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By: Ardy-sensei Updated just nowUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 45 views: 2.8K

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On the day of his wedding to Lisa Grandier, Scott Goodman was betrayed by the very woman he was about to marry. The wedding was called off, and he was left to face the scorn and insults of the Grandier family. To his shock, the woman he had been searching for and wished to marry was not Lisa, but Luisa, the illegitimate daughter of the Grandier family who had been sold to a brothel. Scott rushed to the brothel to rescue Luisa. Using his strong military connections and influence, he lifted her from despair and guided her to greatness. At the same, hiding his title as the War God, he systematically destroyed the Grandier family and others who had harmed the woman he loved! [Enjoy my other book: The Great General.]

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  • Ardy-sensei


    Hi, Guys. Welcome to my second book on this platform. Enjoy it ~

    2024-08-20 14:41:18
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45 chapters
Betrayed on The Wedding Day
In the Grandier family's mansion which looked like a palace... In the hall decorated for the wedding ceremony, people dressed in luxurious gowns and suits gathered, questioning why the wedding hadn't started yet. Scott, the groom, tried to call Lisa, the bride, but there was no response, causing a bit of sweat to form on his forehead. The weather was a bit hot today. His sweat almost soaked his suit, making him a bit uncomfortable. If his subordinates had seen him so nervous, they would probably be astonished. He was a god-like figure in their eyes, never showing any sign of stress even in the face of the most formidable enemies. But today was different; it was his most special day. And Lisa was the woman he had decided to care for the rest of his life, and he didn't want any mistakes on their wedding day. He decided to go to the bridal suite on the second floor to see what she was doing there for almost 30 minutes. When Scott was about to grasp the doorknob of the br
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The Aura of A War General
Lisa screamed too, as loud as James did. She couldn't believe what she had just seen. Scott paid no attention to James or Lisa's screams. He twisted James around and grabbed his shirt collar, glaring at him as he spoke: "Take my bracelet that you peed on, you motherfucker!" James's face turned pale. His legs trembled. Suddenly, Scott seemed so terrifying. He was sure Scott would break his hand too if he didn't do what Scott demanded. So, when Scott released his collar, James quickly extended his right hand into the trash can, rummaging through it until he found what he was looking for. "H-here it is," James said, turning around, and showing the bracelet Scott was referring to. Scott stared at the bracelet left by his late mother. In James's palm, the bracelet looked wet and dirty, and it reeked of urine. Scott took a deep breath to control his anger. Honestly, he wanted to beat James to a pulp right now. "Clean it! Lick it until the stench of your piss is gone!" Scott ordered.
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Our Wedding Is Off!
One by one, they left the bridal room, leaving Scott alone there.Scott wasn't in a hurry. He wanted to clean his late mother's bracelet first.He brought the bracelet to the sink, cleaning it gently and patiently.After finishing cleaning the bracelet, Scott was about to leave the room. Suddenly, his phone rang.It was a call from Zach, one of the highest-ranking generals in the military who was his loyal servant. Scott picked it up."What's up, Zach?" Scott asked."General, we need to inform you something important about the girl who saved you a few years ago," Zach said.Scott frowned. "Go on," said Scott."Apparently, General, she is not the person you married today. Her name is not Lisa but Luisa. She previously lived with Lisa's family, but there is no blood relation between her and them. A few months ago, they sold her to a brothel and used the money they got to cover their family's business losses," Zach explained.Scott's eyes widened. His blood rushed suddenly."Are you sure
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Ominous Silence In The Hall
Lisa and her family gasped. They exchanged glances before turning back to Scott.“How do you know about Luisa?” Lisa asked.Scott shot a disdainful look at his former fiancée. Instead of answering, he posed another question:” What did Luisa ever do to you that made you sell her to a brothel? Are all of you truly that heartless?”“Hey, watch your mouth, bastard! You‘re an outsider. You have no right to speak to us like that in our own home!” Jacob snapped, pointing his finger aggressively at Scott.“Jacob’s right! You‘re just an outsider trying to leech off the Wiguna family’s wealth! You better shut your filthy mouth!” Lucas chimed in.Scott glanced at both of them.” Filthy mouth? Who here really had the filthy mouth?”“Scott, how do you know about Luisa? Explain! “ Daniel commanded, his stern demeanor returning.Scott twitched and glared at Daniel with annoyance.” I asked you two questions, and you didn‘t answer either of them. Fine! If you wont tell me anything about Luisa in front
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Rampage In The Brothel
Scott stepped into The Red Velvet, its interior dominated by a vivid red. He glanced around briefly, then approached the receptionist's desk."What do you want?" the receptionist asked curtly, a woman in her mid-twenties with her hair in a ponytail."I'm looking for a woman named Luisa. I heard she's here," Scott said."Luisa?" the receptionist repeated, eyeing Scott suspiciously."Yes. Her name was Luisa Grandier, but maybe she's not using her last name anymore," Scott replied.Based on additional information from Zach during the ride to the brothel, Scott understood that Luisa wasn’t fully accepted as a member of the Grandier family. Unlike Lisa, Olivia's biological daughter, Luisa was an illegitimate child, born from a woman Daniel once kept as a mistress. This fact made Luisa despised by the Grandier family, especially Lisa, who felt threatened by her beauty. Among those who suggested selling Luisa to a brothel, Lisa was one of the most enthusiastic."Wait a moment, let me check
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Severe Punishment
The pot-bellied man and his four lecherous companions were at a loss for words. Beads of sweat dotted their faces. What they had just witnessed was hard to believe. How could Scott by himself defeat all the men who had ganged up on him? Yet, there it was, the undeniable truth standing before them. With a fierce look and eyes blazing, Scott walked towards them."W-wait! Wh-what do you want? Money? I can give you lots of money!" the pot-bellied man stammered, raising one hand in front of him. Scott ignored his offer."Don't want money? O-okay. Then... do you want to enjoy this wench first? That's fine by me, just don't hurt me please... "the pot-bellied man continued. Scott kept walking, but now he seemed visibly irritated by what he had just heard. Then, in the blink of eye... Wham! Ugh! The pot-bellied man suddenly flew to the left, rolling on the floor. Scott had just kicked him square in the waist. The other four men stood wide-eyed and agape. They saw the pot-bell
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You're Safe Now
“Relax, Luisa. You’re safe now. No one’s going to hurt you here,” Scott said as he slowly placed the wet towel back into the basin of warm water he had set on the nightstand.Luisa furrowed her brow. Her eyes darted around wildly, and her hands trembled slightly.Scott guessed that memories of the incident at the brothel were flashing through her mind.“You’re in a villa in the Oval Enclave. I brought you here and treated the wound on your head. You are safe now,” Scott said, smiling gently.Scott noticed a slight change in Luisa’s expression. It wasn’t fear anymore but deep, excruciating sadness.“You brought me here from The Red Velvet? You saved me from…those men?” Luisa asked.“Yes. And I took care of all five of them. Now you can rest easy. No one will ever touch you without your consent again,” Scott replied.Suddenly, Luisa started to cry. Tears streamed down her cheeks.“Why are you crying?” Scott asked, concerned. “What’s making you sad? Shouldn’t you feel relieved right now?
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How Dare You Call Her A Prostitute!
More than one hour later... Scott was in the living room, sitting on the long sofa while watching TV. He held a car key in his hand."Sorry to keep you waiting, Scott."Scott turned and saw Luisa descending the stairs. She looked stunning and elegant in a black knee-length skirt and a gray cardigan over her black top.Scott was mesmerized. He hadn't expected Luisa to be this beautiful. She was even more beautiful than Lisa."It’s okay. What matters is that you’re ready," Scott said.One thing about Luisa's appearance that bothered Scott was the way she carelessly draped her headscarf. He suspected she wore it to cover her forehead.Maybe, unconsciously, she still felt the "RV" tattoo was there. That’s what Scott thought.He understood, though. It would take time for Luisa to adjust to her new self and the life she was beginning to embrace."Let’s go," Scott said, standing up and moving away from the sofa.They then headed to the garage. As the garage door lifted, Luisa was stunned by
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Get Lost!
Scott turned to see Steve walking toward them, his face annoyed. When Steve recognized the casually dressed man facing away from him as Scott, his expression immediately changed. His eyes widened, and his pupils dilated. Steve had been informed by Lombard that Scott was an extremely powerful man. If he offended Scott or made him uncomfortable, not only would his career as CEO of Dominion Group be over, but his life could be as well. Steve was about to greet Scott with a deep bow when Scott gave him a slight shake of his head. Steve understood. For reasons unknown, Scott didn’t want anyone to know the nature of their relationship. That explained why he was dressed so casually, even though he was at the Dominion Group office. “Mr. Steve!” Wayne called out, pushing Scott aside and stepping forward to approach Steve. Steve was a well-known businessman in Mildenbrough. Many people knew him, including job applicants like the bearded man. Then he added, "It looks like this woman appl
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You're Truly A Low-Life!
“Get your hands off me!” Scott snapped, shaking off James’s grip on his shirt with a quick flick.“Ouch!”James yelped, shaking his right hand as if it were stinging. It seemed like Scott's shove had been gentle, yet James felt a sharp twinge in his hand.“You son of a bitch!” James spat.Scott took a step forward, ready to teach James a lesson, but suddenly Lisa splashed wine from her glass directly onto Scott's face.“Watch yourself, Scott! If you hurt James again, I swear I’ll never forgive you for as long as I live!” she exclaimed.Scott wiped the wine from his face with a handkerchief, slowly opening his eyes. He glared coldly at his former fiancée.“Do you think I care? Don’t get ahead of yourself, Lisa. Whether you’re in my life or not means nothing to me,” he said.Lisa's eyes widened in shock. Reflexively, she hurled her empty wine glass at Scott's face.Swoosh!Scott caught the glass effortlessly. Lisa was astonished. How could he move his hand that fast?Frustrated that her
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