Chapter 13

Green and Captain Jake were on their way to Greenwich restaurant , a restaurant in Galaxy nation which sells the best dishes from each country. Be it China, Taiwan, or any other country from the American continents or Europe. 

Captain Jake brought the idea of eating outside to calm Green’s anger down. Green couldn’t say no, he himself was hungry at that point. 


While watching captain jake turn the steering to  another direction like a pro,  Green questioned, “ What does the Galaxy kingdom look like? And how does it operate?” 

“Well,” Captain Jake sighed. “ Galaxy kingdom is a very big kingdom, Managed by a supreme, who we also address as our King because he’s the almighty. Then we have some selected  heads of families which act as the chiefs, and warlords. Under them too are certain posts assigned to the lower class families.”

“Okay,” Green understood all that he said. Even though they weren't very detailed. He’d get to know more about the kingdom soon, so that he'd know what he's facing before going there.

Not that he was afraid, it was a kind of strategy he would use in knowing his enemies weakness and also knowing how to deal with them after they're being caught.

He had a feeling too that most of the people working for late dad had a hand in his death and he'd dig deep to uncover this hidden mystery.

After a few minutes and it looked like everywhere was calm, Green suddenly asked a question that left captain Jake to stop the car.

“There's a library in my dad’s room,”

“Huh, a library?” 

“Why in your dad’s room? Why not somewhere open?” Captain threw 2 questions at Green. His gaze fixed at the young man, waiting for a response. 

“It's a private library.”

“And I believe I'm the only one who has seen that since I came to that house. I feel that what's inside there can tell me more about this Galaxy kingdom and also people who had a hand in my father’s death, and his enemies." Green responded.

“ I’ll need your help so that I can round up those books or files that are there at once and start with my master plan.” Green said firmly.

“Okay lord green,” Captain jake bowed a little, so his head couldn't hit the steering, “ I'm always at your service,” he concluded.

Green nodded his head slowly, assuring him that he had grasped what he said. The Greenwich restaurant wasn’t that far again. Just a 30 minute drive and they'd be there. 

While increasing the speed of the car, so that Green wouldn't complain of how slow a driver captain is, A black sleek sports car passed in front of them. The dark window of the black car being brought down as one of the individuals in the car brought out a gun and started firing in their direction.

“Get down!”

Pow! Pow!

Green bent his head, and that of the captain made swiftly as the captain held onto the brakes to avoid any accident from happening as he had lost view of his surroundings. 

“Who's that?” Green question coldy.

“I have no idea.” Captain  Jake responded. 

The attack came unexpectedly and they had no idea of who those people were or who was their leader. They kept their head down on the car, not until someone again outside spoke bravely.

“Captain jake. I believe you can hear me…!” He said “Me” playfully, but was still focused on what he had  in hand.

“Who are you?” Captain Jake asked bodly. He had never heard that voice before and didn’t have time to guess. 

“Oh, you don’t need to know who I am, I was just sent to kill you and the other scum at your side.”

Green’s fist tightened as he was addressed as scum by the stranger outside. If he knew who he was, he wouldn’t even dare to attack them, and save his important life.

“I only want your head as proof, Captain Jake!”

“And i’d advise you to get out of here with your crew else, you’d regret what’s gonna happen to you guys,” Green interjected.

He was going to atleast give them a chance to say they were sorry for halting his car and also damaging it all in the name of being sent from God knows who?

But their leader wasn’t given up, the next thing they could hear was:

Crack! Crack!

The sounds of Guns being cracked could be heard outside, followed by the Gun being fired at the car both Green and Captain Jake were in. 

Green anger grew the more, his eyes dark with a murderous glint, The veins on his forehead visible and his blood boiled for vengeance. 

“I believe God gave everyone an ear to listen to instructions  or advice . So let them not blame me for acting mad this time!” Green said angrily.

In a sharp move, he swiftly opened the door beside him and got out. Reaching to the leader of the squad who came to attack him, he landed three hard punches on the man’s face which suddenly blurred his vision and made him fall to the floor.

He brought out a handkerchief and wiped the blood stain on his hand, while the rest of the squad tried to fire him.


“If I was you, I wouldn't make that move except you want to end up like your leader here!” 

Only that statement alone was enough for them to bring their weapon down. Of course, who wants to end up being taken down in a swift move? 

Who was this man actually that could take down their Squad boss and also make them bring down their weapon with just a simple talk?

As these thought ran through their heads, they were also finding an alternative to use and escape because they knew for sure something bad might happen to them if they don’t dance to the tune of the mysterious man in front of them.

Without wasting much time, Green suddenly threw them a question that made them decide their fate in front of him.

“Who is your master?”

Pow! Pow!

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