Chapter 12

As Green moved deeper  into the secret library his curiosity grew more and more. He wanted to know what secret lie inside the library that it wasn't been built outside the too.

Not until a knock could be beard from the door of his dad’s room- His new room.

He halted, “ Who's there?” He asked, not making any more move into the library.

“Master, Captain jake  is here. He said he wants to see you,” Ome of the security guards responded.

“Okay, tell him i’d join him soon.” Green responded.

“Alright, master.” The guard answered as he made his way back to his normal position. 

“I guess i’d have to know what's in here another time,” Grren sighed as he made his way outside the secret library.

Even though he didn’t have idea about why the library was built inside his late dad’s room, one thing was certain- the documents or book stored in there would tell him more about his dad’s kingdom in The heart of Galaxy nation, How’s it’s been operated and also things about the suspects that killed his dad too.

After leaving the secret library, he put on a plane black pants and a white singlet. The white singlet brough out his well built body and also every other sexy feature which a is suppose to have in his body. He proceeded downstairs to meet Captain jake and know his reason for coming.


“Good morning My lord,” Captain jake bowed while showing his respect to Green.

“Enough with all those bowing,” Green said waving his hand in disapproval.

“Get straight to the point, What was your reason for coming here?” Green asked sternly, his gaze fixed on Captain jake.

“My…My lord,” Captain jake stammered. He was afraid of talking because he had doubts that Green would agree to whatever he wants to say.

“Speak up Captain jake!” Green raised his voice. He wasn’t someone to be kept unanswered for too long.

“It’s about your return my lord!” Captain jake said. 

“Now that you've discovered who your biological father is and who you truly are, I was thinking…” He dabbed his face, wondering if what he’d add might sound good to Green’s ears. Green brows creased, as he waited for the final words.

“I was thinking of telling you to get prepared so we could heard to your kingdom and also claim your place back as the supreme. Although that spot hasn’t been taking yet ever since your dad died because we’re still waiting for your return.”

“Hmm,” Green sneered.

“I don’t think this is the right time for me to return either. I have so many things to do out here in Galaxy city and also button city and until I achieve my aim, then I can now think of following you down to Galaxy kingdom,” Green responded.

“My lord! You have everything there in abundance you know, x10 of what you own here is what you own in your kingdom if not more. Why still settle here when you can enjoy the rest of your life at the kingdom?”

“We need you my lord! They’re many enemies who are planning on claiming that throne and abusing the power. They’re just keeping mute because they haven’t received any signal that you’re dead yet. Once they do; they’d strike with full force and claim anything claimable from you.”

Green after processing all what captain jake said kept on smiling and smiling and smiling until his lips grew wider. 

The main thing there was that, ‘so far he’s still alive, they wouldn’t make any move’ That’s to say that they fear him and wouldn’t attack until they’re sure he’s dead.

“My lord, can I give you some time to think about what I’ve said?” Captain jake pleaded.

In the midst of their conversation, the door opened and Mr Jonathan came in.

“Captain Jake, so nice to see you again,” he shook hands with him.

“Yeah, you too Mr Jonathan.”

“So what brings you here this time? You know the last time you were around was when we had issues with the enemies who wanted to destroy this city.”

Captain Jake slowly turned his head, gazing at Green. 

“ And I was the one who saved his life that day,” Green answered.

Jonathan was in suprised.

“So you too have known each other ever since?”

“No, we only met on that day when I was trying to defeat those traitors, and he saved my life and that of my assistant.  It was then I discovered he was the lost son actually.” Captain Jake answered.

“Okay, so what brings you here this time?” Mr Jonathan asked as he went to the mini bar to get a drink and some glass cups.

“I wanted to plead with Master Green here if he could follow me to the kingdom to claim his father’s place,” he answered.

“His dad’s place? But Master here has unfinished businesses.” Mr Jonathan responded as he popped a grape wine open and filled the cups to half, passing each one to the gentle men seated around him.

“What kind of unfinished businesses does he have? I can help him deal with that, and it wouldn’t take long!”


“It doesn’t work that way Captain Jake!” Green said

“You see, I and my wife have broken up due to how foolish her and her family are, and for divorcing me in the most shameful way, I want to repay them back. And I also want to avenge the death of my dad too.”

“I want to find out what happened to him and who are the people behind his death!”

“But master, I can help you solve all of that.”

“Is it the job I have to your wife?”

“I can just make a call now and zenith group would terminate the job offer.”

“Anything master!”

“Just let me help you so that you can come back to Galaxy kingdom.”

“I don’t need anyone to help me. I’m going to do all these myself and also I want to do it gradually. I wouldn’t rush them all at once.”

“Jennifer and her family have to experience the pain and not all once. They have to go through it continuously till I’m done handling them.”

“I contributed to what they’re today. Paid rents and important stuffs with my Job, and this is how they chose to repay me?”

“They’re all going to suffer! Including the murderers of my Dad!”

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