The Wrath of the Dragon Duke.

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The Wrath of the Dragon Duke.

By: Son of Tarnaq OngoingUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 7 views: 6

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I have conquered nations, subdued entire populations. Everyone from the Eastern plains to the Northern colonies fear me. But they don't know me. My name is Lloyd Bishop, and I am the Dragon Duke, The greatest enforcer of the kingdom of Tekka. 10 years ago, I watched from the closet, where I witnessed my entire family be gunned down in the city of Hilburg. My father and uncle, shot by a man with a dragon tattoo on his arm, who then burned down our home. I managed to escape, but I died from smoke poisoning. My life would be saved by a young girl, Lisa Francis, who brought me back to life and showed me the way out of the city. That was a decade ago. I left everything behind that day, my 3 childhood friends, and Lisa, a girl I didn't even know yet. In the time since, everything has changed, I was now more powerful than ever before, but the rage of my family's murder hadn't been quelled. And now I have returned to this city that took everything from me, and my mission is clear. Reconnect with my childhood friends, repay the girl who saved my life. But most importantly, I will show those responsible for my parent's death… THE WRATH OF THE DRAGON DUKE!

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7 chapters
Chapter 1 : Lloyd's Return
I watched, from the tiny window of my closest, as my father, Anthony Bishop, stared down the barrel of gun, a look of pure defiance on his face.On the floor was my uncle Marcus, a man that was almost closer to me than my parents.He was killed earlier. I saw the man with the dragon tattoo smile wickedly, as he asked him “Any last words”“Run Lloyd, Run” were the last words my father spoke, as I burst out of the closet, running towards him.“NO!, DAD!” we're the last thing I said before the man pulled the trigger, and instantly, I was awoken from my nightmare.I placed a weary hand on my head as I panted heavily, my body drenched in sweat.I've had this recurring nightmare for the last 15 years, ever since I witnessed my family's massacre.Likewise, I always wondered what would have happened if I had tried to save my father that day, would it have made any difference?My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of my phone ringing.“Yes” I answered.“We found her Boss” said a voice on
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Chapter 2 : The Set-up
Lloyd raised his arms up as he slowly walked out of the car.It didn't take him very long to understand what had just happened here, he had been set-up.It seemed that all that time that the driver had been staring at him while he was in the car, he was accessing him to see if he was wealthy, and thus, a notable victim.There were four assailants in front of him, two of them had a gun in their hand, with one pointing the gun directly at his face.While the other two didn't have guns, they did have knives on them.Lloyd would spot the driver lounging casually on one of the buildings in the alleyway.His head was slightly bowed down, and he showed a relative lack of interest in the robbery that was currently ensuing.It was as if he just wanted the robbery to be over with, so he could leave the area immediately.Lloyd sighed at the current situation he currently found himself in.Not even an hour since he returned to Hilburg, and he was already suffering the consequences of the city's c
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Chapter 3 : Drastic Revelations
Simon Harland stepped in front of the line of young men with a smile on his face.Attempting to analyze him, everyone had their eyes on him.Who was this unfortunate and unremarkable man who had chosen to be stuck with Lisa Francis.Mia remained in the corner of the hall room, glancing at the man who had just won her hand in marriage.Lisa was one of these people who attempted to analyze Simon.He was a very conventionally handsome man… a lot younger than she expected, Tall, dark hair, and in a perfect black suit.Lisa was frankly glad it was him and not an unattractive older man.But she still felt uncomfortable, I mean, did she really deserve a man as handsome as Simon in her current state?“Don't be rude Mia, go meet the man you'll spend your remaining… however long you have left, with” beckoned, Eleanor, scoffing.At this point, the other suitors had left the hall room, and Timothy looked on as Mia slowly rolled her wheelchair towards him.Lisa let out plenty of heavy coughs, caus
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Chapter 4 : A friend at death's door
"Are you sure it's him boss" asked Ivan, his face held some doubt."Without a doubt" replied Lloyd.Lloyd couldn't believe that he had not recognized him, probably due to how beat up and decrepit he looked.He didn't know if he should consider this his lucky day, or one of the most unfortunate days of his life.One of the many goals he had when he came back to this city was reuniting with his old friend group, and Jacob was one of them.This was probably fate that had brought Jacob right to him, despite how unfortunate the situation was.He knew that the next logical step would be to find Jacob once again, link up with him, and then use him to gain as much information on the events that had transpired in Hilburg since his departure.But he knew that finding Jacob in a dangerous city like Hilburg wouldn't be easy at all.Despite having the man's ID with an address on the front, Lloyd knew that this didn't mean anything.Judging by the way Jacob looked in his ID photograph, he was much
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Chapter 5 : Jacob's Story.
"Was it truly necessary?, I mean, you could have just used chloroform" asked Ivan, as he stood over, Lisa's unconscious body."There wasn't enough time for that, besides, I made sure she didn't feel anything" assured, Llyod.As the protégé to Eric Weissman, Lloyd had mastered the art of "silent subjugation", granting him the ability to knock almost anyone out via pressure points at the back of their neck.The recipient felt no pain, and there was no permanent damage.But why exactly did Lloyd knock out his new wife?The answer to that question lay behind the underground facility Ivan was currently driving into.He couldn't risk her waking up and seeing the location of this facility, as it would put her life in danger.Ever since Lloyd saw Lisa in her current condition, stricken with cancer because she saved his life, he was stricken with grief.The only thing that caused him more pain was death of his family.So since then, he knew that his next mission would be to fix this mistake.A
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Chapter 6 : The man with the dragon tattoo
"boss... Boss... Please calm yourself" whispered Ivan, as placed a gentle hand on his Boss's shoulder.Lloyd on the other hand had been zoned out for several moments after he saw the man in front of him.His kinds were filled with memories of that night, over a decade ago, when his family was killed, and now the culprit was here in front of him.That night he never saw the bastards face, so he never had anything to go off, but now that had changed.Lloyd soon released his clenched fist, and took a deep breath, he would have to control his bloodlust for now."Who the hell are you?" asked the man with the dragon tattoo, suspicious of Lloyd and Ivan."Oh, sorry I haven't introduced myself, my name is Simon Harland, this is my friend Ivan" replied Lloyd."How exactly do you know my nephew?" He asked, still suspicious.Both Ivan and Lloyd would heavily suppress their gasp.Did he just say that Jacob was his nephew?"I was the one who brought him here after he overdosed" explained Lloyd, ca
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Chapter 7 : The second survivor
"I won't tell you a damn thing" said Carmen, still trying to be deviant.Lloyd would laugh manically at this defiance."Oooh what a wonderful response, you have no idea how much I wished you would struggle" remarked Lloyd, as he turned to Ivan."Did you bring the kit?" He asked.Ivan nodded, and set down the backpack he had been carrying all this while.Lloyd would opening it, revealing that it contained scalpels, razors, burning salts, and other unspeakable horrors."Y'know, while the position of Mother confessor belongs to the crimson duchess, I am not too shabby with confessions myself" joked Lloyd, as he pulled out a blade.Camren began quivering violently, horrified at what was going to happen to him."Hold him down Ivan, cause it's about to get messy" said Lloyd with a satisfied smile.For the next 30 minutes, Camren would feel more pain than time than in his entire life combined.Dean had completely broken his will, and he was now ready to say anything just to die."Please... k
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