Hello, Father!

"Isn't that Nathaniel?" The whispers of the people around fell into Nathaniel's ear, but he ignored them. He elegantly stepped into the store, leaving the bodyguards outside

"You ungrateful fool!" Mrs. Sterling immediately fired, but Nathaniel was unmoved by her words. Instead, he stood with his hands in his pocket as he gazed at her standing in frustration.

"Let me inform your creditors that you're here! Thank Goodness I'm not part of the many people that lent you money," she scoffed and turned to Maggie, who was standing by the wall, with a bucket of water and a mop stick in her hand.

"Hey! You, come here!" She hissed. Without hesitating, Maggie hurried to where she stood with her head bowed

"Give the bucket to this peasant to mop the floors and call me the gentlemen and lady that came here looking for Nathaniel. You know them, right?" Mrs. Sterling asked.

"Yes ma'am," Maggie seemed scared, but she didn't frown at any instruction she was given because of the fear of losing her job

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