Our Wedding Is Off!

One by one, they left the bridal room, leaving Scott alone there.

Scott wasn't in a hurry. He wanted to clean his late mother's bracelet first.

He brought the bracelet to the sink, cleaning it gently and patiently.

After finishing cleaning the bracelet, Scott was about to leave the room. Suddenly, his phone rang.

It was a call from Zach, one of the highest-ranking generals in the military who was his loyal servant. Scott picked it up.

"What's up, Zach?" Scott asked.

"General, we need to inform you something important about the girl who saved you a few years ago," Zach said.

Scott frowned. "Go on," said Scott.

"Apparently, General, she is not the person you married today. Her name is not Lisa but Luisa. She previously lived with Lisa's family, but there is no blood relation between her and them. A few months ago, they sold her to a brothel and used the money they got to cover their family's business losses," Zach explained.

Scott's eyes widened. His blood rushed suddenly.

"Are you sure this information is valid, Zach?"

"Yes, General. We have confirmed its accuracy."

Scott took a deep breath, exhaling slowly. Now he had an even stronger reason to call off his wedding.

A few minutes later, Scott finally returned to the hall. He saw Lisa's family crowding around a silver-haired man who looked very classy.

Daniel was talking to the man with respectful gestures. He even kept smiling, a stark contrast to his demeanor in the bridal room earlier.

James, on the other hand, spoke to the man with his chest puffed out, trying to look tough despite the pain and ache in his left hand, which made beads of sweat cover his face.

When they noticed Scott's presence, their expressions and gazes changed immediately. James pointed at Scott and said this loudly:

"Mr. Lombard, that's the barbaric pauper who dared to break my fingers!"

The people in the hall directed their gazes at Scott. They looked down on him.

But Lombard was different. He rushed to Scott, then suddenly bowed to him respectfully. Lombard was one of the few people in the country who knew who Scott really was.

"Congratulations on your wedding, Mr. Scott. I apologize for arriving late. As a sincere apology, I bring special gifts for you and your wife, Mr. Scott," Lombard said.

James and the others were stunned. What were they witnessing? Why was the richest man in Mildenbrough bowing respectfully to a barbaric pauper like Scott? Was this even real?

Before they managed to grasp this odd situation, a dozen men dressed in black entered the hall carrying the gift boxes mentioned by Lombard. The gift boxes came in various shapes and sizes, from the small ones to the large ones.

"Open them all!" Lombard ordered his men.

They opened the boxes, and the hall buzzed with excitement.

"Look at that jewelry set! Isn't that the pink diamond? I heard each piece costs around $20 million. A whole set must be worth over $100 million!"

"And those watches! Are they all Rolex? What's the total value? $50 million?"

"The vases are fascinating. Those are antique Chinese vases worth millions on the black market!"

"Oh, but the most interesting is that model. Isn't that The Sapphire Suite? It was just built a year ago, and the unit prices have already skyrocketed. In ten years, they said the value could increase a hundredfold! Owning The Sapphire Suite is a brilliant investment!"

These were some of the comments from the guests. They couldn't stop staring at the luxurious gifts Lombard had brought.

Even the Grandier family was astonished. Lisa and Olivia covered their mouths with their hands, while Lucas and Jacob pinched themselves to ensure they weren't dreaming.

"Please accept these gifts from me, Mr. Scott. And once again, congratulations on your wedding!" Lombard said.

His men who had brought in the gifts began to clap. Spontaneously, many guests joined in, forgetting that Scott and Lisa's wedding hadn't taken place yet.

At this point, Scott raised his right hand, and the applause slowly ceased.

"Mr. Lombard, thank you for coming, but you can take these gifts back. The wedding hasn't happened and won't be happening."


Scott's words created a tense atmosphere in the hall. All eyes were on him now.

Lombard stared at Scott for a moment, puzzled, but then he nodded.

Whatever had occurred there, Scott must have had a reason for saying what he said.

"Very well, Mr. Scott. I apologize for my ignorance. I will take these gifts back," Lombard said.

Of course, the Grandier family couldn't accept this.

"Wait, wait!" Lisa stepped forward, her eyes wide.

"Scott, what are you doing? These gifts from Mr. Lombard are not just for you but for me and my family too. You can't make the decision alone!" she said.

Scott looked at his ex-fiancée with disinterest. He said, "Mr. Lombard gave these gifts thinking we were getting married today. But it's not happening. Our wedding is off!"

Scott's voice boomed with the last sentence. Every eye in the hall remained focused on him.

"Hey, hey! What do you mean by suddenly canceling the wedding? You can't do that!" Daniel protested.

"My husband is right. How can you cancel the wedding on the day itself after all the guests have arrived? You can't behave like this at the Grandier residence!" Olivia said.

Scott looked at the two of them with irritation. They had shown no enthusiasm for this wedding until they saw the luxurious gifts Lombard had brought. It was disgusting!

"I don't care what you have to say. I've made my decision. My wedding to Lisa is canceled. Mr. Lombard will take everything he brought back, without exception!" Scott declared.

"You bastard! You think you can treat us like this?!" Daniel shouted.

"Of course I can. Why not?" Scott shouted back.

Daniel and Olivia were taken aback by Scott's boldness. They didn't understand why he seemed so different. It was as if an imposing aura was emanating from him.

Scott slowly stepped forward, approaching them, asking this question coldly:

"Now, I have something to ask you. Where did you sell Luisa?"


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