Chapter 6: Biggest Betrayal

His face turned pale while he watched his Bianca kissing, mad romancing another man like he never existed.

She didn't care if he was her husband, but it was obvious that they had been lovers for a very long time.

It hurt him to see them that way, and even when he wanted to close his eyes towards the possibilities, he just couldn't.

"That isn't Bianca. It's just in your head. Dami must have gotten a girl that looked like her." He tried to gaslight himself.

He tried to convince himself, but no matter what he did, he ended up seeing the truth being plastered to his face.

He fisted his arms, and gritted his teeth as veins popped up on his head.

There was no hope left. He felt like his life was empty.

"Sir, are you alright?" He asked, and that was when he jolted back to reality. He had been thinking about it for a while until the nurse behind him called his attention.

"Would you like to go somewhere else? I could take you."

She had a straight face. However, he just sighed. "You don't have to worry."

She nodded, and even when he expected her to leave, she stayed by his side.

At that point, he felt nothing, but hate, watching them felt like a betrayal. His supposed close friend, and his wife were having an affair with each other.

"I'll make them pay. They'll all regret coming to me like this. I'll make them bleed. I'll make them know that you don't step on the toes of anyone."

“They have underestimated the wrong man”

The frown on his face deepened, and his heart could no longer take what he was watching.

She nodded, helping him back to the room as he stayed in thought.

"Do you need anything else sir?" The questions she asked him, caused him to jolt out of thought again, and he nodded negatively.

"No, thanks for asking."

She nodded, and then she left the room. The nurse was a petite woman with a not so friendly expression. She hardly spoke to him and only asked if he was comfortable.

The moment she left the room, he entered into another batch of thoughts.

"How long has Bianca been cheating on me?"

The thought shattered him, but what could be done? He couldn't walk, nor could he secure a good job.

"Ugh!" He held his hair tightly, and yelled into the air with anger in his heart.

The woman he had done nothing but love had turned against him.

He couldn't stop the thoughts. He couldn't stop the images of him being smack on his leg with his crutches while she asked him to die out of his head.


She paused when she noticed the look on his face. His head was lowered, and she moved towards him with worry on her mind. She knew it was her family making him think this much, and he would do anything to help him out.

"Lorenzo?" She called with her meek voice.

"Hmmm. You're back?" He was shocked at how fast she returned from her exams.

"Yes. How are you?"

"Hmmm. I want to leave this place."

She paused, worried about what I had said. Her heart was drumming in her chest, and she gulped a couple of times to understand the situation.

"What do you mean?" She asked, and he turned his red to her.

"I want to be discharged. Please."

"I'm sorry, but I want to discharge you just yet. You aren't strong enough. I'm scared something might happen to you."

"Nothing will happen. Please work it out. I want to leave this place."

She sighed, moving to where Enzo was with a convincing smile.

"If you want me to stay here everyday till you get better, I will just be with you throughout."

"No, I want to go home. You don't know what's going on now. If you do, you wouldn't advise me to stay here."

He kept a straight forward face, and grinded his teeth together.

"Tell me about it. That's why I'm here to listen to you."

She was a good form of support.

"Your sister is cheating on me."

She gasped, holding her lips. She then turned pale, and lowered her gaze like she was afraid.

"She's cheating on me with my bestfriend who turned against me. Remember yesterday I came to the hospital? I came to look for assistance from my friend Demi. This is his hospital. However, I'm shocked to see that my wife is cheating on me with him."

She gasped again, and widened her eyes. Who would have guessed that his wife would do such a thing to him.

"I'm really sorry about that. I didn't expect that to happen."

"It's fine. I just want to leave this place because I do not feel safe. Your sister hates me enough, she wants me dead, and her lover looks like someone that would grant her that request."

She nodded to his words.

"Don't worry. I'll get the discharge papers ready now."

He was surprised that she was this nice to him. She did everything he asked without questioning it.

She moved out of the room, and went to the nurse in charge to tell her about the things.

"I'd like the patient in ward 203 to be discharged."

"Why? He's still under observation, and…"

One glare from Clare, and she gulped doing what Clare had asked..after everything, Clare moved back to his room to see that he was already dressed.

She smiled, and he smiled back.

"Shall we?" She asked, and when he nodded, she rushed to help him with his wheelchair.

Her car was waiting for them, and while they moved out of the Hallway, he hoped he would never bump into those two again.

"What do you wanna do?" She asked with raised brows, and when he couldn't reply, she helped him get into the car before putting his wheelchair in the trunk.

She drove to the restaurant where she ordered two meals before going back to meet him.

He seemed to be in thought when she got into the car, and it got her worried.

"What's wrong?"

"I can't go back home."

She turned to him, worry was plastered around her face.

"Hmmm. You're right. I think we have to do something about It. Let's do this. I have somewhere you can stay in."

"Really?" His eyes widened. He didn't think she would support his decision.

She nodded to my words, and then she asked him to eat.

Clare knew he was a good man, and needed to be treated like that because he was always so jovial.

They ate where their car was packed, and once it was evening, she was ready to take him to the new hideout she wanted to show him.

The road to the place was lonely, and only her car seemed to be passing the area when suddenly they saw a car blocking them in front.

Clare's eyes widened, and she immediately tried to move backwards when another car blocked them.

Her heart was thudding in her chest, and she turned to Lorenzo, sweating.

"I'll confront these bastards. What's the meaning of this? Maybe dad sent them to me."

She opened the car, and walked out. However, when she saw the men, fear overwhelmed her again.

"This is an outrage!"

She screamed, but the men looked at themselves, then they rushed towards her with a black clothes.

Lorenzo attempted to help her, but before he got strapped in.

"Let go of her!" He yelled with veins popping out of his head. His eyes darted around as he struggled with the seatbelt. Even if he successfully unbuckled it, how would he fight for her?

One of the men came to him, and the way he smiled made Lorenzo shiver. He wasn't sure who the man was, but his next words made him freeze.

"We finally found you."

Lorenzo was still confused, but he tried his best to stay calm while he observed the situation. Why did the men seem so nice to him?

He watched the man take out his phone, and he immediately dialled a number.

Lorenzo shook in fear. He didn't know who had sent these men. It seemed to him like someone had sent these men to him.

"Hello boss. Yeah, we found him."


Clare walked into the mansion looking distressed. Her eyes seemed tired, and her family members watched her in disgust.

"You're the black sheep of the family. You're the reason that man is still alive. You keep helping him!"

She didn't reply, and just gazed at them with tired eyes.

"Why do you choose to go against your family for such a man? You're a big disgrace to the family."

Clare sighed, sinking into one of the chairs with tears in her eyes.

"Don't worry. That won't happen again because he's dead."

Their widened their eyes, waves forming on their forehead.

"What do you mean?"

"What you all want has finally happened. He's dead."

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