Chapter 8: Young Master Enzo

"I understand your doubts, son." Luca smiled, and stretched his hand to get a hold of Lorenzo's hand. He knew that Lorenzo was really worried about something, and that was why he was trying his best to make sure that everything went well.

He didn't want to make a mistake with his identity again. He was told his father, and his mother was dead, and struggled till he was this age.

"I still can't trust your words."

His face had a darkened expression, and his eyes stared into Luca's

"What about the child I was mistaken for? Where is he?"

Luca sighed. He was also having a hard time telling the story because he seemed hurt by the situation.

"He went out to find his mother. He told me he would always respect me as a father, but it was best if I would let him go so he would have time to search for his family."

"You let him go just like that?" To Lorenzo something wasn't just adding up, and he felt weird about it.

"I didn't. I helped him fund his parents. He wanted to go find them, but I made it easier for him, and even when I took him as my son, he still wasn't mine."

Lorenzo nodded, and then he pushed himself up from the chair.

"How did you find me?"

"It's a long story, but it's getting late. You need some rest."

Their words weren't enough for him, so he demanded a test.

"I want a DNA test."

The words made his father, and uncle worry, but then he didn't care.

"If it's a DNA test that would make you feel better it's fine. But I conducted one for you already."

Lorenzo was confused. He didn't understand how someone was able to conduct a DNA test without a sample.

"I followed you everywhere since he suspected that you were my son, and since then, I've been hoping to get a sample. I did when you went to the hospital."

His eyes widened, and he quickly asked Luca the ultimate question.

"What did the test result say?"

"You're in fact my son. But if you don't believe me, you can sleep here, and tomorrow we can go to any clinic of your choice to conduct the test."

Lorenzo thought about it for a little while, then he nodded.

"Fine, I'll go to my room now."

He pushed himself up from the chair, and made his way to his room with a heavy burden in his chest.

As soon as he got into the room, he went to take a hot shower, and then he laid on the bed with worry still on his mind.

He felt sleepy, but couldn't close his eyes. It felt like a part of him couldn't understand the whole thing. His heart kept pounding in his chest. This time, it felt like there was something heavy on his chest.

"What if the DNA test comes out positive?" The thought almost made him collapse. How would he face the man he had told not to be happy yet.

Not wanting to dwell on the thought for too long, he closed his eyes, and soon drifted into sleep.

The next morning, there was a knock on his door that caused him to open his eyes. He winced because he still felt pain form yesterday, but at least, he slept well.

"Good morning, sir. Old master asked me to tell you to get ready."

Lorenzo's eyes widened. The day he was waiting for was finally here, and he couldn't wait to find out the truth.

"I'll be right down," he replied, and then he rushed to the bathroom.

Afte taking his shower, he opened the wardrobe that was already stocked up with clothes, and he picked on.

He wore his black shirt tucked in to a black trousers to match.

By the time he came out of the room, most of the servants in the room covered their faces with their hands. They just couldn't stop gazing at how handsome he looked. It was as tho he was a Greek God.

"Son!" Luca exclaimed with a smile on his face.

"Good morning." Enzo didn't know what to feel. He didn't know if this man was his father, so he just remained neutral.

"You seem stressed."

Luca spoke with worry as they walked towards the dining table.

"Yes I couldn't sleep. I was too busy thinking about the test." He honestly admitted.

Luca suddenly went quiet, and his signed. His brother Leonardo smiled to cheer him up, but seemed like nothing would work on him.

"Let's eat. The truth will be revealed today, won't it?" He spoke to both men as they ate.

After breakfast, the cer was prepared for them as they made their way to the hospital to get the test done.

It was only a matter of time before they could get to the hospital.

"The doctor will be with you shortly." The receptioniat who recognised who had walked into their Hospital quickly gave them VIP treatments.

"Good day gentlemen. I'm sorry for keeping you waiting."

She quickly went to her sit, and with a smile she asked the men.

"What can I do for you?"

"A DNA test."

Enzo was the one who spoke one, was and Luca nodded.

"Okay, I guess I have to take a sample for the both of you."

"Take the sample here." Enzo wanted to make sure that Luca didn't bribe anyone while here. With everything he had been through, He has developed massive trust issues.

There was no comments, and when the doctor looked at Luca,he nodded again for approval.

There was no words after that. All she did was just to stay short for a while.

The doctor went to bring the necessary things, and the taking of samples began.

It took a while, and once she had handed it to the lab assistant, she excused herself.

"Would you like to wait for the results?"


The tension between the three of them was evident. It was mainly coming from Lorenzo. He was sweating. He felt like if he left the result for another day, something bad would happen, and then the result could be switched.

"Shall we go to the cafeteria?"

Luca asked, and when Lorenzo didn't reply, they decided to sit in the office, while they waited for the reason.

Hours later the doctor came into the room with an envelope in her hands. She wanted to hand it over to Luca, but he declined.

"Give it to him."

She didn't mind, and after his eyes went through the content, he remained in shock. He gulped down the nervousness he was feeling, and his eyes widened.

"What does it say?"

Luca asked, and he gulped. He let go of the papers, and he turned to the doctor.

"His is your Father”

"How can he be my father?"

"These results are authentic, and you should accept it."

Luca rushed towards his son, and hugged him. For years he had searched, for years he had looked, for years he has waited to see his son. The moment felt unreal to him. “Lorenzo” Luca called out with tears threatening to fall from the corner of his eyes.

"Father. I'm sorry I doubted you”

"It's fine son. Anyone would have reacted that way” a little chuckle escaped his dry lips.

"Why don’t we go home now? I have missed a lot from your life. We need a fresh start” Luca said all joyful.

When they got home, he got settled down with his palm covering his face. Enzo smiled at Luca.

"Son?" He called, but then he noticed Lorenzo wasn't answering.

"What's about my mother?"

His father was shocked he asked that.


"That her name? I want to know everything about her. How she looks like, and the rest."

Luca smiled. He loved the thought of his son who wanting to know about his mother, so he went into the room, and brought out a photo of her.

"This is the love of my life."

Lorenzo collected the picture, and his eyes widened. He was shocked to see the woman in the picture.

"I know her!"

His father's brows furrowed, and he stared blankly at his son.

"What are you saying, she's dead!"

"No, No! she's the woman who helps me, and takes care of me. She cooks." Enzo was full aware of that information.

Luca turned to Leonard. He didn't believe he would ever see his dead wife.

"I could take you to her. She lives not to far away."

Luca turned to Lorenzo. "Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!"

They quickly got into the car, and within a matter of seconds they drove off to the place.

As soon as they reached the place, he rushed to the place where the woman lived, and after knocking for a while, a man came out of the door to question them.

"What are you doing?"

"Sorry, sir. Were looking for the woman that stays here."

"What woman?"

His eyes scanned them with questioning gaze.

She cooks. She had brown hair, blues eyes, and a model like fi–

"Oh. Who are you to her?"

"Her family."

Luca answered he was undeniably nervous.

"She's dead."

This words came as a shock, and they turned pale.

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