Almighty Nathaniel Mickelson Rise To Power
Almighty Nathaniel Mickelson Rise To Power
Author: Pseudonym omoye
Chapter 1: Worst day

“Be fast, I have somewhere important to be!” Nathaniel’s voice rang through the room. He was waiting outside the Manager’s office and was growing impatient by how slowly the cleaner swept the office.

It was a small pizza store, and he worked there as a delivery man.

“Will you stop shouting? I wasn’t going to sleep here!” A tanned-skinned girl walked out of the Manager’s office.

“Get lost, Maggie!” Nathaniel said before walking away from where she stood. Maggie works here as a cleaner and for the past 30 minutes, she has been cleaning the Manager’s office, so he had to wait outside for her to finish before he could go in.

He walked into the Manager’s office and stood just beside the desk. “Good....”

“Take it and get out! I’m busy” He caught Nathaniel off. His dirty blonde hair fell on his face and he didn’t fail to show how irritated he was by Nathaniel’s presence.

Nathaniel stretched his hand and picked the dollar notes from the table. As he counted it, a small frown appeared on his face, “it’s not complete, sir Martins” He said, causing the manager to grow angry.

“What do you mean? How much do you have there?” Martins asked and arched his brows.

“It’s 70 bucks, it’s not even up to half of my payment,” Nathaniel complained but Martins didn’t care about Nathaniel so he responded harshly

“That’s what you’re being paid today! Get out of my office before I change my mind and not pay you at all” He paused and shifted his gaze away from his laptop to Nathaniel, “See... It’s not like anyone would employ someone like you! Just be grateful and walk out of my office” Nathaniel felt his heart sink. He felt dumbfounded because he had already budgeted his payment for a diamond necklace that he promised his wife.

He walked out of Martin’s office with his eyes on the ground.

“Hey! What’s wrong?” Maggie, the annoying cleaner, yelled as she caught sight of him walking towards the exit of the shop.

Nathaniel completely ignored her and exited the shop. He hopped on his bike and drove toward the shop, where he spotted the necklace

The heavy rain that had just subsided drenched the street road. Most people wore raincoats, and some had an umbrella, but none of that concerned Nathaniel at the moment. His only worry was how to get Lindsey the diamond necklace that he promised her.

He stopped at the shop and packed his bike by the corner. His eyes instantly fell on the necklace and earrings that Lindsey had been wishing for.

He hurried into the store and emptied his account to get it for her. With a satisfactory smile on his face, he exited the shop and quickly rode to the small mansion where they both lived

Lindsey's father left his wealth for Lindsey before he died on the condition that she found a responsible suitor to marry. Luckily, she picked him from the gutters to be her husband just because of her father's wealth.

He got to the mansion and arched his brows, feeling completely confused, as he could hear the loud sound of music coming from the mansion. She clearly said that she wasn’t going to throw a party.

He didn’t ponder on the matter for long before he placed his hand on the doorknob to open the door

The deafening sound of music hit his ears as he looked around the room for Lindsey. He took a few steps closer to the center of the room where a few people were dancing and, surprisingly, his eyes fell on Lindsey.

She wasn’t just standing there alone, but she was in the arms of another man, kissing him with her hands on his chest

He was dumbfounded. For a moment, everything paused. Lindsey’s friends gawked at him as if he was a peasant

“What is he even doing here? Isn’t he ashamed of himself?”

“Gosh! Look at what he’s wearing”

“I don’t know what Lindsey saw in him in the first place. To even think that they have been married for three years now”

As if seeing his wife rock another man wasn't enough, the hateful words from her friends fell in his ear.

He wanted to punch the man in the face. His heart arched at the sight of her with another man. But he just remained rooted to the floor.

The feeling of betrayal filled his guts, and he clutched his fingers into a fist before screaming her name, “Lindsey!!!”

Lindsey, who wasn’t aware of Nathaniel’s presence, quickly turned to face him. She quickly composed herself and straightened her dress.

“I can’t believe any of this!” His voice sounded like a whisper, she barely heard him

“Hey! If you’re going to talk, then at least talk with boldness and not like the poor man that you are!” a blonde-haired girl said from the small crowd. Nathaniel recognized the girl to be Lindsey’s best friend. He ignored her and shifted his gaze back to Lindsey.

She was wearing a purple dress that showed her breast area and the length of the gown barely got to her knee. It was so short that one would mistake her to be a stripper.

Lindsey cleared her throat and blinked her eyes a few times before she said, “You shouldn’t be here! I....”

“You what? You’re cheating on me?” Nathaniel cut her off before she could even complete her words. He was feeling disappointed.

"You shouldn't be home now. You're supposed to be working," Lindsey said. She tried to remain composed, but she couldn't.

Ignoring her, Nathaniel turned to the man whom his wife was rocking, and he scoffed. "You're so unbelievable! I came here with the necklace that you've always wanted to surprise you, but instead, you surprised me"

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