Chapter 9

It’s been three days since the appointment of Jennifer as the candidate to take the office of the executive director  of the zenith group.  The members of the Wayne family couldn’t express those joy. For over three weeks they applied for the office with no reply. 

They had initially lost hope that they wouldn’t even be given a job at the zenith group.

“I can’t wait to be able to afford the Lamborghini I’ve been dreaming all night about,” Austin said with excitement.

He has been dreaming all his life to get a Lamborghini for himself so he could ride all day. He wanted to use it and attract the kind of girls he wants and also feel big like the rest of his mates.

“Don’t worry son, you’re gonna get that once the deed is done,” lady Elizabeth replied, placing, assuring him with her hands gently placed on his shoulders.

Green stood close to the living room, hearing everything they were saying. He never knew that Mr Jonathan really got the job done for Jennifer and he felt sorry for doubting his ability at first. That means some things he said about his father might be true. 

He planned to pay him a visit and learn more about his identity.

“Where’s that son of a bitch?” Lady Elizabeth asked, shouting top of her voice.

Green jolted out of his reverie and rushed to the living room. “Yes, mum,” he said.

“Don’t call me mum. I’ve warned you countless of times.”

“Now get me the monster wine I dropped in the fridge some days ago. Put them in a tray,” she instructed and Green immediately obeyed 

 “And don’t forget to add the glass cup else you want to face my wrath.”

Green immediately took the  chilly monster wine from the fridge, carrying the glass cups, he gently placed them inside the tray and dropped them in the living room.

“Atleast he obeyed.” Austin sneered.

“He doesn’t have a right to disobey. Isn’t he sacred of death?” Lady Elizabeth said sarcastically, giving Green a deadly glare.

“Now leave my presence before I give you extra task to do.” She said and Austin could only laugh as he left her sight.

“Mum, try to take it easy on him,” he laughed, patting his mum on her shoulders.

“Easy? He’s very close to living this house. He doesn’t serve any purpose in this family.”


At work.

Green just finished fixing a computer machine; alongside his colleague,  for one of their client. They went straight to a nearby restaurant to chill for a moment before going back home.

“Mehn Green, you wouldn't believe it.”

“What happens?” Green asked.

“I've  just been having the best time of my life with my family.” his colleague smiled.

His colleague name was David. David had been working alongside with Green for a long time and they seem to be a very good click. Going on job call and completing tasks for their clients with good and positive review. 

“Oh, nice,” Green commented.

“Yeah. My mother in law isn't harsh as she used to be before. She treats me nicely and also takes care of my me now, not like before when she treats me like a scumbag,” he said.

“Well, good to know.” 

Green could only sigh after listening to what David had to say.

David could see the sad look on Green’s face after he talked about his family and cared to ask. “What about yours Green?”

“She still thesame , David. Still arrogant, neve caring and doesn’t treat me like her own. She doesn’t even consider me as her son in law. She only needs me when she wants someone to run errands for her,” he replied.

“Oh, that's bad. I'm sorry. I pray she changes.

Green could only reply Amen to that statement. 

He would be very happy the day his Mother in law would accept him as ome of their own. 

“Quickly let’s finish our order and head home. We have a big day in front of us,” David said.

“So how’s that your project going?” He added.

He tried to change the topic so Green wouldn’t feel sad and after talking for some while, they both went separate  ways.


At home.

Green just layed on the mat which he slept on the floor. Although he was sleeping with Jennifer run same room, he wasn’t given the opportunity to share the bed with him. He kept of recalling what David told him.

Atleast he was happy that David’s family was balanced but he kept on thinking about his own family. No one even dared show him support. No one cared about his movements all they use him for is running of errands. 

Atleast he was done for today:  he had finished serving the Wayne’s their dinner and also some the necessary evening activities. He tired sleeping when’s kick  landed on the door, making his eyes open again.

“Your presence is needed in the living room,” the voice said.

Green thought for a while what their reasons for inviting him to the living room would be, but instead of wasting their time and making his arrogant mother in law to approach him still on the mat in the living room, he had to stand up and head quickly.

While heading to the living room, from the stairs he saw everyone seated and their face quiet. His nervousness grew. Where they trying to suprise him with a gift or what?

He tried to shrug that thought of Becuse he knew quiet well it’s not possible. 

“Have a seat,” his mother in law said politely, which stunned him the more. His mother was never calm when talking to someone like him.

He took a seat still anxious about what was going on till a paper was dropped right in front of him. He looked at his mother in law who still stared at him back without blinking her eyes. 

“What are these papers?” He asked.

“Go through them,” she gave him a sounding reply and he picked up the document, glancing through it without wasting her time. 

“Divorce papers?” 

His heart sank.

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