Teenage Revenge: Rise Of The Disgraced Heir

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Teenage Revenge: Rise Of The Disgraced Heir

By: Morningale Updated just nowUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 11 views: 84

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Following his mother's passing at the age of ten, Ivan became the black sheep of the Langland Family. His Father's Mistress became his Father's new wife and their hidden son became the young Master of the Langland Family. His pretentious stepmother would stop at nothing to tarnish his already ruined image, and his father made no secret of the fact that he did not want him. On his Grandfather's birthday, Ivan was framed by his fiancee who teamed up with his stepmom and stepbrother for rape. That rainy night, Ivan wandered around as he had been abandoned by the whole family. But things took a surprising turn when his mother's father messages him and instantly deposits $1 billion into his account. It was discovered that his mother was the heiress of a secret empire, and Ivan, being the son, would have to succeed his mother as the new heir. For a year, no one heard of him, including his family. But now, he's back. Not as the chubby clumsy Ivan we used to know but a different Ivan who went through a transformation. But what would life be without adversaries? What is life without making his haters lose face? Ivan will have to deal with more than just bullies; he must also figure out what caused his mother's death.

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11 chapters
With sharp gasps for air, Ivan dashed into Langland Mansion. Tears threatened to spill out of his eyes as he struggled to open the gate.“Open the f*cking door, right now! Father!" Ivan screamed, shivering all over.While attempting to open the door, a throng of reporters surrounded him, attacking the young man with their camera flashes.“Ivan Langland, is it true that you've been involved in stealing since you were five? Is it true that you almost killed your brother just at the age of ten?”Ivan shrunk back, trying to get out of their midst. As he pounded on the gate louder, trying to gain entry, his blood boiled with fear and rage. “Open the door for me! It was a trap! I have nothing to do with it!" However, his voice couldn't be heard due to the reporters.“You've been engaged to Dahlia since you two were young, what made you do such horrible things to her?”"Now that you have brought shame upon the entire Langland family, what do you think they will do?""How do you feel being t
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Disappearing from their lives
Ivan didn't know how much he slept but when he woke up, the day was bright. He stood up from the bed, rubbing his eyes groggily. It was very late when he returned to his father's house last night. He took off his drenched clothes and went to bed immediately. Making way to the living room, memories from earlier flooded his brain like a match connecting fire to fire. He took out his phone right away, and to his amazement, the money was still there. Ivan reviewed the messages one more time to make sure he had not missed anything. Interestingly enough, the message included his name, so it can not have been an error. It was getting close to dawn. He went downstairs to see if there was anything to eat because he had not eaten since yesterday. Descending the stairs, he stopped in his tracks when he heard his Father and stepmother's voice. He was the topic of their conversation. "Honey, you do not have to act strange toward him. He is still a teenager and doesn't know what he has don
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Ivan is back
*A Year later* Every student in the hallway was engaged in conversation with one another. It was the beginning of another week. Renowned as the best high school in the city, Rao City High School was attended by the social elite. Some, however, believed it to be an unfair school where wealthy people enjoyed greater privileges than those from lower-class backgrounds. “The school flower just arrived! Clear the way everyone!” Hearing the voice of the popular follower of the school flower, the people in the hall moved to a side, excitement on their faces. Seeing the beauty was what they always pray for. The school flower was not only beautiful, but she was also very nice and made no distinction between the rich and the poor. She cares about everyone. “School Beauty, take the flowers. It represents your beauty.” A girl, around eighteen years old, stepped into the hallway with two girls behind her. She embodied the true meaning of beauty. Her rosy lips, her wavy hair, he
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Classroom A
With both hands in his pockets, Ivan entered the classroom accompanied by his homeroom teacher. The homeroom teacher continued to gaze at him, her lips pressed into an awkward smile.The woman was wondering why it took Ivan so late to return to school. She was a little worried that the boy might not be able to keep up with the rest of the class, even though the senior certificate exam was still several months away.And besides, it is unlikely for a great school like Rao High School to admit a final year student. Not especially into Classroom A! This new student background must be a little more powerful.“Ivan, right? Do not hesitate to ask me anything if you have any difficulty” Miss Clara, the teacher, voiced out as she reached the front of Classroom A. Ivan nodded, a tight smile on his lips. It was obvious to him already that the woman was staring at him more intently than normal.“I will introduce you to your classmates now. They are all nice people, be nice to them, okay?”Ivan g
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Welcome to Classroom A
With shock and sadness written all over her face, Sofia ran to Ivan as soon as he returned to the classroom after finishing the test. The guy ignored her warning not to tamper with Daphne West, despite her warnings.Sofia was sorry for him, believing that he would have to experience what she had.“What are you going to do now, Ivan? Run as fast as you can or leave Classroom A! This class is really not what you think it is” She spoke fast, her voice carrying a hint of nervousness. “Don’t worry about me, Sofia” Ivan waved her words off with his hand. “Just sit and watch perfectly.”Sofia grew increasingly concerned, believing that Ivan was making a concerted effort to keep his cool. She became really restless but could only stop talking when she started receiving weird stares from her classmates. With a smile on his lips, Freddie approached Ivan after Sofia had returned to her seat. He sat on the empty seat that was opposite Ivan.“Just go back to where you’ve been hiding all these ye
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Who is this new guy?
Ivan became popular in the school the next morning as the student who asked Daphne West to kneel down in front of the whole school. The students were all anticipating this and wondered if the spoiled brat of Assemblyman West would really kneel in front of the whole school.The hallway was packed, more so than usual, as everyone awaited the arrival of Daphne West and the boy who had made this seemingly impossible task possible.As Ivan entered the hallway, all eyes were on him but none of the students could voice out what they all wanted to say. They are all afraid that if things later go wrong, Daphne would take it out on all of them. Ivan saw Sofia, unfazed by the stares, he walked towards her. But before he could get to her side, Sofia backed away, disappearing around the corner.Ivan frowned almost immediately.A boy appeared before Ivan with a group of boys behind him. They all wore rough clothes, resembling wealthy vagrants with no sense of style. The boy who appeared to be thei
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Spar with me
Many people had already gathered to watch Dean West demonstrate his skills when Ivan arrived at the field.At the moment, the boy was shirtless, showing off his well-defined abs and muscles while grinning wickedly at the girls who were constantly fangirling over him.Ivan's lips twisted in disgust, watching the scene. As he stopped in his tracks, he felt someone bump into him and it was then he realized that someone was behind him.“Watch where you are going and don't injure yourself" Ivan told Sofia who has been keeping her head down after he beat up those bullies. Ivan has heard a brief anecdote about Sofia's admission to class A. She was the only person in the class with parents from a lower socioeconomic status.Her mother was the cook in Daphne's home, and her father was the gardener. Sofia was able to join Classroom A because of this.“You don't have to do it earlier. They are Dean’s boys and would definitely do something to you” Sofia spoke slowly, avoiding Ivan’s gaze."Worry
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Let's do something about him
Ivan Langland broke Dean West's arm.It wasn’t long before the whole school knew what happened on the field. No one had expected Dean to land in the hospital. However, his injuries were severe, rendering him unable to stand.Surprisingly, it was Ivan who helped him to the infirmary.No one had expected this, considering Dean’s position as the president of the taekwondo club, his numerous awards, and his past representation of the country as a kid.It was difficult to believe Ivan’s single flip had broken Dean's arm and sent him to the hospital.“Are you going to talk to Ivan? I’m quite surprised he has changed,” the curly-haired girl uttered, playfulness flashing in her eyes. “I don’t even know why you pulled that on him a year ago, but if we are serious, he used to be so handsome before high school. He became more handsome after a year, still!”“Shut the f*ck up, Tory! Don’t say anything about what happened a year ago. We promised to keep each other's secrets. Keep my secret away fro
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You are done
Ivan didn’t realize how far Sofia lived from school until he reached her street, and then he understood why she was often looked down upon in class.Sofia tried to stop Ivan, embarrassed, but he couldn’t abandon her, especially with Dahlia potentially causing trouble for the already injured girl.“You can go back now. Thank you for today,” Sofia said softly, trying to dissuade him, but Ivan persisted, thinking she was just being polite.Eventually, they reached a courtyard where an elderly woman stood expectantly. As her eyes met theirs, they brightened with recognition.“I was wondering why you were late. It seems you've brought a friend,” the old woman greeted with a smile.“We had a bit of an incident,” Sofia began, her voice low, making it hard for the old woman to hear.“You're back. Welcome,” the old woman greeted warmly.“Good evening,” Ivan replied politely, releasing Sofia's hand and bowing his head.“How are you? Thank you for escorting Sofia home. She's always afraid of pas
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i will carry out the task
In the small bar, the man sat, facing his desk with an amused expression on his face. “Is the assemblyman playing? He wants us to deal with a high school kid?” The man chuckled and set his phone down on the desk. “I will send someone later to deal with him. Where are the others?”“They went to collect money from those people” One of the men gathered at a corner not far from where their boss sat answered. “They are yet to be back.” “If the parents refuse to pay, the girl should come and start working here. I can’t be lending out money and be going through the stress” The Boss hissed. Soon after, two men with heavily bruised bodies and battered breathing burst through the door. “Boss!” They were gasping for air and writhing in agony. “We…” “What the f*ck!” With a curse, the Boss's shocked eyes grew wide. “What the h*ll is wrong with you guys? Did the SK Gang attack again?! I will make sure to kill their boss this time! Where is Snake?! Is he being held captive by their boss? Get me m
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