A new twist

"Who are these men?" Mr. Martin asked, confused. Nathaniel gave the phone back to one of his bodyguards before turning to Martin.

"Who they are isn't important. The question should be who I am and what I can now do to you and this your small cafe," Nathaniel paused and dusted the collar of their shirt while trying to straighten it

"There's no need to fire me, Mr. Martin. I came here to resign," Nathanial laughed. He gritted his teeth, trying to surpass his anger when he took his phone out of his pocket, "Have a nice day Mr. Martin, I no longer work for you" He said and turned to leave, getting tired of the drama when he had bigger fish to fry.

"Wait! You're not going to beg me? Without this job you'll be penny less and end up dying in hunger and starvation because no one around here will hire you," Mr. Martin said, showing how stunned he was by Nathaniel's outburst of resigning instead of begging

"Why is that so? James also asked them not to hire me?" Nathaniel inquired

"Yes, that's r
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