Chapter 11

“Be here in the next 5 minutes to pick me else!” Green said authoritatively over the phone.

“Okay I’ll be there as fast as i-.”

He didn’t wait for Mr Jonathan to conclude what he was saying before he ended the call. 

The weather as of that evening was cloudy with thunderstorms. A sign that it would soon be raining. Green just hoped that Mr Jonathan would be there on time else he was going to turn down their offer of accepting to be the dragon lord. 

Soon enough, after like 2-3 minutes of waiting, a black rolls-Royce phantom stopped in front of Green. The passenger door opened and coming down from the car was a middle-aged man dressed in an expensive Italian suite. 

“It’s good to see you again, Lord Green!” He bowed after approaching Green.

“I don’t want to stay here any longer, let’s better be going before my anger grows the more!” The anger was evident in greens voice but he chose not to raise it any further to attract neighbours coming outside.

“Okay, Master!”

Mr Jonathan hurriedly opened the back seat for Green to enter, and closed it after he did.


On their way going, Mr Jonathan looked through the rear view to check on Green. The right hand of Green was placed on his chin while his eyebrows squeezed as he looked to the side of the window. He quickly remembered what Green said happened to him while they were calling.

“I'm sorry for what happens to you earlier, Master. If there's anything I can do to help you, please just tell me and that I’d do,” He said.

“No! No!” Green waved his hand in disapproval.

“Jennifer chose the path which she thinks was right for her. Jennifer and her mother are so blind and they didn't think twice before trying to let me go.”

“I'm going to make them pay, and i’ll make it a continuous suffering until they know who they've messed with.”

Green made sure he told them what was coming for them on time before leaving their house. He never knew his wife would be so blind to follow another man, even after it was through him that she got that job of hers. Untop of that, she was even having an erotic time with him while talking to Green, making Green more aggrieved. 

He couldn’t say with an adulterer when he himself isn’t one so he chose to sign the divorce papers and leave the house. 

“They will pay for what they’ve one, One by One. They’ve regret their actions in the past, they’d wish none of this ever happened and would beg me for mercy!”


Soon the Rolls-Royce arrived at an extravagant villa which was mounted with security guards at every corner. Green had already been to the villa before that night he was drunk, so it wasn’t like a new place to him that much.  But something was fishy- it was like an event was about to happen, and he wasn’t told about it before coming there.

The car stopped in front of a tall building decorated with flowers and also a red carpet from the main door of the building to where the car halted.

My Jonathan came down from the car, Opening the back door, he directed Green to proceed to the door. Green came down from the car, spinning around and trying to fathom what was going on. He even looked at Mr Jonathan with the “what’s going on?” Look but Mr  Jonathan hurriedly left him and went through the back door without a reply.

Green then proceeded to the main door, after being left unanswered by both the security guards and also Mr Jonathan. On reaching there, he held the door handle and pushed the door open only to be blown away with the sounds of party poppers and the whole people present bowing in front  of  him and saying - “Welcome back Young Master!” .

The sercutiy guards outside too held their guns and shot several bullets in  the air, A sign that a god is present in their midst. 

Green was mouth shut. He didn’t know of what to say, and so the crowd present kept mute, waiting to hear his voice  while he  walked to where Mr Jonathan was standing.

“What didn’t you tell me about all these arrangements while I was coming in?” He said in a low tone.

“It’s a suprise young master, you weren’t supposed to know,” he sneered and then walked to the main view-where everyone could see him.

“Alright everyone, Young master here’s kind of busy and we would do the introduction somoyher time, as of now, go back to your respected offices,” He ordered, and they wasted no time in doing so.

“Let’s proceed to your room young master, I presume and you’d like to rest and prepare for what tomorrow has to offer.” Mr Jonathan gestured for Green to follow. 


Green was showed his room and brought his few luggage as in. The room happened to be his late father’s room.

The room was calm and comfortable.  A glass door opposite the bed side, If not close. Outside the window was a nice view with a telescope kept to one side Incase someone’s planning on viewing something. Flowers decorated the four corners of the the terrace. Green just glided his fingers on the flowers and brought one closer to his nose, taking in every scent that came out of it.

After he was done taking in the fresh scent, he went inside and changed to his towel to take his bathe, when he came across and part of the wall that has a door kind of shape.

“What’s that?” 

His curiosity crept in as he made way to the door like path and try to open it, but will be left dumbfounded when a face scanner would appear from no where and scan his face saying- “welcome Mr Green to Your dad’s private library!”

“What’s in here?” He walked in, as the door path closed behind him.

Who knows the reason behind a private library been built inside his dad’s room?


Dear readers, this is my first work on meganovel. Apologies if it’s not up to your taste but I will make sure to improve more and make the story more interesting. Thanks

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