Chapter 10

Who would ever believe Green would receive a divorce later today?

Who would  believe that after all he had done for Jennifer , he would use this way to repay him?

Green’s heart sank as he still stared at the letter. 

“What we’re you expecting  before? An anniversary letter?” Lady Elizabeth and Austin both laughed heartily.

“He thought he’d be given an anniversary letter for staying with Jennifer not up to ten years. Poor useless brother in law,” he insulted.

“You see boy,” lady Elisabeth lit a cigeratte she retrieved from her bag, “ Jennifer ain’t your mate anymore. You’re below her standards and the position which would soon be given to her is not some kind of joke, so she chose to go on with the divorce decision.” She put the cigeratte in her mouth. Taking the cigarette in, she puffed some smokes out of her mouth, dancing slowly with the movement of the smoke.

“Yeah Green. You’re not her type anymore. Don’t even dream of you staying in this house from today. All you have to do is sign the divorce papers  and leave this building.” Austin yelled.

“Wait, but where’s Jennifer. Can I talk to her?” He asked.

“You still want to talk to her? haven’t I told you that she doesn’t want to talk to you anymore? Are you trying to beg her?” Lady Elizabeth raised three questions on Green.

“So I would know the reason for the divorce because I don’t think I’m at fault here.” He responded.

“Oh, you want me to explain things to you right? Hold on while I call her.”

Lady Elizabeth picked up the her  phone, she dailed Jennifer’s number and the call went through. There was screams coming from the phone with a man’s voice also being heated from the phone.

“Mum, what is it?” She asked lady Elizabeth.

“Oh your Good and loving husband here wants to ask you some questions,”Lady Elizebeth replied.

“So you’re married?” The man asked Jennifer and they could hear it clearly through the phone.

“No, I’m not married it’s just a stinky smelly rat whom my mum always addresses as my husband.”

“Oh, okay, let’s continue what we’re doing then,”  he said.

“Okay baby.”


Green dragged the phone out of lady Elizabeth’s hold which left her dazed at first but she chose to keep calm so that he would hear what her daughter had to say.

“Jennifer,it’s me Green.”

“Who are you? And, why are you with my mums phone?” Jennifer asked coldly.

“It’s Green. Your husband. Pls tell me those divorce papers  aren’t true. Pls I need to know.”

“Give me a second,” Jennifer asked for permission to settle things with Green and go back to have fun with her man.

“Yes it’s true Green. I’ve chosen to end things with you. You haven’t given me a better life since we married.”

“What are you talking about Jennifer? I’ve always provided for you. I always gave you gifts on your birthday. Even when you needed money the most I always find a way to give it to you.”

“Those cheap gifts I can even tell my boyfriend here to get it in million folds a throw at your site? What are you saying?”

Green was struck by lightening at that moment. She already had a boyfriend whom she’s having fun with there?

“So you have a boyfriend?”

“Yeah and he’s better than you in all aspects, even on bed.”

“she's going to be the director of zenith’s group moron. Don’t waste your time talking to her,” lady Elizabeth laughed taking a drag of her cigarette the more.

“Wait Jennifer don’t tell me it's because of the recent position you got in the zenith’s group that's making you divorce me too.”

“Yes it's one of the reasons. I can’t stand being the director and then I’m being married to a scumbag like you. We have to divorce and you have to sign those papers really quick.”  She ran off to meet her boyfriend and continue to have their fun.

The phone got disconnected with Green handing over the phone to his mother in law, lady Elizabeth.

“Now you’ve heard from her. Do good by signing the files and using your wings to leave this house,” Austin sneered. 

Green had already been through a lot today. He never knew his wife would also say those kind of words to him and also have a boyfriend whom she always spend time with outside. Thesame family whom ridiculed him anytime he keeps late night still accommodates Jennifer’s dirty behaviour of sleeping with another man outside apart from her husband.

This is not the kind of family he dreamed of spending the rest of his life with. He picked the pen full of resilience and determination:  He was not the kind of person that would cry Because of what happened although he was angry.

“If I sign this documents, it means only one thing. You’re going to regret this decision which you all have maid.” He said sternly.

“Who are you to tell us what we’d regret and what not to. Just sign the fucking documents and leave my house once and for all,” the old lady shouted.

Green signed the documents immediatley and handed it over to the old lady. He didn’t have much properties so he chose packed his office equipments and also his few clothes. 

Heading down the stairs.

“Hope you didn’t take any of my daughter’s property or money,” the old lady asked.

“Why would I? What money does she have that I’d want  to take?” Green said coldly.

“I see you’ve started developing horns infront of your own mother.” Austin said.

“She’s not my mother and can never be after what she did today,” Green said coldly.

Green left the building after closing the door behind him. He pulled out his phone land wasted no time daklimg Mr Jonathan’s number.

The call went through.

“Oh My lord, you called,” Mr Jonathan said happily over the phone.

“Yeah, just Got divorced,” He blurted out.

“What? Who dares to divorce such priceless figure? Isn’t though scared out dying?” Mr Jonathan roared.

“It’s Becuse of the fucking Job and hope you gave those lunatics, that’s why they had the guts to throw me out of thier house.”

“So, are you ready to claim the trillions of dollar zenith group and also other multi billion dollar groups your father left behind?”


“Are you ready to be called, Dragon Lord Green. The fiercest, Excessively rich god, and king of Galaxy nation?”

“The dragon is hungry  for revenge.”

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