Rampage In The Brothel

Scott stepped into The Red Velvet, its interior dominated by a vivid red. He glanced around briefly, then approached the receptionist's desk.

"What do you want?" the receptionist asked curtly, a woman in her mid-twenties with her hair in a ponytail.

"I'm looking for a woman named Luisa. I heard she's here," Scott said.

"Luisa?" the receptionist repeated, eyeing Scott suspiciously.

"Yes. Her name was Luisa Grandier, but maybe she's not using her last name anymore," Scott replied.

Based on additional information from Zach during the ride to the brothel, Scott understood that Luisa wasn’t fully accepted as a member of the Grandier family. 

Unlike Lisa, Olivia's biological daughter, Luisa was an illegitimate child, born from a woman Daniel once kept as a mistress. This fact made Luisa despised by the Grandier family, especially Lisa, who felt threatened by her beauty. 

Among those who suggested selling Luisa to a brothel, Lisa was one of the most enthusiastic.

"Wait a moment, let me check something," the receptionist said, turning her attention to the computer monitor on her desk.

"Luisa, right? The new girl?" she asked after a moment.

"Yes, that's right. Where is she now?" Scott asked, his pupils dilating.

The receptionist gave him a strange look, scanning Scott from head to toe.

"You can't see Luisa today. Come back tomorrow or the day after," she said.

"What do you mean?" Scott asked, his tone rising.

The receptionist flinched momentarily, then glared at Scott and raised her voice in return, "She's with five of our VVIP clients. Someone like you has no chance of seeing her today. And even if you come back tomorrow or the day after, you'll probably be competing with hundreds of wealthier men. Why don't you just bury this wish of yours?"

Scott's chest heaved with restrained anger. He snorted, then said coldly, "Where is Luisa now? Which room is she in?"

"Ha! Still hoping, huh? You really don’t know your place. You're like a frog dreaming of the moon—"

"Just tell me which room she's in!" Scott snapped.

The receptionist was taken aback. She froze for a moment, then reluctantly said, "Second floor."

Scott clicked his tongue in frustration. The woman had given him the floor number instead of the room number. But no matter. He no longer relied on her. He looked around until he spotted a spiral staircase leading to the second floor.

He left the reception desk without a word and sprinted toward the stairs.

"Hey, hey! Where the hell do you think you're going? Stop right there!" the receptionist shouted.

Of course, Scott ignored her, continuing to run up the steps.

Gillian, the receptionist, clicked her tongue in irritation and picked up the phone to call security.

Meanwhile, on the second floor, Scott looked around again, wondering which room Luisa might be in.

He wandered back and forth until he saw something suspicious.

At the end of one hallway, a group of men were gathered. All of them were men.

Scott's instincts drove him to approach them.

Noticing Scott's arrival and his commanding presence, a few of the men turned toward him and blocked his path.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?" asked one of them, a bald man.

"Turn around and leave before you regret it," threatened the man next to the bald one.

Scott glanced briefly to check the room number they seemed to be guarding—213. Their behavior made him even more suspicious. He continued to walk while sharpening his hearing.

At this point, he heard a scream, loud and long.

From the sound, it seemed to be a woman. And it came from room 213.

Some of the men guarding the room were startled by the scream; some focused on Scott but appeared more alert.

"Hey, you! Leave before we beat you up!" the bald man shouted.

At that moment, Scott suddenly vanished from their sight. The next thing they knew, they were thrown against the walls. His friends experienced the same fate.

'What just happened?' the bald man thought. He tried to get up but was held back by coughing and spitting blood.

Meanwhile, Scott was now inside the room.

He had just kicked the door open, startling the pot-bellied man and four other men in the room.

Scott glanced at them sternly, then turned his gaze to a girl lying on the floor with blood on her forehead. He quickly approached her and checked her condition.

'Thank God she's still alive!' Scott thought after confirming that she was still breathing and her pulse was normal.

Scott then looked at the girl's face. Truly beautiful. Her skin wasn’t just white but also smooth, like porcelain.

The only blemish on her face was the gash on her forehead, right next to the tattoo of the letters "RV."

'Hold on! I’ll get you out of this filthy place!' Scott thought to himself.

"Hey, who are you? How dare you interrupt my special moment! Get your hands off her!" the pot-bellied man yelled.

Scott slowly turned and gave the pot-bellied man a fierce look. The pot-bellied man recoiled. For a moment, fear was evident in his eyes.

"Hey, I know who he is! He's that pathetic loser who was willing to marry Lisa Grandier. Yeah, I'm sure that's him!"

"Ah, right. His face matches the one I've seen on social media."

"Scott Goodman. That's his name, right? What's he doing here?"

"Probably looking for a whore to sleep with. What else?"

That was how the other four men in the room commented. For the past week leading up to the wedding, people had been gossiping about Scott, whom they considered shameless and pathetic. Scott's photos, taken secretly, were spread online with captions degrading his dignity as a human being.

"Oh, so you're that miserable poor guy? Why are you here? Isn't this your wedding day? You visit a brothel on your wedding day? Incredible! You're even more despicable than me! Hahaha..."

The pot-bellied man said it proudly, something that sounded odd to Scott because what he was proud of was his despicableness.

Scott couldn't take it anymore. Carefully, he laid Luisa back down, then stood and faced them.

"Are you the five men who bid the highest for this innocent girl during the auction?" Scott asked coldly.

"So what if we are? You want to enjoy her too?" the pot-bellied man mocked, chuckling. "Don't dream! Only the five of us can enjoy her body today. Do you understand?!"

The four other men behind the pot-bellied man smiled arrogantly, lifting their chins, thinking the situation was under their control.

And their confidence increased when the men who had been guarding the door rushed in.

"Bastard! You'll pay for what you did to us!" the bald man shouted, fury blazing in his eyes.

Scott glanced at them sharply, simultaneously releasing a bit of his warrior's aura as his killing intent rose.

"What are you waiting for? Beat him up!" the pot-bellied man ordered.

Instantly, the bald man and his friends drew their weapons: knives, machetes, axes, and more.

"Die!!!" the bald man screamed, charging at Scott along with his friends.

The pot-bellied man smirked, as did the four men behind him, thinking their men would beat Scott to a pulp, if not kill him outright.


Thud! Thud! Thud! Thud!

Scott easily took them all down, just like before, without a single scratch on his body.

The pot-bellied man gasped, reflexively stepping back two steps. The four men behind him, who had been sitting, immediately stood up, gaping in shock.

Slowly, Scott fixed his gaze on them and said coldly, "Now, it's your turn."


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