The Billionaire’s Secret Revenge

6 ratings

The Billionaire’s Secret Revenge

By: Hunni OngoingUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 31 views: 3.3K

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Can you keep a secret? Lorenzo undergoes every kind of physical abuse and humiliation that one could imagine. His wife ‘Bianca’ was a heartless monster that craved his death. After a catastrophic accident that left him crippled and disabled, Lorenzo spent a year in a coma. However, his unhealthiness was not enough reason For Bianca And His Mindless in-laws to treat him right. For Bianca, A poor husband was too much to handle, but a poor and disabled husband was more than enough to handle. Humiliated, Starved, Betrayed and Beaten to death, they took delight in his suffering. Neither did they know that there are two sides of Lorenzo, a secret that nobody knows. He has sworn to turn the tables, no matter how long it takes, To make them pay for his suffer became his biggest desire, but what is the true identity of this man? Did they just judge a book by its cover? They have underestimated the wrong man! “And the never saw it coming….”

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  • Roberto


    This book is a solid 10/10. I just can't put it down, so interestinggg

    2024-04-01 14:10:07
  • firey755


    This is such a nice book. Bianca is very heartless I just hope she gets what she deserves

    2024-03-27 13:00:54
  • Steel pen


    Lorenzo has to be my new ML crush

    2024-03-27 12:54:46
  • inkdark72


    I am really enjoying this book so far

    2024-03-27 12:49:03
  • authorzeneta


    I highly recommend this book. Btw I kinda like Bianca

    2024-03-27 12:44:11
  • Classic Book


    ...okay why is this book so interesting?

    2024-03-27 12:40:37
Latest Chapter
31 chapters
Chapter 1: Her defiant Attitude
The night was still young and while many would have hoped to enjoy the beauty that comes with the night, it had all been disrupted with a heavy downpour, which dropped heavily, forcing everyone to get back to their houses.Lorenzo had been caught outside by the rain, but he had made up his mind despite his health condition to make it back to his house. Apparently, he had gone out to visit an old friend of his, who lived nearby. As he knocked on the gates while the rain poured, Lorenzo cursed heavily; he had health issues and staying under the rain wouldn't help in any way.After several knocks, he felt relief as his beloved wife Bianca stepped out with an umbrella In her hands. For some odd reason that Lorenzo couldn't point out, she looked absolutely furious. "Thank you very much." Lorenzo stated, grabbing his walking stick and hurriedly attempting to step inside. Bianca halted his movement with her hands and Lorenzo became confused temporarily."And where were you all day long?" On
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Chapter 2: Disappointment
"You slapped me?" Clare asked in disbelief, trying to relish the entire moment, while still rubbing her cheeks. "Don't ask me silly questions. I have always warned you never to interfere in my marriage and you failed to listen. If you keep doing this, I would keep on with my act and there is nothing you can do about it." Bianca berated, staring down at Lorenzo with disdain in her eyes. As Bianca berated Clare, the tension in the room was palpable. Lorenzo knew Clare was going to react."What in heaven's name has gotten over you Bianca? Why have you chosen to be a thorn in your husband's flesh? You were never like this; I once remembered how you claimed to love him so much. I am disappointed in you." Clare stated, shaking her head in disappointment. "You don't tell me what to do Clare and if you keep getting on my nerves, I would be forced to report to father." Lorenzo noticed Clare's hands were folded into a fist and her anger was increasing every second. He adjusted himself for a
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Chapter 3: Marrying A Monster.
Clare, and Bianca were having a very serious argument in the sitting room about Lorenzo "I didn't like your attitude earlier. Why would you go against my orders?" "Do you want him killed? Maybe you'd like to spend the rest of your life in jail, but not me. He's your–"She stopped talking when she heard a familiar voice screaming. "Ahhhh!'' His voice echoed throughout the whole house, and it caused Clare to gasp. She covered her lips with her hands, and turned to her sister who didn't seem the least concerned."That sounded like Lorenzo." "And what do I care?" Clare shook her head. Lorenzo was in danger, and his voice sounded distressed. She dashed out of her sister's presence, and was shocked to see that Bianca strolled behind her like the matter didn't even concern her.Clare arrived there to see him lying on the ground, and groaning in pain. She widened her eyes, and turned pale at the sight of him in pain."Ahhh!" "Are you alright?" He felt her wrap her hands around him, as
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Chapter 4: Lorenzo’s Demise
He knew Demi wasn't wrong. Anyone who saw him in that situation would think he had gotten into an accident. He had bandages on his head, and the crutches in his hand was a true representation of what he had gone through."Hmmm, it's a long story. One that can wait for another day."Demi smirked, playing with the pen in his hand."Why are you standing there?" Demi raised his brows as he gestured his hands towards Lorenzo to come seat.Lorenzo winced as he moved to go take a seat. His body was aching, and there was no doubt he was in a lot of pain. However, he couldn't help but admire his friend's office. It seemed like Demi had made it big in the last few years, unlike him."How are you doing?" Demi asked despite seeing his condition."Hmm…" he sighed, turning to Demi. "How are you doing?" Judging from the kind of life he saw Demi showed off on social media, he was sure he was doing fine."Hmm as you can see, I'm well. However, you don't look so good." Lorenzo couldn't tell while De
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Chapter 5: Delightful torture
Veins popped up in his head as he grunted in pain countless times. Sweat trailed down his head, and he could only hold his leg as he tried to be a man. He was breathing harshly, and his eyes were raised to his wife who glared at him with nothing, but hate. She used to love him, care for him, take care of him, but all that was gone within a twinkle of an eye.Tragic?"Stop…" the word left his lip as a pant, and it felt like he couldn't do anything for himself. He held his legs still trying to mask the pain when Bianca hit him again, harder than the first."Ahhh!" He screamed."Stop, please…" “Enough!”He begged Bianca who was now wacking his leg like she was hitting a wood.When she was satisfied, she was already breathing harshly as well, and sweat trailed down her forehead as she walked away from where he was still on the ground screaming."You disgust me!" She was still very angry, and she fisted her arms with hate in her eyes towards him. Then she picked up the soup she was dri
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Chapter 6: Biggest Betrayal
His face turned pale while he watched his Bianca kissing, mad romancing another man like he never existed.She didn't care if he was her husband, but it was obvious that they had been lovers for a very long time. It hurt him to see them that way, and even when he wanted to close his eyes towards the possibilities, he just couldn't."That isn't Bianca. It's just in your head. Dami must have gotten a girl that looked like her." He tried to gaslight himself.He tried to convince himself, but no matter what he did, he ended up seeing the truth being plastered to his face.He fisted his arms, and gritted his teeth as veins popped up on his head. There was no hope left. He felt like his life was empty."Sir, are you alright?" He asked, and that was when he jolted back to reality. He had been thinking about it for a while until the nurse behind him called his attention."Would you like to go somewhere else? I could take you." She had a straight face. However, he just sighed. "You don't ha
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Chapter 7: Lorenzo Angelo
Clare's head was lowered and she sighed a couple of times to relieve her sorrow when suddenly, Bianca's attitude alarmed her.Bianca clapped her hands, and chuckled darkly. It seemed like the news Clare had just given didn't even make her flinch."You're happy?" Clare squinted her eyes, and furrowed her brows in confusion. When did her sister turn into a monster? "Of course! This is what you always wanted. Now, he's finally out of our hair. I'm really happy about it." Bianca laughed again, Clare was shocked as to how the rest of her families joined her sister to rejoice over their ‘EX’ son-in-law's death."I think we should even celebrate what happened. The celebration is on me. We can have a party, and a toast." Her jaw dropped, and she planted her eyes on Bianca who was still blabbing."Yes. This calls for a celebration. You're right!" Her mother, Rosa exclaimed.Clare watched how they sounded inhumane towards him, and when she could no longer bare it, she walked out on them wit
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Chapter 8: Young Master Enzo
"I understand your doubts, son." Luca smiled, and stretched his hand to get a hold of Lorenzo's hand. He knew that Lorenzo was really worried about something, and that was why he was trying his best to make sure that everything went well.He didn't want to make a mistake with his identity again. He was told his father, and his mother was dead, and struggled till he was this age."I still can't trust your words." His face had a darkened expression, and his eyes stared into Luca's "What about the child I was mistaken for? Where is he?" Luca sighed. He was also having a hard time telling the story because he seemed hurt by the situation."He went out to find his mother. He told me he would always respect me as a father, but it was best if I would let him go so he would have time to search for his family." "You let him go just like that?" To Lorenzo something wasn't just adding up, and he felt weird about it."I didn't. I helped him fund his parents. He wanted to go find them, but I
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Chapter 9: A trip to the Cemetery
“Sir, are you sure about what you are saying?” Lorenzo looked at him with squinted eyes. He was shocked that the woman he was sure was alive a few weeks ago was now dead.Lorenzo turned to his father who was the most confused. Luca turned towards his son, and he ran his hands through his hair. He wasn't sure the landlord knew what they wanted, so he wasn't sure that his dead wife was Alive.He turned toward his father with a worried look on his face. All he wanted was to prove that his mother was alive, and not to stress his father out.“This is very strange” Luca nodded to his words. He knew that this was a chance for him to see for himself because he didn't want to see things.Even Lorenzo wasn't himself.“Are you sure she's dead? I mean, I saw her some days ago. She took care of me, and always gave me food. Are you really sure?” The landlord's gaze turned suspicious. He could tell that he was being suspicious of them right now, but they wanted to uncover the truth.Leonardo was
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Chapter 10: The Only Heir
It was already night, and he only stopped the car when he got to the mansion. In fact, he didn't even know what else to do. He was really worried about how the whole situation was As he thought About the whole thing, Leonardo rushed out of the car, and immediately slammed the door.Lorenzo was shocked, but he thought it was the cigarette still affecting him. Leonardo was acting really weird. He knew that his uncle was feeling sad as well, but even Luca did a better job controlling his emotions.No words were said for a while, but at the end, Luca came out of the car. He was still sad, but he looked really collected compared to Leonardo.He closed his eyes, and took in some air with his eyes closed. They walked side by side into the mansion.“Father? Are you alright?” He stared at Luca’s face with worry. He already knew that he lost his mother today. Hearing that he lost his father due to the news they got today would be really devastating.“You should go in, and rest. You had a lon
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