervened. Initially, she chose to let Nathaniel handle it himself, but Danielle was crossing the line.

Danielle immediately recognized Thelma. "Oh, my God! Thelma Kesley, Good day ma" Danielle greeted with a wide smile on her face

"Good day ma'am, but I think you've said enough, so do yourself a favor and exit this restaurant premises"

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