How Dare You Call Her A Prostitute!

More than one hour later... 

Scott was in the living room, sitting on the long sofa while watching TV. He held a car key in his hand.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, Scott."

Scott turned and saw Luisa descending the stairs. She looked stunning and elegant in a black knee-length skirt and a gray cardigan over her black top.

Scott was mesmerized. He hadn't expected Luisa to be this beautiful. She was even more beautiful than Lisa.

"It’s okay. What matters is that you’re ready," Scott said.

One thing about Luisa's appearance that bothered Scott was the way she carelessly draped her headscarf. He suspected she wore it to cover her forehead.

Maybe, unconsciously, she still felt the "RV" tattoo was there. That’s what Scott thought.

He understood, though. It would take time for Luisa to adjust to her new self and the life she was beginning to embrace.

"Let’s go," Scott said, standing up and moving away from the sofa.

They then headed to the garage. As the garage door lifted, Luisa was stunned by what she saw.

"These cars... are they yours?" she asked, disbelief written all over her face.

There were five supercars from five famous brands parked there: a black McLaren (worth around 2 million dollars), a black Koenigsegg Jesko (close to 3 million dollars), a red Ferrari (about 1 million dollars), a white Bugatti Chiron (over 4 million dollars), and a dark blue Rimac Nevera (around 2 million dollars).

"No, they’re not. They belong to a friend of mine," Scott replied, shaking his head. "This villa is his too. He’s living abroad now. He lent me everything here."

"Oh, I see..."

Of course, that was a lie. The cars were gifts from Zach. They had arrived this very morning. The key Scott was holding was for the black McLaren.

"Come on, I’ll take you to the Dominion Group office," Scott said, walking over to the black McLaren.

Luisa hesitated for a moment, unsure if she was worthy of riding in such a luxurious car.

Scott opened the car door for her. Finally, Luisa get into the supercar.


At the Dominion Group office, outside the main lobby...

Scott paced back and forth, waiting for Luisa to come out. It had been nearly half an hour since she went in. Scott could hardly wait to see the joyful smile on her face.

At that moment, a few people emerged from the lobby. Scott guessed they were job applicants who had just finished their interviews.

One of them, a man with a thick beard, stared intently at Scott, scanning him from head to toe. His name was Wayne.

“What do you think a bum like him is doing at the Dominion Group office? Is he here for a job interview like us?” Wayne asked.

“Come on, Wayne. Even if he’s here to apply, it’s probably for a security guard or parking attendant position. We’re in a different league,” responded a short-haired woman beside him.

“Exactly. Those jobs are more fitting for a bum like him,” chimed in a bespectacled man.

“Hey, hey! You guys are harsh, but I agree with you. Hahaha...” Wayne replied, laughing.

The short-haired woman and the bespectacled man laughed along, looking down on Scott as if he were nothing more than a poor, pitiful soul.

Scott was annoyed but didn’t bother responding. He didn’t have time for that.

However, Scott’s silence only encouraged Wayne and his friends to mock him even more.

“Hey, Scott, I’ve got something for you,” Wayne said, pulling out his wallet and taking out a few thousand-dollar bills. He threw the money toward Scott.

“Use this cash from me to buy yourself some decent clothes. Maybe you’re broke because you couldn’t become a member of the Grandier family,” Wayne added.

His friends chuckled, their eyes filled with contempt for Scott. The bills landed scattered at Scott’s feet.

Scott lifted his chin slightly, narrowing his eyes. He was just about to say something to them when he saw the lobby doors open, and Luisa hurried out with a worried expression.

“Scott, what’s... happening here?” asked Luisa anxiously.

Wayne and his friends turned to the source of the voice, watching as Luisa walked up to Scott and stood beside him.

Scott shook her head, smiled, then said, “Nothing. How was the interview?”

Luisa let out a sigh. The anxiety on her face shifted into sadness as she said, “It ended too soon, Scott. I... I don’t think they’ll hire me.”

The smile on Scott’s face immediately vanished. How did it come to this? She was supposed to get the job without any issues. What exactly happened in that interview room?

“Hey, aren’t you Luisa? Luisa Grandier?” Wayne suddenly blurted out, making Scott and Luisa turn to him.

“Oh my God, you really are Luisa Grandier,” Wayne continued, scanning Luisa from head to toe.

“You know, I heard the Grandier family sold her to a brothel a few months ago,” he said to his friends. “If that’s true, then she’s a prostitute now. What’s a prostitute doing here?”


Scott’s eyes widened. If this continued, the bearded man would cross the line. Scott couldn’t let him go on.

“Hey, watch your mouth!” Scott barked, stepping forward with fiery eyes fixed on Wayne.

“How dare you call her a prostitute. Take it back, or I’ll beat you to a pulp!” he added.

Wayne’s friends gasped, shocked by Scott’s fierce response. They hadn’t expected him to react this strongly after ignoring them earlier.

Wayne himself snorted, irritated. Thinking he was bigger than Scott, he moved his face close to Scott’s, looking at him with disdain.

“You’re threatening me, Scott? Ha! That’s hilarious!” Wayne said with a crooked smile.

He then glanced at Luisa with a sneer, then looked back at Scott and saying, “She’s a prostitute, you know. Just accept it. That’s the fact. After months in a brothel, who knows how many men she’s serviced. If I were you, I wouldn’t go near her—”


Scott swiftly slapped Wayne across the face. Wayne’s friends gasped, as did Luisa. Wayne himself was stunned, not expecting Scott to be so bold.

“You! How dare you slap me!”

Smack! Smack!

Two more slaps in quick succession. Wayne stumbled slightly. The left corner of his mouth split open, dripping blood.

"Damn you! You just wait! My uncle works here as the marketing manager. I'll have him talk to HR and make sure this whore's job application gets rejected and her name blacklisted!" Wayne shouted, jabbing his finger at Scott.

At this point, a black limousine pulled up in front of the lobby, catching the attention of the bearded man and his friends.

The driver stepped out and opened the passenger door, and a man with slicked-back hair in an all-black suit and tie, with a Rolex Submariner on his left wrist, stepped out.

“What’s going on here? Why is there a crowd outside my office?” the man asked. He was Steve, the CEO of Dominion Group.


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