Chapter 4: Where he truly belongs

Nathaniel was dumbfounded as the men kept their gaze on the ground. He opened his mouth to speak but no word escaped his lips. Suddenly, the door of the black Porsche car in the middle opened and a tall broad-shoulder man who was also putting on a black suit stepped out of the car.

Nathaniel immediately shifted his gaze to the tall, olive-skinned man who looked like their leader. The man walked towards Nathaniel without blinking his eyelashes. Nathaniel's heart sank. The man's aura was intimidating but surprisingly, as he got to where Nathaniel stood, he Instantly went down on one knee like the rest of them

"What... What the hell is all of this?" Nathaniel finally found his missing words.

"Young Master! We are glad you finally found the ring. Please come with us to where you truly belong," the olive-skin-type man uttered

"Where you truly belong?" The word rang a bell in Nathaniel's head. He was skeptical and bewildered by their words

"I think you're making a mistake somewhere, I don't know what you're talking about" He paused and turned to look around him, his eyes fell on the small crowd that had gathered just outside the house, most of them taken out their phone and were already recording causing Nathaniel to face palm himself

"See, you're creating a scene here, I'm sure this is a mistake, I'm just a poor commoner," He said without a doubt, he felt rejected by the entire world and he didn't need anything or anyone that was going to bring his hopes high then crush his feelings again

The men noticed that Nathaniel wasn't comfortable as people were taking out their phones to video them, so they stood to their feet and formed a circle around him, trying to cover him

“Young master, come with us. We were instructed to bring you back home," One of the men said, causing Nathaniel to scoff. Nathaniel paused for a moment before taking one step toward the car. The men surrounded him, making sure that the people couldn't get any footage of him

Nathaniel got into the car with two men while the other guys got into the other two cars.

Soon, they arrived at the biggest estate in Ashville. Nathaniel quickly sat upright as the car drove into the estate. He was bewildered. Most wealthy men he knows live in this estate. This was the best and most expensive estate in the whole of Ashville, and not in the nearest future or his entire lifetime did he imagine himself here.

The car stopped right in front of a very big mansion. One of the men hurried down from the car to open the door for Nathaniel. Nathaniel inhaled deeply before stepping down from the car. He gawked at the big building in front of him.

"Young master, please come with me," the olive skin guy said after clearing his throat. Nathaniel immediately felt embarrassed. He straightened his shirt before following him into the building.

Starting from the fine marble tiles beneath his feet to the chandelier hanging on the ceiling, Nathaniel was completely stunned by everything. Just two of the men wearing suits were with him inside the room. One of them gestured for Nathaniel to sit on the sofa while the other one brought a bottle of expensive wine and a glass cup.

Without hesitation, Nathaniel sat on the couch. He was still confused and couldn't help but think that they had mistaken him for someone else. Every single piece of furniture his eyes fell on was worth a fortune. He gazed down at the glass of wine that the man poured for him.

He raised his head and gulped down the saliva in his mouth before asking, "Why am I here?" He asked but got no response.

"What am I doing here?" He repeated. His heart was throbbing in his chest but he tried to maintain composure in front of the men

"Do you need another wine, young master? Is it that you don't like the one we gave you?" One of the men asked, ignoring his question.

Nathaniel was feeling uneasy. He inhaled deeply before asking again, "Why am I here?"

"Don't worry young master, you're safe. Please be patient. Our master will join you shortly." One of them responded, causing Nathaniel to nod his head. He took the glass of wine and sipped from it before placing it back on the table.

He sat there in silence when suddenly he began to notice that the two men bowed deeply, facing the stairs. He quickly turned to see a man who was in his early seventies. He quickly stood to his feet in shock

His face looked familiar, but he couldn't remember where he saw the face. "Maybe one of those magazines or billboards," He thought and placed the cup on the table before standing to his feet to bow at him in respect.

"Nathaniel, my child, I'm glad you're back home," the man said, causing Nathaniel to furrow his brows, confused!

"Child?" He whispered to himself. His mind immediately traveled to a picture his father once showed him. The man standing right in front of him is the man in the picture

In shock, Nathaniel stuttered, "Grandpa?"

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