Author: Ardy-sensei
Betrayed on The Wedding Day

In the Grandier family's mansion which looked like a palace...

In the hall decorated for the wedding ceremony, people dressed in luxurious gowns and suits gathered, questioning why the wedding hadn't started yet.

Scott, the groom, tried to call Lisa, the bride, but there was no response, causing a bit of sweat to form on his forehead.

The weather was a bit hot today. His sweat almost soaked his suit, making him a bit uncomfortable.

If his subordinates had seen him so nervous, they would probably be astonished. He was a god-like figure in their eyes, never showing any sign of stress even in the face of the most formidable enemies.

But today was different; it was his most special day. And Lisa was the woman he had decided to care for the rest of his life, and he didn't want any mistakes on their wedding day.

He decided to go to the bridal suite on the second floor to see what she was doing there for almost 30 minutes.

When Scott was about to grasp the doorknob of the bridal suite, he heard something suspicious from inside.

"Oh yeah! Keep going, James! Faster! Oh..."

That was Lisa's voice

"Are you enjoying this, baby? You're enjoying my wild play?" This time, it was a man's deep voice.

"Oh, James, I think I'm about to come again."

Scott's face turned red. His pupils dilated. He knew what they were doing!


He burst through the door in a fury. Lisa and James were startled. James nearly fell off the bed in shock.

"What the hell is this?!"shouted Scott, his voice trembling.

In the bedroom, Lisa was nearly naked, while James wasn't wearing his pants. There was no doubt that they were having sex!

For a moment, Lisa looked panicked, but then she quickly regained her composure. She covered her chest with a pillow, her gaze at Scott filled with mockery and scorn.

"James and I are making love. So what?" Lisa retorted defiantly.

"What did you say?" Scott asked in disbelief.

He couldn't understand how Lisa could say that so easily. Wasn't she supposed to be his bride? Wasn't today their wedding day?

"I'm making love with James, and you're interrupting us. What do you want? Get out and let us finish our fun!" Lisa snapped.

Scott was dumbstruck, frozen like a statue. Had he heard her right?

"Lisa, we're supposed to get married today"

"Hey, poor man!" James interrupted. "Lisa told you to get out. Is that not clear enough for you? Are you not only poor but also deaf?"

Scott glared at James, hatred evident in his eyes.

"Who do you think you are so that you feel entitled to order Lisa around?" James taunted, put his hand on Lisa's body, and kissed her neck.

"Get your filthy hands off her, James! He's my fiancé!" Scott shouted.

James wasn't intimidated; he laughed out loudly.

"Scott, just leave. You disgust me!" Lisa said.

"But, Lisa..."

"You're nothing, Scott; just a poor man dreaming of joining the Grandier family. James, on the other hand, is the son of the CEO of the famous J&R Group. With his business connections, he can help my company family get the financial boost we need. Don't think you're his equal. You're way below his level. He has everything, and you're just trash!"


Lisa's words were like a dagger to Scott's heart. He felt a sharp pain and his neck veins bulged.

"Is that how you see me, Lisa? Am I just trash to you?"

"Yes. You're just trash, Scott. You should have known your place and refused my grandfather's ridiculous request. Did you really think I'd want to marry you? If it weren't for my grandfather making our marriage a condition for my inheritance, I would never agree to this wedding. Use your brain, Scott. Even stupidity has its limits," Lisa ranted.


The dagger twisted in Scott's chest. He took a deep breath, trying to control his rising anger.

Scott wanted to marry Lisa because she once offered him food and took care of him when he was lying on the street, dying. All of his family died from a fire. He was the only one who escaped. If it weren't for her, he'd have died long ago.

He vowed to protect her for the rest of his life. But now, after what Lisa had done and said, his resolve began to waver.

"Go back to the hall, Scott. I'll come down once we're done here," Lisa commanded.

Scott sighed. He barely cared about Lisa's words anymore. Even if she had sex with James all day, he wouldn't care.

He turned to leave the room. But foolishly, James wasn't ready to let him go so easily. He wanted to toy with Scott further.

"By the way, Lisa, did you like the gift I gave you?" James asked, raising his eyebrows at Lisa.

"Yes, of course, James. I loved it! It's the most luxurious necklace I've ever received. So different from that cheap bracelet Scott gave me," Lisa replied.

Scott, who had taken only a few steps, stopped. His eyes narrowed.

"Oh, it certainly is. That necklace cost me five million dollars. Unlike that cheap bracelet from this poor, miserable man, which probably cost a few thousand at most. Hahaha..."

James' laughter echoed off the walls. He laughed loudly, intending to provoke Scott.

"So, what did you do with that cheap bracelet, honey?" James asked.

"I threw it away. Why would I keep such a cheap piece of jewelry? It was obviously fake," Lisa answered.

That bracelet was Scott's serious token of his commitment and respect for his fiancée.

Though it wasn't worth much, it was invaluable to Scott because it was the only keepsake from his late mother.

Scott was so disappointed that Lisa couldn't see the true value of the bracelet!

Slowly, Scott turned around. He stared at Lisa sharply.

"You threw away the bracelet?" Scott asked coldly.

"Yes. What? Can't accept it? You're crazy, you know! How could you give me such a cheap imitation as a gift? Imagine how embarrassing it would be if I had to wear that ugly fake bracelet in front of our guests!" Lisa snapped.

Scott narrowed his eyes again. Lisa was truly unworthy of being his wife. Truly unworthy.

"Where's the bracelet now? Where did you throw it?" he asked again.

"There, I threw it in the trash can in the corner," Lisa said, pointing to the only trash can in the room. "Go get it if you want."

Scott walked towards the indicated spot, his jaw clenched. Lisa had the nerve to throw away that priceless bracelet into the trash!

As Scott reached for the trash can, James suddenly jumped off the bed and grabbed the trash can first.

"Are you sure you threw that cheap bracelet in here, Lisa?" James asked.

Lisa nodded, looking confusedly at James. Scott gave her a similar look.

James looked at Scott and grinned widely. He opened the trash can and urinated into it.

"My urine is valuable, you know. Maybe, after being soaked in it, your cheap bracelet will become more valuable. You should thank me," James said, chuckling.

Scott gritted his teeth. His blood boiled. His hands clenched so tightly that blood dripped from them.

"What does that look mean, huh? Are you trying to intimidate me? Do you think I'm afraid of you?" James sneered.

Scott glared at James with wide eyes. James widened his smile, taunting Scott even more by playing with his genitals.

But suddenly, Scott vanished from his sight. A moment later, James felt Scott's presence right behind him.

With a swift move, Scott locked James in a chokehold with one arm while his other hand gripped James' fingers that held his genitals.

"Hey, what are you"


James screamed in agony. Scott had just broken some of his fingers.


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