Severe Punishment

The pot-bellied man and his four lecherous companions were at a loss for words. Beads of sweat dotted their faces.

What they had just witnessed was hard to believe. How could Scott by himself defeat all the men who had ganged up on him?

Yet, there it was, the undeniable truth standing before them. With a fierce look and eyes blazing, Scott walked towards them.

"W-wait! Wh-what do you want? Money? I can give you lots of money!" the pot-bellied man stammered, raising one hand in front of him.

Scott ignored his offer.

"Don't want money? O-okay. Then... do you want to enjoy this wench first? That's fine by me, just don't hurt me please... "the pot-bellied man continued.

Scott kept walking, but now he seemed visibly irritated by what he had just heard.

Then, in the blink of eye...



The pot-bellied man suddenly flew to the left, rolling on the floor. Scott had just kicked him square in the waist.

The other four men stood wide-eyed and agape. They saw the pot-bellied man vomit blood, unable to rise despite trying.

When they looked at Scott, they knew they would suffer the same fate. And indeed, that's what happened.

With swift, efficient movements, Scott attacked each of the four men, hitting their vital points with kicks and punches.

All four men collapsed on the floor, vomiting blood just like the chubby man.

Scott walked away from them, approaching the chubby man who had finally managed to sit up.

Unlucky for him, Scott punched him right in the face, knocking him down again, and he spat out blood.

This time, his cheek was severely swollen, and three of his front teeth were knocked out.

"P-please... help me..." the pot-bellied man pleaded weakly, his face pitiful, not knowing whom he was asking for help.

Scott felt no sympathy for him. Instead, he kicked the pot-bellied man right in the groin, making him scream loudly as the kick landed on his testicles.

The pot-bellied mans face turned even paler than before. After screaming, he passed out.

Scott took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. Now he was the only one left standing in the room. The others were sprawled out, unable to stand; most were unconscious.

Now Scott approached Luisa and squatted beside her. Scott needed to get her out of there quickly. The bruises and cuts on Luisa's forehead looked severe, and he needed to treat them as soon as possible.

At that moment, his phone rang. It was a call from Zach.

"What's up?" Scott asked coldly as he answered the call.

[General, I've arrived in front of The Red Velvet. Do I need to come in?]

"No need. Wait there. I'll bring Luisa down."

[Copy that.]

Scott ended the call. He put his phone back in his pants pocket. He had indeed asked Zach to follow him to this brothel.

Scott looked at Luisa again. Uncomfortable seeing Luisa in just her underwear, Scott took off his T-shirt and covered her with it.

He carried Luisa out of the room and walked down the hallway. As he was about to reach the end of the corridor, he heard footsteps approaching.

Soon, two large men in security uniforms appeared. They looked at him, puzzled.

"Hey, you! What the hell you think you are doing? Put her down now! "one of them shouted.

The other security guard said nothing but pulled out his electric baton.

Scott glared at them coldly and said, Get out of my way if you dont want to end up like them.

Without needing to point, the two security guards knew Scott was referring to the people lying motionless in front of room 213. They had been thrown against the corridor walls when Scott went rampade in the room.

The two security guards were shocked. The situation in front of room 213 was a mess. Vomit and splattered blood were everywhere, on the floor and the walls.

The two guards looked at each other. Their faces began to sweat.

In the end, they decided to step aside and let Scott pass, allowing him to leave.

Even after Scott, now shirtless, turned his back on them, they didnt dare try to attack him.

A few minutes later, Scott was in the luxury limousine driven by Zach, sitting in the spacious passenger seat while Luisa lay beside him.

Scott had specifically asked Zach to bring a limousine like this instead of an armored vehicle because it would be too conspicuous.

"General, I have two good news for you", Zach said, sitting in the seat next to the driver. The driver was his aide.

"What is it? "Scott asked, his eyes fixed on Luisa.

"First, Mr. Lombard said that his superior has officially given Dominion Group, one of the giant companies he owns in this city, to you. He insists you accept it, "Zach said.

 Dominion Group was a powerhouse of a company with annual profits in the trillions and a steadily rising trend over the last decade. Many major companies in the city were eager to collaborate with Dominion Group.

Compared to this giant corporate group, Grandier Corp. was absolutely insignificant. Even Drachenberg GroupJamess family companywas nothing in comparison.

"And as it happens, General, tomorrow at Dominion Groups office, theres a prestigious tender auction being fiercely contested by major companies run by the citys most powerful conglomerate families. Whats interesting is that the Grandier family is on the participant list."

Scott narrowed his eyes, thought about it for a moment. As far as he knew, the Grandiers were just a middle-class family with limited wealth. It was almost laughable that they would attend such a high-profile auction, acting as if they could compete with the citys elite families.

"And what is the second one? "Scott asked.

"Second, Mr. Lombard also gifted you his most luxurious villa in Oval Enclavethe only villa in that area that requires owning a limited-edition black card, of which only ten exist in the entire world. He was quite insistent on this as well, hoping you would accept it, " Zach replied.

A villa? He could take Luisa there to help her heal, and they could even stay for a while. Not a bad option.

"Where is the villa?" Scott asked.

"In the ultra-elite area in the south, General, " Zach responded.

"Alright. Tell Mr. Lombard that I accept both of his gifts, and Ill be moving into the villa this very night. And don't forget to convey my thanks to him."

"Copy that."

Scott looked back at Luisa, eyeing the concerning bruises and cuts on her forehead.

He had cleaned and disinfected the wounds with alcohol, but that wasn't enough. Something special was needed to completely remove all the scars.

"By the way, Zach, can you bring my herbal concoctions from the lab at the military base to the villa?" Scott asked.

"Sure, General. Do you need them tonight?"

"Yes. The sooner you bring them, the better."

"Copy that. Ill order my men to bring them right away."


Gently, Scott touched the long and deep cut on Luisa's forehead. He promised he would make her face flawless again.


About an hour later, in a room on the second floor, in the largest and most luxurious villa in Oval Enclave...

Scott had finished treating the cut and bruises on Luisa's forehead. Now he was about to use the herbal remedy that Zach's men had brought for him.

He touched Luisas forehead with his right hand gently. At this point, Luisa's eyelids fluttered open. A moment later, she suddenly sat up and shifted her body slightly, moving away from Scott.

"Who are you? Where am I?! "she asked.

Scott saw the genuine fear in Luisas eyes.


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