Chapter 9: Little bet

Danielle eyes widened in shock, but as she opened her mouth to speak, Thelma stopped her. "I think it's enough for you Madam! Leave this restaurant or I'll have the security man throw you out!" Thelma said in a rage.

"But... But..." Danielle stuttered.

"Take her out!" Thelma turned to the security man and instructed. The man immediately pulled her hand abruptly and started dragging her towards the door

"Hold on, I'm not done yet," Nathaniel uttered with a smirk on his face

"You heard our master. Hold on," Thelma said, causing the man to let go of Danielle's hand. Danielle straightened her dress in anger. "What lie did you tell them, huh? Why are they calling you young master when you're just a..."

"Hey! That's enough, Danielle!" Nathaniel stopped her from completing her sentence.

"I didn't ask him to let go of you to insult me. Like I said, I have a question!" Danielle was feeling uncomfortable. She didn't want to let her guard down in front of Nathaniel so she cleared her throat an
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