Chapter 8

Green couldn't bear hearing the name Alexander, Alexander being mentioned by me Jonathan. Earlier when he was trying to save the poor captain make, he mentioned something about the Alexander lineage and also told him he was their heir.  

“I hate it when this Alexander’s name is being mentioned. I Don’t even know what you are saying,” he put on his pants.

“He's your father my lord. He's the man who gave  birth to you. But he's no more that’s why you can't be able to reach out to him,” Mr. Jonathan bowed his head saying the last words slowly. 

He really missed lord Alexander.

“Hey, let me tell you. I Don’t fucking want to know anything about this Alexander or want to see him. Let him go to hell, I don’t care. I’ve been disturbed by different paying saying different things about me. All those sounds like trash. I was brought up in an orphanage, that’s all you need to know.”

Green tried leaving the room, not wanting to engage in any sort of arguement with mr Jonathan. He was sick and tried and wanted to start killing anyone who tries mentioning the name Alexander in his sight. He took his working tools too which they had brought with them coming home. 

“You haven’t taken your tea, master,” Mr. Jonathan said.

“You can have it, I’m not hungry. Where’s my motorcycle?” He asked.

“Oh it's down stairs. It's been washed and neatly parked at the garage. You can just ask one of the men outside to get it out for you.”

Green immediately went down the stairs, heading to the front of the building, he asked one of the men who looked focused guarding the house.

“I need my bike, quickly get it for me,” he said authoritatively.

“Okay master.”

The men immediately rushed towards to garage to get the bike because Mr. Jonathan had instructed them to follow Green’s orders due to he was the lost son of Alexander. Even though Green was still okay with the way he was being respected, he was pissed with them calling him master.

His electric motorcycle was immediately brought to his sight and turned on by the masked man.

Green got on the bike and was about leaving the mansion when Mr Jonathan stopped him.

“Atleast, Let me be of help my lord. Where do you live?  and , what’s your wife’s name and job status?” He hurriedly asked.

“I leave in apple streets. My wife name is Jennifer Wayne. She  works in a restaurant as their manager. What else do you want to know?” 

“Have she ever applied for a position at the zenith’s group? There’s still and empty slot. Just trying to ask if she’s among.”

“Yeah, she did. What do you plan of doing now that you know?”

“I will talk to the assitant Chairman to appoint her as the rightful candidate who’s going to become the executive director of zenith’s group. It’s like I’ve came across that name while scrolling through the list of candidates.”

“Funny you, how do you plan on doing that?” Green asked while laughing.

Although he knew that his wife had applied for that particular post for some weeks now without reply, he didn’t think Mr Jonathan was capable of just placing a call and making things happen in some minutes.

“ I need to go, when you’re done playing your jokes, go to your room and stare at how stupid you are,” he said sarcastically, leaving the mansion that instant.

Mr Jonathan trying to impress Green and show him he was capable of carrying out they task took out his phone and dailed lady Esther’s number.


“Good morning Mr Jonathan,” Esther greeted.

“Same to you Esther. How's the office affairs going?” he asked.

“Very well sir.”

“What do Mr Jonathan want me to do for him this morning?” she asked.

“Oh, it's just a little task. I believe there’s someone with the name Jennifer Wayne who applied for the office of executive director?” he asked.

“Oh yes. I was just going through the names now, and I found out that she's even married to someone named Mr Green.”

“Yeah, that’s true. I want you to appoint her  as the rightful candidate, sending her an email to get prepared that the date of the appointment would be communicated to her.” He ordered.

“Okay sir, I’d do just that immediately,” she responded.


The call got disconnected with Mr Jonathan putting the phone back in his pocket. He then sighed after that.

“Even though it’s to fight with my last breathe, i’s make sure I protect your son, Lord Alexander.” He said.

“Sir what do you expect we do with him?” one of his men asked, referring to Green by the way.

“Keep an eye on him, watch his movements too.”


Green reached home parking his bike in the front on the building, trying to get in he could hear noises coming from the building.

“Oh my God sis, you successfully did it.”

“She successfully became the lucky candidate.”

“How did you pull it off Jennifer?”

He drew closely to her what they were saying but it was pointless due to there was different people throwing questions at Jennifer and he wasn’t able to grab one.

When he opened the door and got in, the whole crowd inside were silent as an owl. As if nothing had been happening while he was outside.

“Why are you coming back by this time? And , where did you pass the night?” His mother in law, lady Elizabeth asked after a long silence between the crowd.

“One of my colleagues house,” he replied.

“Stupid boy, so you had the guts to sleep outside instead of staying with your wife and apologizing?” 

Green was stunned for a moment, wasn’t she the one who ordered him to sleep outside after spilling soup on them while at the dinning table? Why is she now yelling at him?

“You asks me to..”

“Quickly go and start cleaning the whole house and take care of the kitchen too. We need to have our breakfast before going out to work. We aren’t lazy li me you,” she said contemptuously.

Green left the crowd, heading upstairs to change and begin his morning duty.

Just the! Lady Elizabeth called Jennifer close to her, drawing her ear foward, she spoke slowly  into it.

“You need to divorce him at this point.”

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