Chapter 3: Marrying A Monster.

Clare, and Bianca were having a very serious argument in the sitting room about Lorenzo

"I didn't like your attitude earlier. Why would you go against my orders?"

"Do you want him killed? Maybe you'd like to spend the rest of your life in jail, but not me. He's your–"

She stopped talking when she heard a familiar voice screaming. "Ahhhh!''

His voice echoed throughout the whole house, and it caused Clare to gasp. She covered her lips with her hands, and turned to her sister who didn't seem the least concerned.

"That sounded like Lorenzo."

"And what do I care?"

Clare shook her head. Lorenzo was in danger, and his voice sounded distressed.

She dashed out of her sister's presence, and was shocked to see that Bianca strolled behind her like the matter didn't even concern her.

Clare arrived there to see him lying on the ground, and groaning in pain. She widened her eyes, and turned pale at the sight of him in pain.


"Are you alright?" He felt her wrap her hands around him, as she tried to help him up, but she couldn't stop screaming.

"I'm sorry. You're in so much pain.''

She lifted him up. However, she gasped when she saw the blood dripping out of his head.

"Oh my gosh, you're bleeding!" She screamed to get his attention.

"Why are you screaming? Doesn't he deserve to die?"

Clare turned to her sister with an angry gaze. Her hair got stuck to her face due to sweat because of how she panicked about the situation, and all Bianca could wish Lorenzo was death.

"Are you alright?!"

"Isn't it obvious that death was something that's calling him? Look at him!"

Clare furrowed her brows. "You caused this Bianca. You're the reason why he's like this.

"Well I don't care. A lot of my friends have opportunities I'll never have because I'm stuck with this low life. They could go shopping, ride in a private jet, and me? I'm stuck with a man who's better off dead!"


Clare couldn't believe her sister,and she just shook her head.

"You heard me! He's useless! When was the last time I went shopping? I take care of the house things, and even his medical bills. Is he a man?"

She glared at them with hate. "You know that? I can't stand the both of you." She waved her hands in a carefree manner, and rushed out of the room.

Clara ignored her sister's words, and she rushed to go get the first aid kit. She was glad her sister left, and even when she hated how Bianca treated her husband, there was nothing she could do about it.

She came in with the first aid kit, and helped him to the room before administering it to him.

She wore a smile to cheer him up, but he seemed lost in thought most of the time.

"Does it still hurt?"she asked with a smile, and was shocked to not get a reply from him.

Lorenzo was too busy thinking about himself. He had a deep frown on his face, and he hated whatever happened to him. He felt worthless, and all the words his wife said began to affect him.

"I'm useless!" He screamed out, with sweat dripping down his face.

"No you're not. you'll get by this, okay?" She gave him a small hug that warmed his heart before leaving the room.

He noticed how she cared for him, and he was grateful to her. If not for her, he was sure he would have died today.

His attention was turned towards the door.

Clare had just come in with a bowl of spaghetti, and orange juice to compliment it.

"This is for you. You need some strength to face them." She teased him about her family, earning a smile from him.

"Thank you so much Clare. How do I thank you?"

"There's no need to do that. All you have to do now is eat, and save strength."

She handed him the tray, and excuse herself almost immediately.

"Excuse me."

The moment she walked out of the room, he dug into the Meal served before him. He was so hungry, and he didn't know when next he would have such a decent meal.

He snapped his eyes to the door, and he gulped when he saw who entered the room.

"Well, well, well. Isn't he having a good meal."

He frowned when his father- in-law, Mr Matteo came in with a smirk. He was followed by his wife Rosa, and their son who was his brother-in-law, Alex.

No words left his lips as he watched them gaze at him sinisterly.

"What's wrong? Can't you speak?"

He raised his eyebrows when Matteo asked him that question, but the next thing he knew, his father-in-law moved towards where he sat, and pulled his food away from his hand.

"Give me that!'' he finally spoke up for himself even when he knew how much it would cost him.

"Really? You want this?" He asked with a smirk, and then he placed the meal far away from Lorenzo.

Lorenzo watched how wicked his father-in-law was to him, and he fisted his hands, trying to hold back his anger.

"If you want to have a meal, come take it." He teased as the whole family laughed at his predicament.

He didn't have any choice. He was hungry, and needed to eat.

He tried to reach out for the meal, but he couldn't.

Lerenzo was fed up, and because of the hunger he felt he tried to stand up on his feet, but he couldn't.

He again tried to stand on his feet without any aid. However, he ended up falling to his feet which caused laughter to erupt from their lips.

“Darn it” he cursed underneath his breath.

His face turned dark, and he fisted his hands while he laid on the ground. He felt so much pain, but it wasn't his fault. It was because of the accident!

Two years ago, he was a millionaire. Someone who could take care of himself, and his family. He bought the house they were living in, and was doing well until one tragic thing happened.

He was on the way to a conference meeting, driving as he thought about the presentation he would make when all of a sudden, his car lost control.

He tried to steady it, but it seemed impossible, and at that point, he saw his life flashed before his eyes as his car crashed into a tree.

He woke up to the sounds of machines, and by the time he figured out what happened, he realized he couldn't walk again.

Following the bad news he was given was the fact that he just came out of a one year coma, and that one of his employees ran away with the company funds.

At that point Lorenzo didn't know what he felt, and could only think straight. The only thing he had was the money in his account.

Then days moved on, and as he showed almost no signs of improvement, Bianca became impatient, and began spending his money.

She was the reason he was in this kind of mess. Now, they left him to starve, insulted him, and made sure he went through harsh treatments everyday.

"What's going on here?" Clare walked in. Confusion was plastered on her face as she analysed the situation.

Her eyes widened, and she rushed to where he was to help him.

"What is wrong with all of you?!" She frowned, rushing to where his food was kept before handing the meal to him.

"You shouldn't be this mean!"

Her family frowned at her action.

"Why are you so different?! Don't you know that he doesn't fit into the family? He's poor, and wretched. Stop helping him!"

Rosa was the one speaking now.

"Just leave him alone!" Clare stood her ground against them, and just like that they left.

"I'm so sorry about them." Enzo gave a little nod.

"I need a favour from you."

Lorenzo had decided that once he was done eating, he was going out to look for a job, and that was when she came in. He needed her to take him to the hospital.

There was a smile on her face. "What do you need?"

"Could you take me to the hospital?"

Lorenzo was a graduate of medicine, but for some reason, he fell in love with business.

"Why? Does your head still hurt?"

"I'm looking for a job."

His friend had just returned, and since his friend owned the Hospital, he hoped to get favoured.

"No problem. Once you're ready, let me know."

The ride to the hospital was quiet because he was in thought about the situation. He hoped that his friend would help him out.

"Here we are, just like you asked."

"Yeah. Thank you." He pushed open the car, and used his crutches to approach the hospital.

Inside the hospital, he noticed the nurses giving him weird stares, but he didn't care. All he wanted at this point was that he should meet up with his friend.

"Where can I find the owner of this hospital?"

"I'll call to tell him you're coming. Just take the right."

He finally found a nurse he could ask. She didn't seem harsh, and directed him almost immediately.

As soon as he knocked on the door, he was told to come in, and the next words caught his attention.

"You look like you just got hit by a bus."

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