Chapter 4: Lorenzo’s Demise

He knew Demi wasn't wrong. Anyone who saw him in that situation would think he had gotten into an accident. He had bandages on his head, and the crutches in his hand was a true representation of what he had gone through.

"Hmmm, it's a long story. One that can wait for another day."

Demi smirked, playing with the pen in his hand.

"Why are you standing there?"

Demi raised his brows as he gestured his hands towards Lorenzo to come seat.

Lorenzo winced as he moved to go take a seat. His body was aching, and there was no doubt he was in a lot of pain. However, he couldn't help but admire his friend's office. It seemed like Demi had made it big in the last few years, unlike him.

"How are you doing?" Demi asked despite seeing his condition.

"Hmm…" he sighed, turning to Demi. "How are you doing?"

Judging from the kind of life he saw Demi showed off on social media, he was sure he was doing fine.

"Hmm as you can see, I'm well. However, you don't look so good."

Lorenzo couldn't tell while Demi had a smirk, but he guessed his long time friend was happy to see him.

He sighed. Lorenzo knew Demi had given him an open cheque to ask anything, but he wanted to be careful with his wish.

Demi was Lorenzo's childhood friend, and they literally did everything together. They even went to the same medical school, and studied together to make sure they passed their exams.

"I need a favour from you, please…"

He raised his brows, and rested his hands on the table. It was so shocking that Lorenzo needed help.


His face held a puzzled expression.

"What kind of help?''

Demi seemed interested, and that was all Lorenzo needed. He was thinking about asking dmei to help him with a job at the hospital, but his health wouldn't let him do that. He wanted a job that would be lucrative for him, so he could recover, and at the same time work to save his marriage that seemed to be falling apart.

He had thought well about it, and he wanted to start his company from scratch. He wanted to build his brand again since business worked more than medicine for him.

Lorenzo had thought about it for a while, and he realized that what he needed was financial push. A small help just to start again.

"I need financial assistance."

His face turned puzzled, and he nodded, his eyes piercing into mine.

"Like how much are we talking about?"

He was sounding more professional than a friend, so Lorenzo wasn't bothered.

"Twenty thousand dollars."

Lorenzo knew that Demi was a rich man. He was now a millionaire, and he was sure he would help him.

However, his face turned pale when he heard demi chuckle darkly.


He asked again, and Lorenzo nodded innocently. He still didn't know what went on in his friend's mind.

"I'm afraid I can't help you with that amount."

Lorenzo felt his heart sink into his rib cage when he heard that.

He widened his eyes, and stared at him like he was watching a television screen.


"You heard me. It's not like I don't have the money, but…"

Demi trailed off with his eyes scanning him.

"But what? Demi, Please…" If ‘Being desperate’ was a person it would likely be Enzo at that moment.

Demi shook his head, pushed himself off the chair, and adjusted his suit.

"I can't help you, and that's it."


Lorenzo wanted to know why Demi was acting strange, and didn't want to help him.

"Do you know how that saying goes? Every man for himself?"

Lorenzo's face became puzzled as he thought about it. However, he widened his eyes with furrowed brows.

He never thought Demi could say such a thing to him. They had been friends for many years, and had extended an arm of friendship. Yet, this is what he was getting.

Demi had always been jealous of Lorenzo. Ever Since they were little he always believed that Lorenzo had the upper hand.

Lorenzo was more intelligent, and as they grew, he became right, and better than him.

"You see? Times change. Now you're the weakling. You used to be the best in medical school,why can't you cure yourself?"

Demi teased Lorenzo who was now looking pale.

"You see? Who has the upper hand now? Me!"

He asked, and replied himself at the same time.

"You have always been in the spotlight, and that's the problem. Now, look at where you are. you don't need to worry. This is what you deserve."

He chuckled darkly.

"Life isn't always as it seems. I'm actually happy to see you like this. Then you used to flaunt money in my face. Giving me silly advice. You told me to be responsible."

He frowned, and it was from deep within.

Lorenzo was still shocked, and it was now that the picture was actually painted in front of him. He was being envied by the one he considered his brother.

He shared everything, and did all he could for his friends to succeed, but it turned out that his friend had always wanted his downfall. He wasn’t too surprised, Betrayal and Envy has become an every day trait in the world.

"But what did I do to deserve this? I supported you like a friend, and tried all I could to make sure you succeed. This is how you repay me?"



Lorenzo was confused.

"You heard what I said, take your things, and get the hell out of my office."

Lorenzo gave up on humanity at that second, but he pushed himself up from the chair as he grabbed his crutches.

He sighed, moving out of the office with his head lowered in defeat. He had thought he would be heard, and given the aid he needed. Little did he know that Demi would turn his back on him just like the rest of the family.

He endured the judgmental stares once again, as he walked out of the hospital. No one was there to love, and support him, and thinking about it made him hate himself even more.

"Clare's supposed to pick me up," he muttered, gently pressing his lips together. He didn't expect everything to be so quick.

Clare had told him to call if he needed her services, but he forgot his phone, so he couldn't reach her.

"Ugh!" He let out due to frustration.

"Yes, thank goddess!" He exclaimed when he got the idea of asking people for their phones. Since she was his only friend, he had her number stored in his brain for emergencies.

"Excuse me, ma. Can I use your phone?"

He spoke to a woman who blatantly ignored him. He didn’t seem surprised that the woman wasn't willing to give him her cell phone.

"Ma'am, ma'am. Please help me. I need to make…"

He watched as she scurried away without even looking back.

"What kind of a life is this?"

He asked himself. He felt really weak, and could only pray for someone to be with him.

Lorenzo saw a man walking towards his way, and he tried to reach out to the man, but as he reached out, the man gave him a small push, causing him to stagger.

"Ma'am, please…" he stopped in front of another lady, placing both his palms together as he begged, but she raised her nose in disgust.

"I'll call the police, and I'll make sure they get you arrested. I don't know you, so you better get out of my way!"

The fear of being reported to the police, knowing fully well that no one would come for him since he was now casted out by his in-laws.

He already felt frustrated, and knowing that the night drew near, he didn't want to make things more complicated, and decided to walk.

His legs ached, but he continued to press on until he was able to get back home. He heaved a sigh of relief when he walked into his compound, and as soon as he pushed open the door, he saw the family he married into.

They had raised their head to look at him, but they acted like he was a ghost, and went back to whatever they were doing.

He shook his head, using his crutches to walk into the house. However, the moment he did, she stopped him, glaring at him with anger.

"What do you think you're doing?"

"Going to our room."

"What room?"

Her eyes scanned him from head to toe, and he kept quiet. He knew how crazy Bianca was, and wasn't ready for her madness.

"I want to rest, I don't feel strong."

It seemed like his words angered her, and made her pull his crutches away from his hands, then she hit it so hard on the floor until it was bent. The next thing she did cost Lorenzo a lot.

"Bianca!" He yelled, falling to the ground with his eyes shut tight. He was now in so much pain thanks to Bianca who hit his legs with the crutches.

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