The Unrivaled Dragon Lord

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The Unrivaled Dragon Lord

By: MbC Updated just nowUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 18 views: 95

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Being the son in law of the Wayne’s family, Green never complained when he’s being sent on errands nor starved. He was diligent in his duty, even though it was tiring. After his wife was chosen as the right candidate to be the executive director of zenith’s group which worth trillions of dollars, she chose to go one with a divorce so as not to be seen with Green all the time and also to save her face, making Green fell like all the love and care which he showed her were just piece of cake. ~~~ “So, are you ready to claim the trillions of dollar zenith group and also other multi billion dollar groups your father left behind?” “Yes!” “Are you ready to be called, Dragon Lord Green. The fiercest, Excessively rich god, and king of Galaxy nation?” “The dragon lord is hungry for revenge.” It’s showtime!

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18 chapters
Chapter 1
At the button city round about. There was a fight seen between the city protectors and also the city’s enemies. The protectors were the captain of the northern provinces and also an assitant who seem to be a woman. “You people think you can just come in here and then do as you like? Remember you’ve been banned from entering this city thesame way your grand fathers were chased and some of them killed by the dragon lord. So, do yourself good and go back to where you came from before someone mistakenly alerts the dragon lord and he’s back here,”Captain Jake, the northern captain spoke out fiercely. “Haha. Dare to still try and call the dragon lord in front of us? Still want to die early?” The evil magician laugh heartily. Ever since the dragon lord disappearance, they haven’t heard of anything and continued doing their task by destroying some part of the city so that they can fully take over and their leader would then climb the throne of the dragon lord.“Yeah why wouldn’t he ment
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Chapter 2
The four city enemies rushed the young man altogether so they could end the scene once and for all but were stopped with a stamp from the young man’s feet making all of them fall to the floor. Their hands on their chest as they coughed out blood.They noticed a shining dragon tattoo on the young man’s chest and immediately shouted.“The dragon lord!”Trying to save themselves before it’s late, they disappeared, leaving only the captain as well as they assistant on the floor, lying helpless. When captain Jake heard the word dragon lord, his eyes shifted to his chest too and he immediately captured the sight of the dragon figure before it wasn’t visible anymore. “Damn! It’s true. He’s the dragon lord!” He said and the assistant could hear him clearly.“Captain, are you sure of what you’re saying?” She asked.“Yes, 100 percent. Quickly get me to my feet. I need to pay respect to whom respect is due,” he said and immediately the assistant got him to his feet. He quickly went to the di
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Chapter 3
Lady Elizabeth got more angrier when she saw the picture and slapped Green fiercely on the face again. She didn’t even wait for green to start explaining himself. It was just a mere picture of Green saving a woman from being hit by a car, but lady Elizabeth reasoned it in another perspective thinking it was one of his hoes he stays with outside.“I believe he’s been doing this kind of stuffs with people outside. At this point I don’t think he’s fit to be called a family of ours. He should pack his bag and leave,” Austin said. “Watch your tongue man, I’ve got nothing to do with anyone outside there. I only love Jennifer and no one else. That picture was just me saving a poor girl from the road,” Green said defensively. He didn’t want Jennifer to reason all that Austin had been saying. Ever since they were married he has been faithful and he’s never ever approached any woman for a link up even though he had those attractive looks and also sexy body. “Keep that love to yourself Green,
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Chapter 4
12:00 am.Midnight restaurant.The door to the resturant was pushed open as a hungry green stepped in heading to the counter.“Pls, what do you guys have to offer?” he asked as his belly growled. He hadn’t taken any meal for a whole day and was punished by his mother in law. He didn’t even get the chance to have a taste of the food which he prepared at home.“Pasta and sausages.” The waiter replied. “Get me two plates please,” he said in a low tone. His belly growling the more.The waiter immediately got the two plates of pasta and sausages coupled with a bottle of water And presented it in front of green.“Here’s your order. Your bill is 10 dollars,” she said.Okay,” green dipped his hands inside his back pocket to bring out the 10 dollar note. he then handed it to the waiter at the counter before carrying his order to a table not far from the counter.Seating down on the table. He pounced on the food aggressively, finishing the first plate within a few minutes. This got people aro
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Chapter 5
“Young man you claim to act big in front of our master? Let me show you what happens to offenders who does that.”One of the men in the middle moved foward, reaching to where Green was seated. Green was still having his meal, not even looking up to see the angry and determined man approaching him with a rod. Once he reached the table, he tried swinging the rod, targeting Green’s neck. But green noticed his movement already and poured the cup of pepper juice on his face. Hitting the man with the table his order was placed, he fell to the ground yelling.“My eyes, aah.”Green just took his handkerchief from the table, wiping his mouth and drinking the orange juice he said. “You’re trying to prove stubborn, huh? I believe this is one of your strongest men. He doesn’t even have the courage to get close to me. Imagine just finishing one of your men with just a pepper juice and a hit from the table? That proves the rest wouldn’t take me much time to handle then.”He stood up and headed
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Chapter 6
Green threw the spanner which hit the midnight beast hand, making him loose hold of the gun he was holding.“Ouch,” he screamed in pain, holding his middle finger which looked dislocated already, from the spanner hit.The old woman then sneaked out of the midnight beast hold, rushing to a dark area where she could hide for safety. “You thought you were wise Huh? You thought you could just lure me into your trap. Well sorry to say, I calculated my plan before you executed yours.”Just when the midnight beast was about picking up the pistol and shooting Green with his left hand, Green threw the scissors towards his direction , taking out his head immediately.“What the hell.”The old man said in awe. He couldn’t believe his eyes. Just some minutes ago they was tension everywhere with the fate of their survival resting on the young man’s shoulders, now it turns out that he took out the midnight beast in some seconds? This is unbelievable.The guest who were initially afraid and hiding
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Chapter 7
The middle aged man smelt the content being poured on his cloth and cursed. “Who’s that idiot who have the nerves to do this?” He looked up, giving deadly stares to all the guest present. The guest being scared of their lives didn’t want to be killed or dealt with so they immediately pointed at the bare chested Green who was untop the table with a drink to his right hand. “Me? Come on,” he said under the influence of alcohol. “ I never wished for it to get to your direction, now let’s go on with the party!!!”He continued dancing top of the table, and the other guest could only watched as he displayed his madness in front of everybody. “Get that bastard for me!” The middle aged man ordered his men to get Green, and the men not wanting to anger him the more immediatley rushed and brought green down from the table, twisting his hands to the back. “You guys should better leave me, you wouldn’t like what I’d do to you if I get angry enough,” he roared.The men just took green and brou
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Chapter 8
Green couldn't bear hearing the name Alexander, Alexander being mentioned by me Jonathan. Earlier when he was trying to save the poor captain make, he mentioned something about the Alexander lineage and also told him he was their heir. “I hate it when this Alexander’s name is being mentioned. I Don’t even know what you are saying,” he put on his pants.“He's your father my lord. He's the man who gave birth to you. But he's no more that’s why you can't be able to reach out to him,” Mr. Jonathan bowed his head saying the last words slowly. He really missed lord Alexander.“Hey, let me tell you. I Don’t fucking want to know anything about this Alexander or want to see him. Let him go to hell, I don’t care. I’ve been disturbed by different paying saying different things about me. All those sounds like trash. I was brought up in an orphanage, that’s all you need to know.”Green tried leaving the room, not wanting to engage in any sort of arguement with mr Jonathan. He was sick and trie
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Chapter 9
It’s been three days since the appointment of Jennifer as the candidate to take the office of the executive director of the zenith group. The members of the Wayne family couldn’t express those joy. For over three weeks they applied for the office with no reply. They had initially lost hope that they wouldn’t even be given a job at the zenith group.“I can’t wait to be able to afford the Lamborghini I’ve been dreaming all night about,” Austin said with excitement.He has been dreaming all his life to get a Lamborghini for himself so he could ride all day. He wanted to use it and attract the kind of girls he wants and also feel big like the rest of his mates.“Don’t worry son, you’re gonna get that once the deed is done,” lady Elizabeth replied, placing, assuring him with her hands gently placed on his shoulders.Green stood close to the living room, hearing everything they were saying. He never knew that Mr Jonathan really got the job done for Jennifer and he felt sorry for doubting
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Chapter 10
Who would ever believe Green would receive a divorce later today?Who would believe that after all he had done for Jennifer , he would use this way to repay him?Green’s heart sank as he still stared at the letter. “What we’re you expecting before? An anniversary letter?” Lady Elizabeth and Austin both laughed heartily.“He thought he’d be given an anniversary letter for staying with Jennifer not up to ten years. Poor useless brother in law,” he insulted.“You see boy,” lady Elisabeth lit a cigeratte she retrieved from her bag, “ Jennifer ain’t your mate anymore. You’re below her standards and the position which would soon be given to her is not some kind of joke, so she chose to go on with the divorce decision.” She put the cigeratte in her mouth. Taking the cigarette in, she puffed some smokes out of her mouth, dancing slowly with the movement of the smoke.“Yeah Green. You’re not her type anymore. Don’t even dream of you staying in this house from today. All you have to do is si
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